101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (2024)

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (1)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None AlternateA General AmberA None AreaA None AirA.ICE General Anti-ice, Anti-icingA.T.I.S None Airbus Technical Information SystemA/BRK General AutobrakeA/C General AircraftA/COLL General Anti-CollisionA/D General Analog/DigitalA/D None Analog to Digital Converter (conversion)A/DC General Analog-to-Digital ConverterA/F None Auto FlightA/G General Air to GroundA/L General AirlineA/N General AlphanumericA/N SIZE None Alpha Numeric SizeA/R None Audio ReproducerA/S None Auto StabilizationA/S General AirspeedA/SKID General Anti-SkidA/STAB General Auto StabilizerA/T None Adjustment/TestA/THR General AutothrustA/XFMR General AutotransformerAA None Arithmetical AverageAA None Airworthiness AuthoritiesAAA None Airworthiness Approval AttestationAAAH None Airbus Approved Abbreviations Handbook

AAC General Airline Administrative CommunicationsAADC None Analog Air Data ComputerAAL None Above Aerodrome LevelAAMG None Airbus Application Management GroupAAP Panels/Display Units Additional Attendant Panel Display units

AAR General Air-to-Air Refueling For MRTT and A400MABBR None AbbreviationABCD None Airbus Collective Data DictionaryABCM None Alternate Brake Control ManifoldABCU General Alternate Braking Control UnitABD General Airbus Directive and ProcedureABDC General Avionics Broadcast Data Collector

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

1/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (2)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

ABEC None Airbus (Beijing) Engineering Centre Company Limited

ABM None AbeamABM General APU Build-up ManualABN None AbnormalABNORM General AbnormalABRN General AirborneABS General Autobrake SystemABS VAL None Absolute ValueABSELV Panels/Display Units Alternate Brake Selector Valve

ABSORB General AbsorberABV General AboveAC General Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning

AC General Alternating CurrentAC None Advisory CircularACARS General Aircraft Communication Addressing and

Reporting SystemACAS None Airborne Collision Avoidance System New form of TCAS to be used

with reduced vertical separation minima.

ACC None Area Control CentreACC Power Plant and APU Active Clearance Control CFMI

ACCEL General Acceleration/AccelerateACCESS None AccessoryACCLRM General AccelerometerACCU General AccumulatorACCUR General AccuracyACD None Airworthiness Certification DossierACD None Airframe Certification DocumentACD General Additional Control DeviceACDB None Aircraft Component Data BaseACE None Altimeter Control EquipmentACE None Airbus Concurrent EngineeringACFT Panels/Display Units Aircraft Display units

ACFU None Aircraft Check Follow UpACG None Aircraft Center of GravityACGS General Aircraft GSM ServerACIA None Asynchronous Communications Interface


Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

2/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (3)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

ACJ None Advisory Circular-JointACK General AcknowledgeACL None Aircraft Configuration ListACM None Aircraft Conversion ManualACM None Abbreviated Component Maintenance

ManualACM None Aircraft Configuration MatrixACM General Air Cycle MachineACMB None Aircraft Configuration Management Board

ACMM General Abbreviated Component Maintenance Manual

ACMM None Aircraft Configuration Meta ModelACMP General Airframe Condition Monitoring Procedure

ACMR General Aircraft Configuration Management Rules

ACMS General Aircraft Condition Monitoring SystemACMT None Aircraft Component Management TeamACN General Aircraft Classification NumberACO None Airworthiness Certification OfficeACOB None Automatic Call Out BoxACOC Power Plant and APU Air Cooled Oil Cooler

ACP None Altimeter Check PointACP General Area Call PanelACP General Audio Control PanelACQ General AcquireACQN General AcquisitionACR General Avionics Communication RouterACRT None Additional Cross Reference TableACS None AccessACS None Alternating Current SupplyACSC General Air Conditioning System ControllerACT General Additional Center TankACT General Active For nav/AP signals onlyACT None ActivityACTD None ActuatedACTG General ActuatingACTIV Panels/Display Units Active

ACTN None ActionACTR General Actuator

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

3/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (4)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

ACTVN General ActivationACTVT General ActivateACU None Antenna Coupler UnitACU General Air Cooling UnitACVR None Alternating Current Voltage RatioAD None AerodromeAD None Airplane DatumAD None Airworthiness DirectiveA-D None Airbus DeutschlandADAM None Airbus Spares Distribution and Materials

SystemADAU None Auxiliary Data Acquisition UnitADB General Area Distribution BoxADB General Airport DataBaseADB None Aeronautical DataBaseADC General Air Data ComputerADC None Airbus Delivery CentreADCL None Airworthiness Directives Compliance List

ADCN General Avionics Data Communication NetworkADCOMS None Advanced Configuration Management

SystemADCSIP None Acceptance and Delivery Customer

Satisfaction Improvement ProgrammeADD General Addition, AdditionalADD None Aircraft Description Data BaseADD None Aircraft Design DeclarationADD BY None Added ByADF General Automatic Direction FinderADG General Air Driven GeneratorADI General Attitude Director IndicatorADIRS General Air Data/Inertial Reference SystemADIRU General Air Data/Inertial Reference UnitADJ None AdjustADJMT None AdjustmentADL None Airborne Data LoaderADL None Aircraft Data LoaderADM General Air Data ModuleADMZ General Aircraft DeMilitarized ZoneADO None Airbus Documentation OfficeADOPT None Airbus Design and Operational Philosophy

in Training

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

4/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (5)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

ADPM General Aircraft Deactivation Procedures ManualADPTN None AdaptationADPTR General AdapterADR None Advisory RouteADR General Air Data ReferenceADRES None Aircraft Documentation Retrieval System

ADRS None AddressADS General Automatic Dependent SurveillanceADS General Air Data SystemADU None Align Display UnitADU General Area Distribution UnitADV General AdvisoryA-E None Airbus EspanaAEB None Airline Engineering BulletinAECMA None The European Association of Aerospace

IndustriesAEDS None Axle Equipment Drive ShaftAEEC None Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee

AERO None Aviation Routine Weather ReportAES General Aircraft Earth StationAESS General Aircraft Environment Surveillance System

AESU General Aircraft Environment Surveillance UnitAEVC General Avionics Equipment Ventilation Computer

AEX None Access AuthorizedAF None DME Arc to Fixed WaypointAF None All FreighterAF General Audio FrequencyAF None Acceptance FlightA-F None Airbus FranceAFB None Antifriction BearingAFC None Automatic Frequency ControlAFCS None Automatic Flight Control SystemAFDX General Avionics Full Duplex Switched EthernetAFECU Panels/Display Units Automatic Fire Extinguishing Control Unit Display units

AFFECTD Panels/Display Units Affected For ECAM messages

AFFIRM Panels/Display Units Affirmative

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

5/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (6)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

AFIS None Airline In Flight Information SystemAFL Panels/Display Units Auto Flush

AFM General Aircraft Flight ManualAFMC General Auxiliary Fuel Management ComputerAFMR Panels/Display Units Airframer

AFN General ATS Facilities NotificationAFR None AirframeAFS General Automatic Flight SystemAFTN None Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication

NetworkAFTR General AfterAFU None Artificial Feel UnitAGB General Accessory GearboxAGB Power Plant and APU Angle Gearbox PW

AGC General Automatic Gain ControlAGC General APU Generator ContactorAGE General Aircraft Ground EquipmentAGG None Airbus General GuideAGL General Above Ground LevelAGMT None AugmentAGP Panels/Display Units Alternate Gauging Processor

AGS Panels/Display Units Air Generation System For BITE messages only

AGU General Air Generation UnitAGW General Actual Gross WeightAH None Ampere HourAHP None Anti-Hijacking PanelAHRS None Attitude and Heading Reference SystemAHRU None Attitude and Heading Reference UnitAI None Anti-IcingAIB None Airbus IndustrieAIBU General Advanced Illumination Ballast UnitAIC None Access Illustration CardsAIC None Airbus Integrated CompanyAICC None Aviation Industry CBT CommitteeAICU General Anti Ice Control UnitAID None Aircraft Installation DelayAIDA None Airbus Industrie Drawing AccessAIDA None Attestation Integrated Delta Aggregation

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

6/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (7)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

AIDS General Aircraft Integrated Data SystemAIG None Accident InvestigationAIL General AileronAIM General Aircraft Integrated MaintenanceAIM/CRM None Airbus Integrated Management/co*ckpit

Resource ManagementAIM-FANS None Airbus Interoperable Modular-Future Air

Navigation SysAIMI General Avionics Information Management Interface

AIMS None Airbus Industrie Material SpecificationAIMS None Airbus Inventory Management SystemAIMS None Airbus Improvement Management System

AINA None Airbus North AmericaAINS General Aircraft Information Network SystemAIP General Attendant Indication PanelAIP None Aeronautical Information PublicationAIPS None Airbus Process SpecificationAIQI None Airbus Industrie Quality InstructionAIR None Aircraft Inspection ReportAIRCOND None Air ConditioningAIRMAN None Aircraft Maintenance AnalysisAIS General Audio Integrated SystemAIS None Aeronautical Information ServiceAISI None American Iron and Steel InstituteAITM None Airbus Test MethodAL None AirlineALERFA None Alert PhaseALF None Aft Looking ForwardALHP None Airframe Life-History ProgramALIGN General AlignmentALIGND Panels/Display Units Aligned For ECAM messages

ALLWD Panels/Display Units Allowed

ALNA General Airline Network ArchitectureALPHA General Angle-of-AttackALPHANUM None AlphanumericalALS None Approach Light SystemALSCU General Auxiliary Level Sensing Control UnitALT General AltitudeALT ACQ None Altitude Acquire

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

7/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (8)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

ALT TO None Alternate ToALTM General AltimeterALTN General Alternate, AlternativeALTU General Annunciator Light Test UnitALU None Arithmetic and Logic UnitAM General Amplitude ModulationAM None Airbus Means and Methods DocumentAMB General AmbientAMC None Acceptable Means of ComplianceAMDB General Airport Mapping DataBaseAMI None Airline Modifiable InformationAMJ None Advisory Material-JointAMM General Aircraft Maintenance ManualAMM None AmmeterAMP None AmpereAMP None AmperageAMPL General AmplifierAMS None Aircraft Modification StatusAMS None Aerospace Material SpecificationAMS None Aeronautical Material SpecificationsAMS General Air-ground Message ServerAMTOSS None Aircraft Maintenance Task Oriented Support

SystemAMU General Audio Management UnitAN None Air NavigationANCE None AnnounceAND None Aircraft Nose DownANI General Analog InputANLG General AnalogicANN General AnnunciatorANN LT None Annunciator LightANNCE General AnnounceANNCMT General AnnouncementANO General Analog OutputANPT None Aeronautical National Taper Pipe Threads

ANSA Panels/Display Units At Nearest Suitable Airport For ECAM messages

ANSI General American National Standards InstituteANSU General Aircraft Network Server UnitANT General AntennaANU None Aircraft Nose Up

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

8/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (9)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

AO None Access OpeningAOA General Angle Of AttackAOAS None Angle of Attack SensorAOC General Airline Operational ControlAOC None Air Operator's CertificateAOD General Audio on DemandAOG General Aircraft On GroundAOHX Power Plant and APU Air/Oil Heat Exchanger

AOLS None Airbus On-Line ServicesAOM General Aircraft Operating ManualAOMT General Airbus Onboard Maintenance Tool SA and LR onlyAOP None Airbus Operational PlanAOT None All Operator TelexAP None Airbus Procedure AP General AutopilotAP None Airborne PrinterAP/FD General Autopilot/Flight DirectorAPASHE None Aircraft Publication Automated Shipping

ExpediteAPC None Area Positive ControlAPI General Application Programming InterfaceAPLC General Aircraft Power Line ConditionerAPM Power Plant and APU ARINC Processing Module GE

APM None Airport Planning ManualAPM None Aircraft Performance Monitoring Program

APP General Approach Control-Approach Control Office

APP General AppearanceAPPL General ApplicationAPPR General ApproachAPPROX General ApproximatelyAPPU General Asymmetry Position Pick Off UnitAPQ None Airline Pre-QualificationAPS None Aircraft Prepared for ServiceAPS None Auxiliary Power SupplyAPS General Avionic Printing SpecificationAPS None Absolute Pressure SensorAPU General Auxiliary Power UnitAPU AFE General APU Automatic Fire Extinguishing Control


Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

9/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (10)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

AQP None Advanced Qualification ProgramAR General As RequiredAR None Audio ReproducerARC General Air Refueling Computer For MRTT onlyARG None Arresting Gear or HookARINC General Aeronautical Radio IncorporatedARM None Airworthiness Review MeetingARM General Aircraft Recovery ManualARMD None ArmedARMG None ArmingARMT None ArmamentARN None Aircraft Registration NumberARND None AroundARO None After Receipt OrderARP General Aerospace Recommended PracticeARP None Aerodrome Reference Point - Airport

Reference PointARPT General AirportARR None Arrival, ArrivingARS None Airworthiness Review SheetART None Active Repair TimeARTCC None Air Route Traffic Control CentreARTCLD None ArticulatedARTF General ArtificialARU General Audio Reproducer UnitARU General Aircraft Router UnitARV Panels/Display Units Alternate Refill Valve

AS None AirspeedAS None AirscoopASA General All Speed Aileron A300, A300-600, A310 onlyASA General Audio and Sign Adapter A350 and subsequentASAP None As soon as possibleASCII General American Standard Code for Information

InterchangeASCO None Airbus Service Company Inc.ASD General Accelerate Stop DistanceASDC None Airline Service Data CollectionASE General Airborne Support EquipmentASE None Airbus Supplied EquipmentASF None Amperes per Square FootASG None Airbus Security Group

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

10/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (11)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

ASI General Airspeed IndicatorASIC General Application Specific Integrated CircuitsASM None American Society for MetalsASM General Aircraft Schematics ManualASMA None Aircraft Systems Maintenance AidsASN General Aerospatiale Norme (Standard)ASP General Audio Selector PanelASPSU General Autonomous Standby Power Supply Unit

ASR None Airport Surveillance RadarASSY General AssemblyASYM General Asymmetric(al)AT None AutothrottleAT Panels/Display Units Autothrust

ATA General Air Transport Association of AmericaATA General Actual Time of ArrivalATAM None Airbus Takeoff Analysis ModuleATB None ATA 100 BreakdownATC General Air Traffic ControlATC None Airbus Training CenterATCA None Air Traffic Control BoardATCDB None Aircraft Technical Characteristics Data Base

ATCH None Attach(ment)ATCI General Air Traffic Control and InformationATCK None AttackATCRB General Air Traffic Control Radar BeaconATCSS None Air Traffic Control Data Link Signalling

SystemATD None Aircraft Technical DefinitionATD General Actual Time of DepartureATE General Automatic Test EquipmentATEC None Automatic Test Equipment ComplexATI General Air Transport IndicatorATIMS General Air Traffic and Information Management

SystemATIS General Automatic Terminal Information ServiceATLAS General Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics

SystemsATLAS None Abbreviated Test Language for All Systems

ATM None Aircraft Transportability Manual

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

11/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (12)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

ATM General Air Traffic ManagementATM None Available Ton-MileATMG None Airbus Technical Management GroupATMS None Advanced Text Management SystemATN General Aeronautical Telecommunications Network

ATO None Authorization to OfferATR General Austin Trumbull RadioATRCCS Power Plant and APU Automatic Turbine Rotor Clearance Control


ATS General Air Traffic ServiceATS None Airbus Technical SpecificationATS General Autothrottle SystemATS None Autothrust SystemATSU General Air Traffic Service UnitATT General AttitudeATT None Attitude ReferenceATTEN None AttenuationATTND General AttendantATZ None Aerodrome Traffic ZoneAUD None AudioAUDSWTGSYS None Audio Switching SystemAUDSWTGUNIT None Audio Switching UnitA-UK None Airbus UKAUTH None AuthorizeAUTO General AutomaticAUTOCAL None AutocalibrationAUTOLAND General Automatic LandingAUW General All-Up WeightAUX General AuxiliaryAVAIL General AvailableAVAIL General AvailabilityAVG None AverageAVIONICS None Aviation ElectronicsAVNCS General AvionicsAVOD None Audio/Video on DemandAVRS None Audio/Video Recording SystemAVS General Avionics Ventilation SystemAWACS None Advanced Warning (on) Aircraft Commercial

SalesAWB None Air WaybillAWG None Audible Warning Generator

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

12/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (13)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

AWG None American Wire GageAWL General Aircraft Wiring ListAWLS None All Weather Landing SystemAWM General Aircraft Wiring ManualAWS None American Welding SocietyAWY General AirwayAX None Access AuthorizedAX General Longitudinal AccelerationAY General Lateral AccelerationAZ None Vertical AccelerationAZ General AzimuthAZFW General Actual Zero Fuel WeightB General BlueB/B None Back-BeamB/C General Business ClassB/D None Bottom of DescentBAABI None Basic Approved ATA Breakdown IndexBAF None BaffleBAF General BITE Access FunctionBAFO None Best and Final OfferBAG General Bandwidth Allocation GapBAL None Basic Assembly Languagebar None 10² kPaBARC None Barometric Altitude Rate ComputerBARO General BarometricBAT General Battery (Electrical)BBAND General BroadbandBBRG None Ball BearingBC None Baggage Container TrainBCD General Binary Coded DecimalBCDS General BITE Centralized Data SystemBCF None Brake Cooling FanBCL General Battery Charge LimiterBCM General Backup Control ModuleBCN General BeaconBCRC General Bulk Crew Rest CompartmentBCRU General Battery Charge and Rectifier UnitBCS None Brake Control SystemBCU General Brake Control UnitBCWP None Budgeted Cost of Work PerformedBCWS None Budgeted Cost of Work ScheduledBDD None BITE Description Document

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

13/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (14)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

BDIE None Base de Données Installation Electrique

BDLI None Bundesverband der Deutschen Luft-und Raumfahrt Industrie

BEA None Bureau d'Enquête AccidentBEL CRK None BellcrankBER None Beyond Economical RepairBETW None BetweenBEV None BevelBEW None Basic Empty WeightBFD None Bi-Folding DoorBFDAS None Basic Flight Data Acquisition SystemBFE General Buyer Furnished EquipmentBFEMS None BFE Management SystemBFO General Beat Frequency OscillatorBFR None BufferBG None Build Group (Assembly Group)BGC None Build Group ComponentBGM General Boarding MusicBGS None Build Group Stack-UpBH General Block HoursBHD None BulkheadBIST None Built-in Self TestBITE General Built-in Test EquipmentBIU General BITE Interface UnitBK None BlackBKFLW General BackflowBKUP General BackupBL General BleedBLC None Basic Lines CatalogBLES General Brake Life Extension SystemBLG General Body Landing GearBLK Panels/Display Units Block

BLK General BlackBLKT None BlanketBLOW General BlowerBLST General BallastBLT None BoltBLV Panels/Display Units Bleed Valve

BLW None Below

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

14/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (15)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

BLWG General BlowingBM None BeamBMC General Bleed Monitoring ComputerBMI General BITE Monitoring InterfaceBMS None Bulletin Météo SpécialBND None BondedBNDG None BondingBNDRY General BoundaryBNR General BinaryBNR None Binary WordsBO None Body OdourBO None Blocking OscillatorBOH None Brake-Off WeightBOT General BottomBOT Panels/Display Units Begin of Tape Panels (QAR)

BP None Bottom PlugBPTU None Brake Pedal Transmitter UnitBR None BrownBRC None BraceBRD None BraidBRDG None BridgeBRG General BearingBRK General BrakeBRKNG General BrakingBRKR General BreakerBRKS None BrakesBRKT General BracketBRT General Bright, BrightnessBSCS General Braking and Steering Control SystemBSCU General Braking and Steering Control UnitBSHG None BushingBSU General Beam Steering UnitBT None Bus TieBTA None Bogie Trim ActuatorBTC General Bus Tie ContactorBTCM General Brake Temperature Compensation Module

BTL General BottleBTMS General Brake Temperature Monitoring SystemBTMU General Brake Temperature Monitoring UnitBTN General Button

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

15/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (16)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

BTR General Bus Tie RelayBTS General Base Transceiver StationBTS None Brake Temperature SensorBTU None British Thermal UnitBU General Battery UnitBUS General BusbarBWS General Body Wheel SteeringBYDU General Back-Up Yaw Damper UnitBYP General BypassC General Celsius, CentigradeC General CyanC General CloseC None Clearc None Equal MarginC None Cold (Electric Point)C None ComparatorC None ConvertibleC of A None Certificate of AirworthinessC/B General Circuit BreakerC/L General Check ListC/M None Command/MonitorC/M None Crew MemberC/O General Change OverC/S General Call SignC/SSR None Cost/Schedule Status ReportCA None Constituent AssemblyCA General Cable AssemblyCA None CableCA/CRL General Certification Authority/Certificate Revocation

ListCAA None Civil Aviation AuthorityCAA None Central Aviation ArchiveCAATS None Computer Assisted Aircraft Trouble

ShootingCAB General CabinCAB PRESS None Cabin PressurizationCAD None Computer Aided DesignCADB None Component for Attestation Data BaseCADETS None Computer Assisted Documentation

Education Tutorial SystemCAG None Circulation Aérienne GénéraleCAGE None Commercial And Government Entity

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

16/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (17)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

CAI None Combustion Area InspectionCAL General Calibration, CalibratedCALC None Cargo Acceptance and Load ControlCAM None Computer Aided ManufacturingCAM General Cabin Assignment ModuleCAM None Customer Acceptance ManualCAN None CanopyCAN General Controller Area NetworkCANC None CancelCANC General CancellationCANCD Panels/Display Units Cancelled

CANTIL None CantileverCAO None Cargo Aircraft OnlyCAOA General Corrected Angle Of AttackCAOM General Cabin Attendant Operating ManualCAP None CapacitorCAPLTY None CapabilityCAPT General CaptainCAR None Civil Aviation RequirementsCAR None CargoCARE None Continuing Airframe - Health Review and

EvaluationCARE None Common Airbus Requirements Engineering

CARP None CarpetCAS None Computed Air SpeedCAS None Collision Avoidance SystemCAS General Calibrated Air SpeedCAS None Calculated Air SpeedCAT None Clear Air TurbulenceCAT General CategoryCATCH General Complex Anomaly Tracking and SearchCAUT General CautionCAUT LT None Caution LightCBAL None CounterbalanceCBB General Connexion By BoeingCBIT General Continuous BITECBM General Circuit Breaker Monitoring CBMF General Circuit Breaker Monitoring FunctionCBMS General Circuit Breaker Monitoring SystemCBMU General Circuit Breaker Monitoring Unit

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

17/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (18)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

CBO None Cycles between OverhaulCBORE None CounterboreCBR None California Bearing RatioCBS None Cost Breakdown StructureCBSV None Cycles Between Scheduled VisitsCC General Current ComparatorCCB None Configuration Control BoardCCC General Crash Crew ChartCCC None Component Change CardCCC None Configuration Control CommitteeCCCP Power Plant and APU Compressor Cavity Control Pressure

CCD General Cursor Control DeviceCCG General Cabin Configuration GuideCCITT None Consultative Committee International

Telegraphy & TelephCCMD None Configuration Conformity Management and

DocumentationCCOM General Cabin Crew Operating ManualCCQ None Cross Crew QualificationCCR General Credit Card ReaderCCR None Customer Change RegisterCCRC General Cabin Crew Rest CompartmentCCRM General Cabin Crew Rest ModuleCCS General Cabin Communications SystemCCW General Counter ClockwiseCD None Count DragCD None Cold DrawnCD General Control DisplayCD General Compact DiskCDAM General Centralized Data Acquisition ModuleCDB None Configuration DataBaseCDBT None Component Design and Build TeamCDC General Cargo Door ControllerCDDS None Component Documentation Data System

CDE None Consumption Data Exchange CardCDIM None Component Data Instruction ManualCDIS None Customization Definition Information

SystemCDL General Configuration Deviation ListCDLCU General co*ckpit Door Locking Control Unit

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

18/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (19)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

CDLS General co*ckpit Door Locking SystemCDP General Compressor Discharge PressureCD-ROM None Compact Disc - Read Only MemoryCDS None Cold Drawn SteelCDS General Component Documentation StatusCDS General Control and Display SystemCDSS General co*ckpit Door Surveillance SystemCDSU General co*ckpit Door Surveillance UnitCDT None Cabin Door TrainerCDU General Control and Display UnitCDU Power Plant and APU Center Drive Unit GE

CD-WD None Component Data Working DocumentCE None Central EntityCE None Change EventCECAM None Centralized Cabin MonitoringCED General Cooling Effect DetectorCEET None Cabin Emergency Evacuation TrainerCEL General Component Evolution ListCELLI General Ceiling Emergency LED LightCEO None Chief Executive OfficerCEPT None Council of European Posts and Telegraphs

CER General Contrôle Essais et RéceptionCEV None Clutch Electro ValveCEV General Centre d'Essais en VolCF None Course to a Fixed WaypointCF None Configuration FileCFDIU General Centralized Fault Display Interface UnitCFDS General Centralized Fault Display SystemCFE None Customer Furnished EquipmentCFH None Cubic Feet per HourCFIT None Controlled Flight Into TerrainCFM None Cubic Feet per MinuteCFM General Cable Fabrication ManualCFMI Power Plant and APU CFM International

CFP None Computerized Flight PlanCFR None Code of Federal RegulationsCFRP General Carbon Fiber Reinforced PlasticCFS None Cold Finished SteelCFS General Cabin File Server

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

19/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (20)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

CFVCU General Cargo Fire Verification Control UnitCFVS General Cargo Fire Verification SystemCG General Center of GravityCGC None Customer Ground CheckCGCS General Center of Gravity Control SystemCGM None Computer Graphics MetafileCH None Centre HatrackCH General CharacterCH None ChargeCHAM None ChamferCHAN General ChannelCHAS None ChassisCHG General ChangeCHK None CheckCHM None ChimeCHMBR General ChamberCHRG General ChargeCHRO General ChronometerCI None Course to an InterceptCI None Conversion InstructionCI None Configuration ItemCi None CurieCI None Cast ironCI Panels/Display Units Cost Index

CICS None Customer Information Control SystemCICS/VS None Customer Information Control

System/Virtual StorageCIDS General Cabin Intercommunication Data SystemCIM None Continuous Image MicrofilmCIN General Change Identification NumberCINS General Cabin Information Network SystemCIT Power Plant and APU Compressor Inlet Temperature

CIU General Camera Interface UnitCK General CheckCKD None CheckedCKPT General co*ckpitCKT General CircuitCL None ClimbCL None ClutchCL General Center Line

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

20/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (21)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

CL None ClipCL General Check ListCL/OP Panels/Display Units Closure/Opening

CLB General ClimbCLCTR General CollectorCLD None ClosedCLDB None Component Location Data BankCLG None CeilingCLG General Centerline Landing GearCLK General ClockCLM General Component Location ManualCLN None ClinometerCLNG General CeilingCLOG General CloggingCLOGD Panels/Display Units Clogged

CLP None ClampCLPR General ClapperCLR General ClearCLR ALT None Clearance AltitudeCLRD General ClearedCLRNC General ClearanceCLS General Cargo Loading System ManualCLS General Cargo Loading SystemCLSD General ClosedCLSG Panels/Display Units Closing

CLTM None Component Location Training ManualCLV None ClevisCM General Conversion ManualCM None Call MaintenanceCM None CentimetersCM None Collective ModificationCM None Configuration ManagementCM Panels/Display Units Conversion Module

CMC General Central Maintenance ComputerCMD General CommandCMEU General Cabin Passenger Management Memory

Expansion UnitCMF General Central Maintenance Function

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

21/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (22)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

CMFLR None Cam FollowerCMI None Computer Managed InstructionCMIT None Component Management and Integration

TeamCML General Consumable Material ListCMM General Component Maintenance ManualCMM General Calibration Memory ModuleCMMM None Component Maintenance Manual

ManufacturerCMMV General Component Maintenance Manual Vendor

C-MOS General Complementary Metal Oxyde Semiconductor

CMP None Customer Maintenance ProgramCMPLRY None ComplementaryCMPLTD Panels/Display Units Completed

CMPNT None ComponentCMPS CPLR None Compass CouplerCMPTG None ComputingCMPTR General ComputerCMRLR None Cam RollerCMS General Code Matière SociétéCMS None Cabin Management SystemCMS General Central Maintenance SystemCMS General Component Maintenance SheetCMT General Cabin Management TerminalCMV General Concentrator and Multiplexer for VideoCNA Power Plant and APU Common Nozzle Assembly RR

CNCT None ConnectCNCTD None ConnectedCNCTN None ConnectionCNCTR General ConnectorCNCTRC None ConcentricCNCV None ConcaveCND None ConduitCNSU General Cabin Network Server UnitCNTNR General ContainerCNTOR General ContactorCNTR None CounterCNTRTR General ConcentratorCO None Cut-Off

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

22/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (23)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

CO None CompanyCO RTE General Company RouteCOAX General CoaxialCOC General Customer Originated ChangeCoC None Centre of CompetenceCOC General Cabin Operation CenterCOCT Panels/Display Units Cabin Operations Consultation Tool

CODD None Contractual On Dock DateCoE None Center of ExcellenceCOHO None Coherent OscillatorCOL None ColumnCOLLI None COntour LED LIghtCOM General CommunicationCOM None CommonCOM None Company Organization ManualCOM None CommandCombL None Combustible LiquidCOMDL General Coding ModuleCOML Panels/Display Units Commercial C/B panels

COMP General CompensatorCOMP General CompassCOMPSN General CompensationCOMPT General CompartmentCOMPT TEMP None Compartment TemperatureCOMPTR General ComparatorCOMTN None CommutationCOND General ConditionCOND General ConditionedCOND General ConditioningCONDTN None ConditionCONDTR General ConditionerCONFIG General ConfigurationCONFIRMD Panels/Display Units Confirmed

CONSUMPT Panels/Display Units Consumption

CONT General Continue, ContinuousCONT None ContourCONT General Controller Do not use for A380 and

subsequent. Refer to CTLR

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

23/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (24)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

CONV General ConverterCOO None Chief Operating OfficerCOOL General Cooling Do not use for A380 and

subsequent. Refer to COOLGCOOL General Cooler Do not use for A380 and

subsequent. Refer to COOLRCOOLG General Cooling For use on the A380 and

subsequentCOOLR General Cooler For use on the A380 and

subsequent aircraft programsCOORD None CoordinateCOORD General CoordinationCOPI None CopilotCor.M None Corrosive MaterialCORA None Customer Order AdministrationCORCTD None CorrectedCORR None CorrectCORR None CorrugateCORR None CorrugationCOS None CosineCOS Power Plant and APU Cowl Opening System RR, GP

COT None CotterCOTS General Commercial Off-The-ShelfCOUNT General CounterCOV None CoverCOWL General CowlingCP None Clock PulseCPC General Cabin Pressure ControllerCPCP None Corrosion Prevention and Control program

CPCS General Cabin Pressure Control SystemCPCU General Cabin Pressure Control UnitCPD None Continuing Product DevelopmentCPDLC General Controller-Pilot DataLink Communications

CPF None Central Programme FunctionCPIOM General Core Processing Input/Output ModuleCPL None CoupleCPLD None CoupledCPLG General CouplingCPLR General Coupler

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

24/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (25)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

CPMS General Cabin and Passenger Management System

CPMU General Cabin Passenger Management UnitCPNY Panels/Display Units Company

CPRSR General CompressorCPT None CompartmentCPT None CaptureCPU General Central Processing UnitCQ None Customer QueryCR None CruiseCR None Cold RolledCRC None Camera Ready CopyCRC General Cyclic Redundancy CheckCRC None Crew Rest CompartmentCRC General Continuous Repetitive ChimeCRC General Centralized Radio Control For MRTT onlyCRC None Cyclic Redundancy CodeCRE None Corrosion-ResistantCRES General Corrosion-Resistant SteelCRG General CargoCRI General Certification Review ItemCRK None CrankCRL None CollarCROSS None Center for Reliable Operational System

SecurityCROSSFEEDR Panels/Display Units Crossfeeder

CRQ None Customer RequestCRR None Component Reliability ReportCRS General CourseCRS None Cold Rolled SteelCRS None Cost Repercussion SheetCRSN None CorrosionCRT General Cathode Ray TubeCRU General Card Reader UnitCRU General Cabin Router UnitCRZ Panels/Display Units Cruise Display units

CS None CentistokesCS None Cabin Cleaners StepsCS None Call Switch

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

25/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (26)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

CS General Center SparCSAS General Cooled Service Air SystemCSD General Constant Speed DriveCSDM None Concession Support Decision ManualCSE None Course Set ErrorCSF/L None Continuous Safe Flight/LandingCSI None Cycles Since InstallationCSIP None Customer Satisfaction Improvement

ProgrammeCSK General CountersinkCSKH None Countersunk HeadCSL General ConsoleCSM None Computer Software ManualCSM/G General Constant Speed Motor/GeneratorCSN None Catalog Sequence NumberCSPM None Customer Support Procedure ManualCSS None co*ckpit System SimulatorCST None Cabin Service TrainerCSTG None CastingCSTR General ConstraintCSU General Command Sensor UnitCSV None Cycles Since Last Shop VisitCT General Current TransformerCT None Center TapeCTA None Control AreaCTDP None Cabin Trainer Data PackagesCTF None Central Test FacilitiesCTF.P None Central Test Facility ResponseCTF.Q None Central Test Facility QuestionsCTK None Capacity Tonne KilometreCTK General Center TankCTL General ControlCTL General CentralCTLR General Controller For use on the A380 and

subsequent aircraft programsCTR General CenterCTR None Control ZoneCTR None ContourCTRD None CenteredCTSK None CountersunkCTU General Cabin Telecommunications UnitCTWT None Counterweight

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

26/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (27)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

cu None CubicCU General Control UnitCUDU General Current Unbalance Detection UnitCUR General CurrentCV None Curriculum VitaeCVE None Compliance Verification EngineerCVL None Configuration Variation ListCVM General Cabin Video MonitoringCVMS General Cabin Video Monitoring SystemCVR General co*ckpit Voice RecorderCVRS General co*ckpit Voice Recorder SystemCVS General Cargo Video Surveillance A400M onlyCVT General Center Vent TubeCVU General Crypto Voice UnitCW General ClockwiseCWG None co*ckpit Working GroupCWLU General Cabin Wireless LAN UnitCWS None Control Wheel SteeringCWS General Cabin Work StationCWSIU General Combined Wheel Speed Interface UnitCWY None ClearwayCY General CycleCY None Calendar Year - Current YearCYL General CylinderD/A None Digital to AnalogD/D None Engine Out Drift Down PointD/LNA General Diplexer/Low Noise AmplifierD/O None Description and OperationDA General Drift AngleDABS None Discrete Address Beacon SystemDAC General Drawing Aperture CardDAC General Digital to Analog ConverterDADC General Digital Air Data ComputerDADS None Digital Air Data SystemDAF None Damping Augmentation FunctionDAGS General Dry Air Generation SystemDAL None Development Assurance LevelDAMP General Damping Do not use for the A380 and

subsequent. Use DAMPGDAMPG General Damping Use for the A380 and

subsequent.daN None Load (DecaNewton)

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

27/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (28)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

DAR General Digital AIDS Recorder Used on Single Aisle familyDAR General Digital ACMS Recorder LR, A380 and subsequentDAS/STC None Designated Alteration Station/Supplemental

Type CertificDAU General Data Acquisition UnitDB None DecibelDB None Data BasedB None DecibelDB General DatabasedB(A) None A-Weighted DecibelDBBS None Data Base Bulletin ServiceDBC Panels/Display Units Data Bus Communication

DBD None Data Basis for DesignDBLR General DoublerDC General Direct CurrentDC None Domain CoordinatorDC None Direct CostDCD None DecodeDCD None Double Channel DuplexDCD General Data Control and DisplayDCDR General DecoderDCDU General Datalink Control and Display UnitDCI None Design Change InstructionDCL General Digital Cabin Logbook For software loaded in the ANSU

DCP General Display Control PanelDCR General Dock on Crew RestDCR None Delivery Control RoomDCR None Design Change RequestDCRC General Dock on Crew Rest CompartmentDCS None Designated Certification SpecialistDCS None Double Channel SimplexDCS None Direct Current SupplyDCU Power Plant and APU Direction Control Unit RR

DCV Power Plant and APU Directional Control Valve PW, IAE

DCVR None Direct Current Voltage RatioDDA None Digital Differential AccumulationDDCU None Dedicated Display and Control UnitDDI None Design Drawing Instruction

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

28/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (29)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

DDI None Documentary Data InsertDDM None Difference in Depth of ModulationDDM General Digital Data ModuleDDP General Declaration of Design and PerformanceDDRMI General Digital Distance and Radio Magnetic

IndicatorDDS None Domain Display SwitchDDTS None Digital Data Technology StandardsDDV General Direct Drive ValveDEC None DeclinationDECEL General DecelerateDECOMPRESS Panels/Display Units Decompression

DECR General DecreaseDEDP General Data Entry and Display PanelDEF General DefinitionDEFDARS None Digital Expandable Flt Data Acquisition &

Recording SysDEFL None DeflectDEFUEL General DefuelingDEG General DegreeDEGRADD Panels/Display Units Degraded

DEL None Delay MessageDEL General DeleteDEL BY None Deleted byDELTA P General Differential PressureDEM None Digital Electronic ModuleDEMOD None DemodulatorDEP None Data Entry PanelDEP Panels/Display Units Departure

DEPLD None DeployedDEPRESS General DepressurizationDEPT None DepartmentDES General DescentDES None Digital Equipment SimulatorDES Panels/Display Units Descend

DEST General DestinationDET General Detection, DetectorDETECTD Panels/Display Units Detected

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

29/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (30)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

DETNG None DeterminingDEU General Decoder/Encoder UnitDEV General DeviationDEVN None DeviationDEW None Delivery Empty WeightDEX None Access DemandedDF None Direction FinderDFA None Delayed Flaps ApproachDFDAMU General Digital Flight Data Acquisition and

Management UnitDFDAU General Digital Flight Data Acquisition UnitDFDR General Digital Flight Data RecorderDFDRS General Digital Flight Data Recording SystemDFIDU General Dual Function Interactive Display UnitDFT None DriftDG None Directional GyroDGAC None Direction Generale de l'Aviation CivileDGI General Digital InputDGO General Digital OutputDGTL None DigitalDH General Decision HeightDI None DeicingDI None Data InputDIA General DiameterDIAPH None DiaphragmDIBU None Door Illumination Ballast UnitDIFF General DifferentialDIM None DimmingDIM None DimensionDIM Power Plant and APU Direction Input Module GE

DIMM Panels/Display Units Dimmable

DIP General Dual In-line PackageDIPLXR General DiplexerDIR None Direct, Direction, DirectorDIR General Direction, Direct, DirectorDIR TO None Direct toDISC General Disconnect, DisconnectedDISC General DisconnectionDISCH General Discharge, DischargedDISCNTY General Discontinuity

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

30/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (31)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

DISCTN None DisconnectionDIS-IN None Discrete InputDISRMD None DisarmedDIST General DistanceDISTR General Distribute, Distribution, DistributorDITCH Panels/Display Units Ditching Display units

DITS General Digital Information Transfer SystemDIU General Digital Interface UnitDIVERTG Panels/Display Units Diverting

DL None Domain LeaderDL None Data LoaderDLC General Direct Lift ControlDLCM General Data Loading Configuration ManagerDLCS General Data Loading and Configuration System

DLK General Data LinkDLOAD Panels/Display Units Data Loading C/B panels

DLRB General Data Loading Routing BoxDLS General Data Loading SelectorDLS None Data Load SystemDLY None DelayDMA General Direct Memory AccessDMC None Direct Maintenance CostDMC General Display Management ComputerDMC None Design Modification CommitteeDMD None DemandDMD None Demand Data SheetDMDLTR General DemodulatorDME General Distance Measuring EquipmentDMM Power Plant and APU Data Memory Module.

DMP General Display Management ProcessorDMPR General DamperDMU General Data Management UnitDMZ General DeMilitarized Zone DN General DownDnCC None Develop new Cabin and CargoDNI General Drawing Numerical IndexDNLK General Downlock

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

31/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (32)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

DNLNK Panels/Display Units Downlink

DO None Data OutputDO None Design OfficeDOA None Design Organisation ApprovalDOC None Direct Operating CostDOC.DATA None Documentary DataDOLLI General Dome LED LightDOM None Design Organisation ManualDOM None Document Object ModelDOORLI None Door LightDOW General Dry Operating WeightDP None Data ProcessingDP None Differential ProtectionDPCU General Digital Passenger Control UnitDPDT General Double Pole/Double ThrowDPI General Differential Pressure IndicatorDPM None Design Progress MeetingDPRM None Delivery Planning Review MeetingDQN None Design Query NoteDR General Dead ReckoningDR None Dispatch ReliabilityDR General DoorDRIP None Design Response Intended for Playback

DRL None Documentation Requirement ListDRM General Duct Repair ManualDRMI General Distance Radio Magnetic IndicatorDRVG General DrivingDRVN None DrivenDRVR General DriverDS None DownstreamDSAPP None DisappearanceDSB General Door Sensor BlockDSCRM None DiscriminatorDSCRT None DiscreteDSCS None Doors and Escape Slides Control System

DSDL General Dedicated Serial Data LinkDSEB General Digital Seat Electronic BoxDSENGD None DisengagedDSG None Design Service Goal

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

32/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (33)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

DSI General Discrete InputDSIP General Door/Slide Indication PanelDSMCU General Doors and Slides Management Control Unit

DSMS General Doors and Slides Management SystemDSO General Discrete OutputDSPL General DisplayDSPLYD Panels/Display Units Displayed

DSSS None Direct Sequence Spread SpectrumDSTRK None Desired TrackDSUG None Drawing Set User GuideDTD General Document Type DefinitionDTG General Distance to GoDTMF General Dual Tone Multiple FrequencyDTMS General Damage Tolerance Monitoring SystemDTMU General Damage Tolerance Monitoring UnitDU General Display UnitDUM None DummyDVD General Digital Versatile DiskDVD None Digital Video DiskDVI General Digital Visual InterfaceDWG General DrawingDX None Access DemandedDYNMTC None DynamometricE General EastE/T None Electrical TrimEABDC General Enhanced Aircraft Broadcast Data Collector

EADI None Electronic Attitude Director IndicatorEADS None European Aeronautic Defence and Space

CompanyEAROM General Electrically Alterable Read Only MemoryEAS None Equivalent AirspeedEASA None European Aviation Safety AgencyEAT None Expected Approach TimeEBAS General Engine Bleed Air SystemEBCU General Emergency Brake Control UnitEBHA General Electrical Backup Hydraulic ActuatorEBS None Engine Build SpecificationEBU Power Plant and APU Engine Build-up Unit CFMI, GE, PW

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

33/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (34)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

EC None Engine ControlECAM General Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring

ECB Power Plant and APU Electronic Control Box APU

ECDB None Equipment Central Data BankECLS General Electrical Cargo Loading systemECM Power Plant and APU Engine Condition Monitoring RR

ECM None Engineering Coordination MemoECM None Equipment Change ManagementECMS General Electrical Contactor Management System

ECMU General Electrical Contactor Management UnitECN General Engineering Change NoteECON General EconomyECON None EconomicECP General Ecam Control PanelECS None Electronic Cooling SystemECS General Environmental Control SystemECSB None Embedded Computer System BusECU Power Plant and APU Electronic Control Unit CFMI, GE

ECUCV Power Plant and APU Electronic Control Unit Cooling Valve CFMI, GE

ED None Edge DistanceEDB None ECAM Data BookEDD None Engineering Delivery DocumentsEDES None Equipment Definition Evolution SheetEDMC None Engineering Drawing Microfilm CardEDMS None Engineering Documentation Management

ServicesEDP None Engine Driven PumpEDP None Electronic Data ProcessingEDS None Electronic Distribution of SoftwareEDTA None Ethylenediamine TetraacetateEE None Electrical and ElectronicEE None Electrical Equipment EEC Power Plant and APU Engine Electronic Controller RR

EEC Power Plant and APU Electronic Engine Control PW

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34/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (35)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

EEPROM General Electrically Eraseable Programmable Read Only Memory

EFCC General Electronic Flight Control ComputerEFCS General Electrical Flight Control SystemEFCU General Electrical Flight Control UnitEFDARS None Expandable Flight Data Acquisition and

Recording SystemsEFF General Effective,EffectivityEFF/FFU General Electronic Flight Folder/Flight Follow-UpEFIS General Electronic Flight Instrument SystemEFIS CP None EFIS Control PanelEFIS SGU None EFIS Symbol Generator UnitEFOB Panels/Display Units Estimated Fuel on Board Display units

EG None For ExampleEGIU General Electrical Generation Interface UnitEGMS General Electrical Galley Management SystemEGPWM General Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning

ModuleEGPWS None Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning

SystemEGT Power Plant and APU Exhaust Gas Temperature

EHA General Electro-Hydrostatic ActuatorEHAC General Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator ContactorEHCU General Electromechanical Handforce Control Unit

EHS Panels/Display Units Electrical Heater System

EHSI None Electronic Horizontal Situation IndicatorEIC None Engineering Integration CentreEIPM General Engine Interface Power ManagementEIPMU General Engine Interface Power Management Unit

EIRD None Equipment Installation Requirement Dossier

EIS General Electronic Instrument SystemEIS None Entry Into ServiceEIU General Engine Interface UnitEIVMU General Engine Interface and Vibration Monitoring

UnitEL None Equipment List

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

35/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (36)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

EL Panels/Display Units Electric Only for use if not possible to use ELEC. Only use when associated with "AC" or "DC".

ELA General Electrical Load AnalysisELAC General Elevator Aileron ComputerELAN General Ethernet Local Area NetworkELAPS None Elapsed TimeELC General Electronic Library ComputerELC General Emergency Line ContactorELEC General Electric, Electrical, ElectricityELEK General ElectronicELEKS None ElectronicsELEV General Elevation Do not use for A380 and

subsequent. Refer to ELEVN.

ELEV General Elevator Do not use for A380 and subsequent. Refer to ELEVR

ELEVN General Elevation For use on the A380 and subsequent aircraft

ELEVR General Elevator For use on the A380 and subsequent aircraft programs

ELF General Engineering support and data Link Function

ELM General Electrical Load ManagementELMF General Electrical Load Management FunctionELMU General Electrical Load Management UnitELS General Electronic Library SystemELS None Emergency Lighting SystemELT General Emergency Locator TransmitterELV None ElevationEM None Engine ManualEM None ElectroMagnetEMC General Electromagnetic CompatibilityEMDB None Electrical Main Data BankEMER General EmergencyEMI General Electromagnetic InterferenceEMISN General EmissionEMLS None Emergency Lighting SystemEMP None EmpennageEMS None Equipment Modification SheetEMU None Engine Maintenance UnitEMU Power Plant and APU Engine Monitoring Unit RR Trent 900

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

36/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (37)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

EMWS General ElectroMechanical Window ShadeENBL None EnableENCD None EncodeENCDR General EncoderENCL None EnclosureEND General EnduranceENG General EngineENG OUT None Engine OutENGD None EngagedENGR None EngineerENM General Electrical Network ManagementENMF General Electrical Network Management Function

ENMS General Electrical Network Management SystemENP None Estimated Normal PayloadENRGZ None EnergizeENT None EntryENTR None EntranceENV None EnvelopeENVMOD General Envelope ModulationEO General Engine OutEO None Engineering OrderEO ACCEL ALT None Engine Out Acceleration AltitudeEO THR RED SPD None Engine Out Thrust Reduction Speed

EOC None Engineering Order ChangeEOP None End of PartEOSID General Engine Out Standard Instrument Departure

EOT General End of TapeEP General Entry PanelEPAC None Entity per Aircraft ChangeEPC General External Power ContactorEPD General Extended Principle DiagramEPESC General Enhanced Passenger Entertainment

System ControllerEPGS General Electrical Power Generation SystemEPLD General Electronically Programmable Logic Device

EPM None Engineering Program ManagerEPPT None Electronic PerformanceEPR None Exhaust Pressure Ratio

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

37/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (38)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

EPR Power Plant and APU Engine Pressure Ratio PW, RR

EPR None Equipment Problem ReportEPR.D General EPR DescentEPR.L General EPR LatchEPROM General Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

EPSU General Emergency Power Supply UnitEPU None Emergency Power UnitEQIR None Engineering Query Investigation reportEQPT General EquipmentER None Error ReportER None Elevator RibER General Extended RangeER None Engine RunERECT None ErectionERL None Economic Repair LifeERMM General En Route Moving MapEROM None Electronic Readout MachineERP General Enhanced Runaway ProtectionERR None ErrorERS None EraseERS None ErasedERS None Embodiment Repercussion SheetERU Power Plant and APU Engine Relay Unit PW

ESB None Evaluation Service BulletinESB General Electrical System BITEESBF Panels/Display Units Electrical System BITE Function For BITE messages only

ESC General EscapeESD None Electro Sensitive DeviceESD None Electronic System DisplayESD General ElectroStatic DischargeESDB None Element Standard Data BankESDN General Extended System/Structure Description

NoteESG None Evaluated Service GoalESLB General ECAM System Logic BookESLD None ECAM System Logic Data ESP General Electrical Standard PracticesESPM General Electrical Standard Practices Manual

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

38/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (39)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

ESS General EssentialEST General EstimatedESU General Ethernet Switch UnitESWL None Equivalent Single Wheel LoadET General Elapsed TimeETA General Estimated Time of ArrivalETACS General External and Taxiing Aid Camera System

ETD General Estimated Time of DepartureETDS None Engineering Technical Data ServiceETE General Estimated Time En RouteEtio.Ag. None Etiologic AgentETL None Engineering Team LeaderETO General Estimated Time OverETOPS General Extended Range Twin Engined Aircraft

OperationsETP General Equal Time PointETR None Engineering Template RepositoryETRAC Power Plant and APU Electronic Thrust Reverser Actuation

ControllerETRAS General Electrical Thrust Reverser Actuation System

ETS None Equipment Technical SpecificationETT General Estimated Time for TakeoffEUPB Power Plant and APU Electronic Unit Protection Box RR

EV None Electro ValveEVAC General EvacuationEVAC General EvacuateEVMU General Engine Vibration Monitoring UnitEWD General Engine/Warning DisplayEWS None Electronic Warning SystemEWS General Electrical Window ShadesEX Panels/Display Units Example

EXC General Excitation, ExciteEXCD None ExcitedEXCESS General ExcessiveEXCG None ExcitingEXCHG General ExchangeEXCHGR General ExchangerEXCN None ExcitationEXH General Exhaust

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

39/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (40)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

EXP General ExpansionExpl. None ExplosiveEXSTG Panels/Display Units Existing

EXT None Extend, ExtensionEXT General Exterior, ExternalEXTC None ExtractEXTCD None ExtractedEXTCG None ExtractingEXTG None ExtendingEXTIG None ExtinguishingEXTIN None ExtinctionEXTING General ExtinguishingEXTING General ExtinguishEXTIR None ExtinguisherEXTN General ExtensionEXTR None ExtractorEXTR None ExtrusionEXTRACT General Extraction, ExtractorEZ None Electrical ZeroF Panels/Display Units Fuel

F General FahrenheitF None Minimum Flap Retract Speed (EFIS)F/C General First ClassF/CTL Panels/Display Units Flight Controls

F/E None Flight EngineerF/O General First OfficerF/S None Fast/SlowF/U None Follow-UpF/W None Failure WarningFA General Course from a Fixed Waypoint to an

Altitude TerminationFAA None Federal Aviation AdministrationFAC General Flight Augmentation ComputerFACS None Flight Augmentation Computer SystemFADEC General Full Authority Digital Engine ControlFAF General Final Approach FixFAI None First Article InspectionFAIL General Failed, FailureFAIR None Fairing

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40/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (41)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

FAL None Final Assembly LineFALH None Final Assembly Line HolderFANS General Future Air Navigation SystemFAOM None Flight Attendant Operating ManualFAP General Forward Attendant Panel Pre A340-500/600 onlyFAP General Flight Attendant Panel A340-500/600 and subsequent

FAR General Federal Aviation RegulationsFAS General Flight Augmentation SystemFAS None Fatigue Approval SheetFAV General Fan Air ValveFAWP None Final Approach WaypointFBB General Fasten Bed BeltFBS None Fixed Base SimulatorFBW None Fly-by-wireFC None Freight Container TrainFC None Flight CycleFC General Fully ClosedFC General Course from a Fixed Waypoint to a

Changeover PointFCC General Flight Control ComputerFCCS None Flight Control Computer SystemFCCU None Flight Control Computer UnitFCD None Full Color DisplayFCD55 None Full Color Display 5 inch x 5 inchFCDC General Flight Control Data ConcentratorFCGU General Flight Control and Guidance Unit A380 FCMC General Fuel Control and Monitoring ComputerFCMS General Fuel Control Monitoring SystemFCO None Fulfill Customer OrderFCOM General Flight Crew Operating ManualFCP None Full Change ProcessFCPC General Flight Control Primary ComputerFCPI None Flight Control Position IndicatorFCR None Flight Crew ReportFCRC General Flight Crew Rest CompartmentFCSC General Flight Control Secondary ComputerFCST None ForecastFCTN None FunctionFCU None Flush Control UnitFCU General Flight Control Unit

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41/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (42)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

FCU Power Plant and APU Fuel Control Unit APU

FCV General Flow Control ValveFD General Flight DirectorFD General Fuselage DatumFD General Course from a Fixed Waypoint to a DME

DistanceFDAC General Full Digital AGU ControllerFDAU General Flight Data Acquisition UnitFDB General Floor Disconnect BoxFDBK General FeedbackFDC General Fuel Data ConcentratorFDCE General Flight Deck and Cabin EffectsFDD General Floppy Disk DriveFDD None Functional Description DocumentFDE General Flight Deck EffectFDEP General Flight Data Entry PanelFDIAF General Flight Data Interface/Acquisition Function

FDIMU General Flight Data Interface and Management Unit

FDIU General Flight Data Interface UnitFDR General Flight Data RecorderFDRPL None Flight Data Recording Parameter Library

FDRS General Flight Data Recording SystemFDS None Fault Detection SpecificationFDSU None Flight Data Storage UnitFDU General Fire Detection UnitFE General Flight EnvelopeFEC None Flight Envelope ComputerFEDR General FeederFEGV Power Plant and APU Fan Exit Guide Vane IAE

FES General Fire Extinguishing SystemFET None Field Effect TransistorFEW None Fleet Empty WeightFF General Fuel FlowFF None Ferry FlightFFAR None First Flight Article ReviewFFCC None Forward Facing Crew co*ckpit Configuration

FFCC None Forward Facing Crew co*ckpit Concept

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42/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (43)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

FFCCV Power Plant and APU Forward Flange Compressor Casing Vibration

CFMI (A340)

FFCCV Power Plant and APU Fan Frame Compressor Case Vertical CFMI (A32O family)

FFCM General Free Fall Control ModuleFFL None Flip Flop LatchFFP None Fixed Firm PriceFFS None Full Flight SimulatorFFS None Full Feasibility StudyFG General Flight GuidanceF-G/S Panels/Display Units FLS Glide Slope

FGE General Flight Guidance and EnvelopeFGES General Flight Guidance and Envelope SystemFGN None ForeignFGS None Flight Guidance SystemFH General Flight HoursFHA None Functional Hazard AnalysisFHSS None Frequency Hopping Spread SpectrumFIDS General Fault Isolation and Detection SystemFIFO General First Input/First OutputFIG General FigureFIL None FilamentFIL None FilletFIL H None Fillister HeadFILG General FillingFIM General Fault Isolation ManualFIN General Functional Item NumberFIR None Full Indicator ReadingFIS General Flight Information ServicesFIX General FixedFL None FloodFL None FlowFL General Flight LevelFL None FluidFL None FloorFla.G None Flammable Compressed GasFla.L None Flammable LiquidFla.S None Flammable SolidFLC None Feel and Limitation ComputerFLD General FieldFLDK None Flight Deck

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43/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (44)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

FLEX General FlexibleFLG None FlangeFLH None Flat HeadFLIP None Flight Plan Computation ProgramFLLT None Flashing LightFLMPRF None FlameproofF-LOC Panels/Display Units FLS Localizer

FLP General FlapFLP None Flight Line PlanningFLS General FMS Landing SystemFLS None Field Loadable SoftwareFLSA None Fuel Level Sensing AmplifierFLSCU General Fuel Level Sensing Control UnitFLT General FlightFLT CTL None Flight ControlFLTR General FilterFLXTO General Flexible Take-OffFM General Flight ManagementFM General Flight ManualFM General Frequency ModulationFM None Fan MarkerFM General Course from a Fixed Waypoint with a

Manual TerminationFMA General Flight Mode AnnunciatorFMC General Flight Management ComputerFMCS General Flight Management Computer System (FMC

and CDU)FMCU None Flight Management Computer UnitFMD None Failure Message DescriptionFMEA General Failure Mode Effect AnalysisFMES None Failure Mode and Effects SummaryFMGC General Flight Management and Guidance

ComputerFMGEC General Flight Management Guidance and Envelope

ComputerFMGES General Flight Management Guidance and Envelope

SystemFMGS General Flight Management and Guidance System

FMS General Flight Management System (FMCS and AFS sensors)

FMS None Fuel Manifold Staging

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44/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (45)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

FMU Power Plant and APU Fuel Metering Unit PW, RR

FMV General Fuel Metering ValveFNA None Final ApproachFNCP General Flight Navigation Control PanelFNSG General Flight Navigation Symbol GeneratorFO General Fully OpenFO None Flight OrderFOB General Fuel On BoardFOC Power Plant and APU Fuel/Oil Cooler

FOCT General Flight Operations Consultation ToolFOD None Fuel Over DestinationFOD General Foreign Object DamageFOD None Flight Operation DomainFOM None Flight Operations ManualFOM None Flight Operations MonitoringFOQA None Flight Operations Quality AssuranceFOR DET None For DetailFOS General Fuel Operator Station For MRTT onlyFOT None FAL Operational Test MeetingFOVE General Flight Operations Versatile EnvironmentFPA General Flight Path AngleFPEEPMS General Floor Proximity Emergency Escape Path

Marking SystemFPH Panels/Display Units Floor Panel Heating

FPL None Flight PlanF-PLN Panels/Display Units Flight Plan

FPM None Feet per MinuteFPMU General Fuel Properties Measurement UnitFPPU General Feedback Position Pick-off UnitFPRM General Fuel Pipe Repair ManualFPS Panels/Display Units Fire Protection System For BITE messages only

FPT General Flight Path TargetFPV General Flight Path VectorFQ General Fuel QuantityFQDC General Fuel Quantity Data ConcentratorFQI General Fuel Quantity Indicating/Indication/Indicator

FQI None Fuel Quantity Indicating/-ion/-or

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45/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (46)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

FQIC General Fuel Quantity Indication ComputerFQMS General Fuel Quantity and Management SystemFR General FrameFRD None Functional Requirement DocumentFREQ General FrequencyFREX None Support Repercussion SheetFRM General Fault Reporting ManualFRQ None FrequencyFRS General Flammability Reduction SystemFRT None FrontFRU General Frequency Reference UnitFRV General Fuel Return ValveFS General Front SparFS None Fuselage StationFSA General FlySmart with AirbusFSB General Fasten Seat BeltsFSCM General Federal Supply Code for ManufacturersFSN General Fleet Serial NumberFST None Fire/Smoke/ToxicityFSTNR None Fastenerft None Feet, Footft/mn None Feet per MinuteFTA None Flight Test AnalysisFTB None For the time beingFTD None Flight Training DeviceFTE None Flight Test EngineerFTG General FittingFTI General Flight Test InstallationFTIS General Fuel Tank Inerting SystemFTK None Freight Tonne KilometreFTK None Fuel TankFTMS None Flight Test Management SystemFTP None File Transfer ProtocolFTR None Flight Test RequestFTRNG None FeatheringFTS None Frame Time SelectFTSP Panels/Display Units Floor Temperature Setting Panel

FTU General Force Transducer UnitFU None Feedback UnitFU General Fuel UsedFUSLG General Fuselage

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46/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (47)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

FV None Flux ValveFW General Failure WarningFW None FirewallFWC General Flight Warning ComputerFWD General ForwardFWL General FirewallFWS General Flight Warning SystemFWSD None Flight Warning and System DisplayFY None Fiscal YearG None GalleyG None Gridg None Earth Acceleration (Symbol)G General GreenG None Gyrog None GramG/A None Ground-to-AirG/G None Ground GuidanceG/S General Glide SlopeGA General Go-AroundGA None General ApplicationGAD General General Assembly DrawingGAHMM None Global Aircraft Health Monitoring and

Management GAIR General General Assembly Inspection Reportgal None GallonGALV None GalvanizeGALY General GalleyGAMMA-A None SlopeGAMMA-T None Potential SlopeGAPCU General Ground and Auxiliary Power Control UnitGATE None Glossary of Airbus Terms and Expressions

GATT None General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

GCA None Ground-Controlled Approach SystemGCP None General Conditions of PurchaseGCR General Generator Control RelayGCU General Generator Control UnitGDE General GuideGDNC General GuidanceGDO Panels/Display Units Ground Door Opening

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47/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (48)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

GDS None GSE Data SheetGE Power Plant and APU General Electric

GEM General Ground Equipment ManualGEN General GeneratorGENL None GeneralGES General Ground Earth StationGFI General Ground Fault InterruptionGFTM None General Familiarization Training ManualGGPCU General Generator and Ground Power Control Unit

GIC None General Instruction CardGIDOCA None Gestion Informatique de la Documentation

AvionGIE None Groupement d'Intérêt EconomiqueGIM None General Introduction ManualGIPSY None General Integrated Publication SystemGLASU General Galley Light Attendant Service UnitGLC General Generator Line ContactorGLM None General List of ModificationsGLR General Generator Line RelayGLS General GNSS Landing SystemGLT General Ground Leak TestGMC None General Modification CommitteeGMR None Ground Movement RadarGMT General Greenwich Mean TimeGMTBF None Guaranteed Mean Time Between Failure

GNC General Galley Network ControllerGND General GroundGNLU General GNSS Navigation and Landing UnitGNSS General Global Navigation Satellite SystemGP None Glide PathGPCU General Ground Power Control UnitGPM Power Plant and APU General Processing Module GE

GPS General Global Positioning SystemGPSSU General Global Positioning System Sensor UnitGPU General Ground Power UnitGPWC General Ground Proximity Warning ComputerGPWS General Ground Proximity Warning SystemGR None Gear

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48/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (49)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

GR None Goods ReceivedGRC None Glass Reinforced CompositeGRFC None Global RFCGRP General Geographic Reference PointGRP None Ground/Geographical Reference PointGRP General Glass-Reinforced PlasticGRP None Ground Reference PointGRU General Ground Refrigeration UnitGRV None GrooveGRVTY General GravityGS General Ground SpeedGSB Panels/Display Units Ground Service Bus

GSE General Ground Support EquipmentGSHLD General GlareshieldGSM None General Structure ManualGSM General Global System for Mobile Communication

GSP General Ground Service PanelGTA None General Terms AgreementGTHRG None GatheringGTI General Ground Test InstructionsGTR None Ground Test RequirementsGUI None Graphic Interface UnitGW General Gross WeightGWDU General Galley Waste Disposal UnitGWR General General Working RulesGY None GreyGYRO General GyroscopeH None Hot (Electrical Point)H None Runway Thicknessh None Hourh None HeightH NAV None Horizontal NavigationH/W General HardwareHA General Holding Pattern to an Altitude Termination

HADC None Hybrid Air Data ComputerHARN General HarnessHAS None Heading and Attitude SystemHB None Brinnell Hardness Test Valuehbar None Stress (Hectobar)

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49/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (50)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

HCS Panels/Display Units Humidification Control System

HCU Power Plant and APU Hydraulic Control Unit CFMI

HCU General Head Up Combiner UnitHD None HeadHD None HoldHDDA General Hard Disk Drive ArrayHDG General HeadingHDG/S General Heading SelectedHDL General HandleHDLG General HandlingHDM General HSDU Data ModuleHDST General HeadsetHDWHL General HandwheelHEATG General Heating For use on the A380 and

subsequent aircraft programsHEGS General Hydraulic Electrical Generating SystemHES General Head-End SwitchHESU General Head-End Server UnitHEX None HexadecimalHF General Holding Pattern to a Fixed WaypointHF General High FrequencyHFDR General High Frequency Data RadioHFEC General High Frequency Eddy CurrentHGA General High Gain AntennaHHL None Horizontal Hinge LineHI General HighHIBU None Hybrid Illumination Ballast UnitHID General High Intensity DischargeHIDS General Host Intrusion Detection System HIL None Hold Item ListHK None Knoop Hardness Test ValueHL General High LevelHLAC None High Level AC VoltageHLCL None HelicalHLD General HoldHLD General High Power Amplifier/Low Noise

Amplifier/DiplexerHLDC None High Level DC VoltageHLDR General HolderHLTY General Healthy

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50/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (51)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

HM General Holding Pattern with a Manual Termination

HMC General Hydromechanical ControlHMI General Human-Machine InterfaceHMU Power Plant and APU Hydromechanical Unit CFMI, GE

HMU Power Plant and APU Hydromechanical Metering Unit RR Trent 900

HNG None HingeHO None HandOverHoE None Head of EngineeringHOLD None HoldingHOR Power Plant and APU Hold Open Rod RR, GP

HORIZ None HorizontalHOT Power Plant and APU High Oil Temperature APU

HP General High PressureHpa None Hecto PascalHPA General High Power AmplifierHPC None Rear Compressor Rotor and Stator

AssemblyHPC Power Plant and APU High Pressure Compressor CFMI, PW

HPR General High Power RelayHPT Power Plant and APU High Pressure Turbine CFMI, GE, PW

HPT None Rear Compressor Drive Turbine Rotor Assembly

HPTACC Power Plant and APU High Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control


HPTC Power Plant and APU High Pressure Turbine Clearance

HPTCC Power Plant and APU High Pressure Turbine Case Cooling PW

HPTCC Power Plant and APU High Pressure Turbine Clearance Control CFMI

HPTR Power Plant and APU High Pressure Turbine Rotor

HPU General Head up Projection UnitHPV None High Pressure ValveHPV Panels/Display Units HP Bleed Valve

HR None Hour

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51/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (52)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

HR None Hot RolledHR(X) None Rockwell Hardness Test ValueHR/XXX) None Rockwell Superficial Hardness Test Value

HRP General Horizontal Reference PlaneHRS None HoursHRS None Hot Rolled SteelHS General High SpeedHSDU General High Speed Data UnitHSG None HousingHSI General Horizontal Situation IndicatorHSI None Hot Section InspectionHSMU General Hydraulic System Monitoring UnitHSS None High Speed SteelHT None HeatHT TR None Heat TreatHTD None HeatedHTG General Heating Do not use for A380 and

subsequent. Refer to HEATGHTML None Hyper Text Mark-up LanguageHTP None Horizontal Tail PlaneHTR General HeaterHTTP None HyperText Transfer ProtocolHUD General Head Up DisplayHUDC General Head Up Display ComputerHUMIDIF Panels/Display Units Humidification

HV None Vickers Hardness Test ValueHV General High VoltageHVDF None High and Very High Frequency Direction -

Finding StationHVPS General High Voltage Power SupplyHWBPT None Hardware BreakpointHYD General HydraulicHZ None HertzI None Invoice CardI None InertialI/I None Inspection/IntervalI/O General Input/OutputI/P General Intercept ProfileI/P General Intercept PointI/P General Input

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

52/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (53)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

IAE Power Plant and APU International Aero Engines

IAF General Initial Approach FixIAS General Indicated AirspeedIATA None International Air Transport AssociationIATP None International Air Transport PoolIAW None In Accordance withIAWP None Initial Approach WaypointIBIT General Initiated BITEIBLC General Inter-Bus Line ContactorIBN None Identification BeaconIBU None Integrated Ballast UnitIC None Integrated CircuitIC None Invoice Control CardICAO None International Civil Aviation OrganisationICARE None Illustration, Constraint, Activity, Rule, Entity

ICC None Integrated Change ControlICCAIA None Inter Co-ordinating Council of Aerospace

Industries AssoICD General Interface Control DocumentICE None In Circuit EmulationICP General Integrated Control PanelICU Power Plant and APU Isolation Control Unit RR

ICY General InterchangeabilityID General Inside DiameterID PL None Identification PlateIDBT None Integrated Design and Build TeamIDC None Instrument Display CatalogIDENT General Identification, Identifier, IdentifyIDG General Integrated Drive GeneratorIDP None Integrated Data ProcessingIDU General Interactive Display UnitIEC None International Electrotechnical Commission

IEEE None Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

IES None Industrial Evaluation SheetIETF None Internet Engineering Task ForceIF None Intermediate FrequencyIF General Initial Fix

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53/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (54)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

IFA None International Federation of Airworthiness

IFA None Integrated Final AssemblyIFE General In-Flight EntertainmentIFEC General In-Flight Entertainment CenterIFES None In-Flight Entertainment SystemIFP None In-Flight Performance Computation

ProgramIFPA General InFlight Performance ApplicationIFR General Instrument Flight RulesIFSD None In-Flight Shut DownIFTB None In flight Turn backIGB General Inlet Gear BoxIGGS General Inert Gas Generation System IGN General IgnitionIGV Power Plant and APU Inlet Guide Vane

IIPD None Illustrated Initial Provisioning DocumentILLUM General IlluminationILLUMD None IlluminatedILS General Instrument Landing System (LOC and G/S)

IM Panels/Display Units Inner Marker

IMA General Integrated Modular AvionicsIMC None Indirect Maintenance CostIMM General ImmediateIMPACT None Improvement Manufacturer Program for

Airbus Customer TrainingIMR General Interlock Monitoring Relay IMU General Inertial Measurement Unitin None InchIN None InchIN HG None Inches of MercuryINA None Initial ApproachINB General InboundINBD General InboardINCLG None IncludingINCR None IncreaseINCR General IncrementIND General IndicatorINDG General IndicatingINFO General Information

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54/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (55)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

INHI None InhibitINHIB General Inhibit, Inhibited, InhibitionINIT General Initial(ization)IN-LBS None Inch-poundsINOP General InoperativeINP None InputINR General InnerINRTL General InertialINS General Inertial Navigation SystemINSP None InspectionINST General InstrumentINST General InstinctiveINSTL General InstallationINSTLLD None InstalledINSTM None InstrumentationINSUL General Insulate, Insulation, InsulatorINT None InterruptINT None IntersectionINT General Interior For lightsINTCON None InterconnectionINTCP General InterceptINTEG General IntegralINTEN None IntensityINTERCOM General IntercommunicationINTFC General InterfaceINTG None IntegralINTGT None Integrate, IntegratingINTL General InternalINTLK General InterlockINTMD General IntermediateINTMT General IntermittentINTPH General InterphoneINTR None InteriorINTRG General Interrogate, InterrogatorINTRPT General InterruptINU None Inertial Navigation UnitINV General InverterINWP None Intermediate WaypointIOC None Indirect Operating CostIOE None Initial Operating ExperienceIOM General Input/Output ModuleIOR None Immediate Operational Requirement

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55/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (56)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

IP General Intermediate PressureIP None Initial ProvisioningIP None Invoice Packing CardIP None Internet ProtocolIPC None Intermediate Pressure Bleed Check Valve

IPC General Illustrated Parts CatalogIPCT None Initial Provisioning Coordination TeamIPCU General Ice Protection Control UnitIPD None Initial Provisioning DataIPD None Illustrated Provisioning DocumentIPDU General Ice Protection Data UnitIPL None Illustrated Parts ListIPO None Initial Public stock OfferingIPPU General Instrumentation Position Pick-off UnitIPRAM General Integrated Prerecorded Announcement

ModuleIPS None Incorrect Phase SequenceIPT None Inadvertent Power TransferIPV None Indicator Para VisualIR General Inertial ReferenceIRAN None Inspection and Repair As NecessaryIRDC General Interface Remote Data ConcentratorIRP General Integrated Refuel PanelIRQ None Interrupt RequestIRR None Internal Rate of ReturnIrr.M None Irritating MaterialIRS General Inertial Reference SystemIRS None Inspection Report SystemIRU None Inertial Reference UnitISA None Inertial Sensor AssemblyISA General International Standard AtmosphereISAMI None Improvement of Structure Analysis through

Multi-disciplinary IntegrationISB None Inter-System BusISDN None Integrated Services Data NetworkISDU None Inertial Sensor Display Unit (IRS)ISG None Instrument Symbol Generator UnitISIS General Integrated Standby Instrument SystemISM General Illumination Sensor ModuleISO General International Standardization Organisation

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56/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (57)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

ISOL General IsolationISP None In-Service ProblemISP General Integrated Static ProbeISPSS General In-Seat Power Supply SystemISPSU General In-Seat Power Supply UnitISPU None In-Seat Power Supply Unit Do not use this abbreviation.

Refer to ISPSU.ISRO None In-Service Reportable OccurrenceISS None Inertial Sensor SystemISU None Inertial Sensor UnitISWL None Isolated Single Wheel LoadIT None InterruptionITP None Intention To ProceedITS None Internal Technical SpecificationIV Panels/Display Units Isolation Valve

IVASEB General Integrated Video and Audio Seat Electronic Box

IVCP None Integrated Value Creation ProjectIVS General Inertial Vertical SpeedJAA None Joint Aviation AuthoritiesJAM General Jammed, JammingJAMG None JammingJAR General Joint Aviation RequirementsJB None Junction BoxJCT None Junction Do not use. Use JUNCTNJEMTOSS None Jet Engine Maintenance Task Oriented

Support SystemJEP General JeppesenJFGW General Jettison Final Gross WeightJIC None Job Instruction CardJID General Jeppesen Inflight DatabaseJITX General Jeppesen Integrated Tool Kit XJK None JackJOEB None Joint Operation Evaluation BoardJOG None JoggleJTSN General JettisonJUNCTN General JunctionK None KK None Subgrade Reaction ModulusK None Degrees KelvinKA None Knowledge Acquisition

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

57/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (58)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

KB/s None Kilo Bits per SecondKBD General KeyboardKCCU General Keyboard and Cursor Control UnitKE None Knowledge EngineeringKeV None Thousand Electron VoltsKFS General Kaspersky File Systemkg None Kilogramkg/m³ None Kilograms/Cubic MeterKHZ None KilohertzKIAS None Knots Indicated AirspeedKM None Knowledge ManagementkPa None Kilo PascalKPI None Key Performance IndicatorKRUG None KruegerKT None Knot(s)KU General Keyboard Unit For SA and LR only.KV None Kilo VoltKVA None Kilovolt AmperekW None KilowattL General LengthL None Litre or LiterL None Radius of Relative StiffnessL General LeftL ECAM DU None Left ECAM Display UnitL/D None Lift/DragL/G General Landing GearL/HIRF General Lightning/High Intensity Radiated FieldsLA General Linear AccelerometerLAF General Load Alleviation FunctionLAG None LaggingLAILA General LAvatory Interface and Light AdapterLAM None LaminateLAMM None Lights, Audio and Miscellaneous Module

LAN General Local Area NetworkLAND None LandingLAP None List of Applicable PublicationsLAT General LateralLAT General LatitudeLAU None Linear Accelerometer UnitLAV General Lavatorylb None Pound

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

58/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (59)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

LB None PoundsLBA None Luftfahrt Bundes AmtLBA General Logical Bus Applicationlbf/in² None Pounds force per square inchLB-FT None Pound - Force - Foot (Torque)LB-IN None Pound - InchLBP General Left Bottom PlugLC None Labour CostLC General Line ContactorLCC None Life Cycle CostLCD General Liquid Crystal DisplayLCDT Power Plant and APU Load Compressor Discharge Temperature APU

LCH General LatchLCHG None LatchingLCIT Power Plant and APU Load Compressor Inlet Temperature

LCL None Line Check List (Maintenance)LCN General Load Classification NumberLCP General Local Control PanelLCSD None Line Check Support DataLCTR General LocatorLD None Left DisplayLD General Lower DeckLD None LoadLD CAB General Lower Deck CabinLD GALY General Lower Deck GalleyLD LAV General Lower Deck LavatoryLDA None Localizer-type Directional AidLDC None Local Domain CoordinatorLDC General Local Door ControllerLDCC General Lower Deck Cargo CompartmentLDF General Lower Deck FacilitiesLDG General LandingLDG GR None Landing GearLDI None Landing Direction IndicatorLDMCR General Lower Deck Mobile Crew RestLDPA General LanDing Performance ApplicationLE None Log EntryLE General Leading EdgeLED General Light Emitting Diode

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

59/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (60)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

LEHGS General Local Electro-Hydraulic Generation System

LEL None Lower Explosive LimitLEO General Little Earth OrbitLEP None List of Effective PagesLER General Leading Edge RibLF None Low FrequencyLFR None Low Frequency Radio RangeLGA General Low Gain AntennaLGCIS General Landing Gear Control Indication SystemLGCIU General Landing Gear Control and Interface UnitLGCM General Light Green Communication Manager Not to be used in the co*ckpit.LGERS General Landing Gear Extension and Retraction

SystemLGMS General Landing Gear Management SystemLGND None LegendLGWSS General Landing Gear Well Surveillance System LH General Left HandLIB General Loudspeaker and Indicator BoxLIM General Limit, Limitation, Limiting, LimiterLIMG None LimitingLIPPLE None Lowest Intelligible Phone Power LevelLIQD General LiquidLIS General Localizer Inertial SmoothingLISA None Light Interface Standardization AdapterLKD General LockedLKG General Locking Do not use for the A380 and

subsequent. Use LOCKGLKR None LockerLKSHFT General LockshaftLL None Low LevelLL General Latitude/longitudeLL1 None Waypoint from Waypoint List Abbreviated

LLAC None Low Level AC VoltageLLDC None Low Level Direct CurrentLLDC None Low Level DC VoltageLLI None Long Lead Time ItemLLL None Low Level LightLLS None Left Line Select KeyLLS None Low-Level Solid Radioactive MaterialLLS None Liquid Level Sensor

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101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (61)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

LMC None Least Material ConditionLMC None Last Minute ChangeLMES General Loss of Main Electrical SupplyLMM None Compass Locator at Middle MarkerLMP General Left Middle PlugLMP None Line Maintenance PartLMS General Leakage Measurement SystemLMT None Local Mean TimeLNA None Label Not AvailableLNG Panels/Display Units Long Display units

LNR General LinearLO General LowLO None Local OscillatorLO PR None Low PressureLOC General LocalizerLOC None List of Overhaulable ComponentsLOCKG General Locking For A380 and subsequentLODD None Last acceptable On Dock DateLOG None LogicLOGO None LogogramLOM None Compass Locator at Outer MarkerLONG None LongitudinalLONG General LongitudeLONGL General LongitudinalLONGN General LongeronLOP General Low Oil PressureLOPA None Layout Per AircraftLORAN None Long Range Aid to Air NavigationLOS None Lavatory Occupied SignLP General Low PressureLP VALVE None Low Pressure ValveLPC Power Plant and APU Low Pressure Compressor PW

LPC None Low Compressor Rotor and Stator Assembly

LPC None Less Paper in the co*ckpitLPE None Laissez-Passer ExceptionnelLPFEV None Long Power Failure EventLPO None Landings per OverhaulLPT Power Plant and APU Low Pressure Turbine CFMI, GE, PW

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61/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (62)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

LPT None Front Compressor Drive Turbine Rotor Assembly

LPTACC Power Plant and APU Low Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control


LPTC Power Plant and APU Low Pressure Turbine Clearance

LPTCC Power Plant and APU Low Pressure Turbine Case Cooling PW

LPTCC Power Plant and APU Low Pressure Turbine Clearance Control CFMI

LPTR Power Plant and APU Low Pressure Turbine Rotor

LR None Long RangeLRE General List of Radioactive and Hazardous

ElementsLRI General Line Replaceable ItemLRM General Line Replaceable ModuleLROPS General Long Range OperationsLRRA None Low Range Radio AltimeterLRU General Line Replaceable UnitLS None Line Select KeyLS General LoudspeakerLS General Low SpeedLS Panels/Display Units Landing System

LSA None Low Speed AileronLSA None Low Specific Activity Radioactive Material

LSAP None Loadable Software Aircraft PartsLSB General Least Significant BitLSC None Least Significant CharacterLSC General Load Signature Certificate Do not use in the co*ckpit.LSI General Large Scale

Integrated/Integration/IntegratorLSP None Low SpeedLSP None Loadable Software PartLSR General Load Shedding RelayLSR None Last Significant BitLSU None Lavatory Service UnitLT General LightLT None TeleloadingLTD General LimitedLTD PLT General Lighted Plate

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62/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (63)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

LTG General LightingLTK None Load Tonne KilometreLTM General Livestock Transportation ManualLTO None Landing and TakeOff LTP General Left Top PlugLTR None Lab Test RequestLTS None LightsLTS None Load and Trim Sheet SoftwareLUAR None Laboratory Unit Acceptance Review LV General Low VoltageLVDT General Linear Variable Differential TransducerLVL General LevelLVL/CH None Level ChangeLVR None LouverLVR General LeverLVT General Linear Voltage TransducerLW General Landing WeightLWR General LowerLWSA General Lavatory Water Supply AssyL-x None Lavatory - XM General Maneuvering Speed (EFIS)M None Magentam None MeterM None ModeM None Mach NumberM None MachM/L General Mood Lightingm³ None Cubic MeterMA None Milli-AmpereMA None Maintenance AnnunciatorMAA None Maximum Authorized IFR AltitudeMAAP None Members and Associated PartnersMABH None Minimum Approach Breakoff HeightMAC General Mean Aerodynamic ChordMAC None Maintenance Action ClassificationMACT General Module Application Configuration TableMADAR None Malfunction Detection Analysis and

Recording SubsystemMAF General Maintenance Access FunctionMAG General MagneticMAG None MagazineMAG DEC General Magnetic Declination

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63/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (64)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

MAG VAR None Magnetic VariationMag.M None Magnetized MaterialMAGN None MagnetronMAIDS None Multipurpose Automatic Inspection and

Diagnostic SystemMAIN MUX General Main MultiplexerMAINT General MaintenanceMALS None Medium Intensity Approach Light System

MALSR None Medium Intensity Approach Light System with Runway Align

MAN General ManualMAP None Missed Approach SegmentMAP None Ground MappingMAP None Master Annunciator PanelMAP None Mise au pointMAPSP None Master Attendant Passenger Service Panel

MAS None Milli-Ampere/SecondsMAS None Modification Approval SheetMASI None Mach Airspeed IndicatorMAT General Multi-purpose Access TerminalMAT None Maintenance Access TerminalMAWP None Missed Approach WaypointMAX General MaximumMAX CLB None Maximum ClimbMAX DES None Maximum DescentMAX END None Maximum EnduranceMB None Millibarsmbar None MillibarMC None Master ChangeMC None Material CostMCA None Minimum Crossing AltitudeMCBF None Mean Cycles between FailuresMCC None Modification Customer ChartMCC None Multi Crew CooperationMCD General Movable Class DividerMCDU General Multipurpose Control & Display UnitMCE General Motor Control ElectronicMCi None MillicurieMCL General Maximum ClimbMCPU General Motor Control and Protection Unit

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64/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (65)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

MCR None Maximum CruiseMCR None Manufacturer Change RequestMCS None MultiChannel Aviation Satellite

Communication SystemMCS General Mission Computer Subsystem For MRTT onlyMCT General Maximum Continuous ThrustMCU General Master Control UnitMCU General Modular Concept UnitMCUR General Mean Cycle Between Unscheduled

RemovalsMCVL None Manual Configuration Variation ListMCW None Modulated Continuous WaveMD General Main DeckMDA None Minimum Decision AltitudeMDA General Minimum Descent AltitudeMDAU None Modular Data Acquisition UnitMDCC General Main Deck Cargo Compartment Freighters & post-1993 combis

MDCD General Main Deck Cargo DoorMDDU General Multipurpose Disk Drive UnitMDF None Medium Frequency Direction Finding

StationMDH None Minimum Descent HeightMDL Panels/Display Units Module

MDM None Material Data MeetingMDR General Multiregional DBS (Digital Broadcast

System) ReceiverMDU None Multiplier Divider UnitMDU Power Plant and APU Manual Drive Unit RR, GP

MEA None Minimum En Route IFR AltitudeMEAS General MeasurementMEASRG None MeasuringMEC Power Plant and APU Main Engine Control

MECH General Mechanic, Mechanical, MechanismMED General MediumMEDB None Model/Engine DataBaseMEL None Minimum Equipment ListMEM None MemoryMEO General Middle Earth OrbitMEP General Main Executive Program

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65/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (66)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

MES Power Plant and APU Main Engine Start

MET General MeteorologicalMEV None Main Electro ValveMEV None Million Electron-VoltsMEW General Manufacturer's Empty WeightMF None Medium FrequenciesMFA General Memorized Fault AnnunciatorMFD General MultiFunction DisplayMFG General ManufacturingMFP None Mixed Fission ProductsMFP General Maintenance Facility PlanningMFP General MultiFunction ProbeMFR General ManufacturerMFR IDENT None Manufacturer IdentificationMFS General MultiFunction SensorMFT None Multi Function TeamMFTW None Maximum Design Fuel Transfer WeightMFW None Maximum Design Flight WeightMGB Power Plant and APU Main Gear Box PW

MGMT General ManagementMGT None ManagementMHSU None Magnetic Heading Sensor UnitMHZ None MegahertzMI General Magnetic IndicatorMIB General Management Information BaseMIC General MicrophoneMICBAC General Micro-System Bus Access ChannelMID General MiddleMID None Modification Information DocumentMIDU General Multi-Input Interactive Display UnitMILA None MIni Light Adaptermile/h None Miles per HourMIN General Minimummin None MinuteMIN FUEL None Minimum FuelMIN TIME None Minimum TimeMIP None Maintenance Information PrinterMIP Panels/Display Units Master Interphone Panel

MIPO None Manually Issued Purchase Order

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66/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (67)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

MIPS None Maintenance Information and Planning System

MISC General MiscellaneousMKGS None MarkingsMKR General Marker (radio) Beaconml None MilliliterMLA General Maneuver Load AlleviationMLC General Mood Lighting ControllerMLD None MoldedMLFAP General Mood Lighting Flight Attendant PanelMLG General Main Landing GearMLI General Magnetic Level IndicatorMLIH General Magnetic Level Indicator HousingMLS General Microwave Landing SystemMLW General Maximum Design Landing WeightMM Panels/Display Units Middle Marker

mm None MillimeterMM None Maintenance Manualmm² None Square Millimetermm³ None Cubic MillimeterMMC None Maximum Material ConditionMMDB None Mechanical Main Data BankMMEL General Master Minimum Equipment ListMMH/FH None Maintenance Man Hours per Flight HourMMI General Manual Magnetic IndicatorMMO General Mach Max Operating SpeedMMO General Maximum Operating MachMMR General Multi-Mode ReceiverMn None Mach NumberMNFOLD General ManifoldMNPS None Minimum Navigation Performance

SpecificationMOCA None Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude

MOD None ModulatorMOD General ModificationMOD/V None Modulating ValveMODLTR General ModulatorMOKA None Methodology and software tools Oriented to

KBE ApplicationsMOM None Maintenance Organization Manual

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67/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (68)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

MON General Monitor, Monitoring, MonitoredMONG None MonitoringMORA General Minimum Off Route AltitudeMORV General Mixer Overpressure Relief Valve MOS General Metal Oxyde SemiconductorMOT General Motor, MotorizedMOU None Memorandum of UnderstandingMP None Maintenance PracticesMP General Modification ProposalMP None Maintenance ProcedureMP None Main ProcessorMPA None Maximum Power AssuranceMPB None Micro Processor BipolarMPD General Maintenance Planning DocumentMPDS None Maintenance Planning Data SupportMPL None Maximum Permitted LifeMPR None Multipurpose RegisterMPS None Multiplex Power SupplyMPS None Maximum Performance SpecificationsMPU General Modem Processor UnitMPU None Magnetic PickupMQPB None Minimum Quantity Price Breakmr/hr None Milliroentgens per HourMRA None Minimum Reception AltitudeMRB General Maintenance Review BoardMRB None Materials Review BoardMRBD None Maintenance Review Board Documentmrem/hr None Millirems per hourMRIU None Maintenance & Recording Interface UnitMRS None Malfunction Reporting SystemsMRS None Maintenance, Reliability, SupportabilityMRTT None Multi Role Tanker TransportMRW General Maximum Ramp WeightMS None Military StandardMS None Maintenance ScheduleMSA General Minimum Safe AltitudeMSB General Most Significant BitMSC None Maintenance Steering CommitteeMSC None Airbus Materiel Support CentreMSCN None Manufacturer Specification Change Notice

MSD None Mass Storage Device

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68/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (69)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

MSG General MessageMSG General Maintenance Steering GroupMSI None Medium Scale IntegratedMSI General Maintenance Significant ItemMSL General Mean Sea LevelMSL None Maintenance Significant Item ListMSM General Monitoring System ModuleMSN General Manufacturer Serial NumberMSTR General MasterMSU General Media Server UnitMSU General Mode Selector Unit (IRS)MSU None Magnetic Sensor UnitMSU General Motor Switching UnitMSW General MicroswitchMT None MountMTBD General Mean Time Between DefectsMTBF General Mean Time Between FailuresMTBI None Mean Time Between InspectionMTBIFS None Mean Time Between In Flight Shut-down

MTBPR None Mean Time Between Premature Removals

MTBR General Mean Time Between RemovalsMTBT None Mean Time Between TroubleMTBUR General Mean Time Between Unscheduled

RemovalsMTE None Manual Test EquipmentMTG General MountingMTGC None Mounting CenterMTI General Multi Tank IndicatorMTN None MotionMTO General Maximum Take-OffMTO None MétéoMTOGW General Maximum Takeoff Gross WeightMTOP None Maintenance Task Operating PlanMTOW General Maximum Design Takeoff WeightMTP General Maintenance and Test Panel (AFS)MTR None MeterMTRM None Mid Term Planning MeetingMTS None Maintenance Training SimulatorMTTF General Mean Time to FailureMTTR General Mean Time to Repair

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69/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (70)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

MTTUR General Mean Time to Unscheduled RemovalMTUR None Mean Time Between Unscheduled

RemovalsMTW General Maximum Design Taxi WeightMTXW None Maximum Taxi WeightMU General Management UnitMUX General Multiplex, MultiplexerMV None MultivibratorMVT General MovementMWARN None Master WarningMWC None Master Warning ComputerMWE None Manufacturer's Weight EmptyMWG None Maintenance Working GroupMWP None Master Warning PanelMWS None Master Warning SystemMXR General MixerMZFCG None Maximum Zero Fuel Center of GravityMZFW General Maximum Design Zero Fuel Weightn None Load FactorN None NewtonN None NormalN None NeonN General NorthN MOS None N-Channel Metal Oxide SemiconductorN MOS General Negative Metal Oxide SemiconductorN.O.R None Normal Operating RangeN/A General Not ApplicableN/P None Next PageN/W General Nose WheelN/WS General Nose Wheel SteeringN1 General Low Pressure Rotor SpeedN1 General Engine Fan SpeedN1.D General N1 DescentN1.L General N1 LatchN2 General High Pressure Rotor SpeedNAA None National Aviation AuthorityNAC General NacelleNAC Power Plant and APU Nacelle Air Cooling CFMI

NAC STA None Nacelle StationNACA None National Advisory Committee for

AeronauticsReplaced by NASA.

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70/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (71)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

NAI General Nacelle Anti-IcingNAS General Navy and Army StandardNASA General National Aeronautics and Space

AdministrationReplaces NACA

NatCo None National CompanyNATS General North American Telephone SystemNAV General NavigationNAVAID General Navigation AidNBCM None Normal Brake Control ManifoldNBF General Network BITE FunctionNBPT General No Break Power TransferNBS None National Bureau of StandardsNBSELV Panels/Display Units Normal Brake Selector Valve

NC General Normally ClosedNCC None Nacelle Compartment CoolingNCD General No Computed DataNCH None Noise Compensated HeadsetNCR General NSS Communication RouterNCU None Navigation Computer UnitNCU General NSS Control UnitNCV Power Plant and APU Nacelle Cooling Valve PW, IAE

ND General Navigation DisplayND None Navigation DatabaseNDB None Navigation Data BaseNDB None Non-Directional Radio BeaconNDB General Non-Directional BeaconNDM General Noise Definition ManualNDT General Non-Destructive TestNEG General NegativeNFC None Not Fully ClosedNFO None Not Fully OpenNFOV General Narrow Field of View For MRTT onlyNHA General Next Higher AssemblyNLA None Non-Listed AssemblyNLCP None Noise Level Calculation ProgramNLG General Nose Landing GearNM None Nautical MileNm None Moment (Newtonmeter)NMI General Non Maskable InterruptNO General Normal Operation

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101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (72)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

NO None Normal Operation in SSMNO General Normally OpenNo General NumberNonflaG None Non-Flammable Compressor GasNOPT None No Procedure Turn RequiredNORM General NormalNORM ALIGN None Normal AlignmentNOTAM None Notice to AirmenNOVOLRAM None Non-Volatile Random Access MemoryNOVOLRAM General Non-volatile Random Access MemoryNP None Non ProcurableNPN None Negative-Positive-NegativeNPT None National Taper Pipe (Thread)NPV None Net Present ValueNRC None Non-Recurring CostNRP None Navigation Reference PointNRZ None Non Return To ZeroNS General No SmokingNSA General Norme Sud AviationNSCM General NATO Supply Code for ManufacturersNSDW General Non Specific Design WorkNSIU General Nose Static Interface UnitNSS General Network Server SystemNSU None Network Server UnitNTM General Nondestructive Testing ManualNTO None No Technical ObjectionNTSC General National Television System CommitteeNTWK General NetworkNUA None Normal Unlock ActuatorNUM General NumericalNVM General Non-Volatile MemoryNVM None Non Volatile MemoryNW None Nose WheelO General OpenO None OrangeO/C None Open CircuitO/P General OutputO2 General Oxygen (Symbol)OADMT None Overall Aircraft Design Management Team

OAMS General Onboard Asynchronous Messaging Service

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72/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (73)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

OANC General Onboard Airport Navigation ComputerOANS General Onboard Airport Navigation SystemOASI None Operation and Service Instruction Manual

OAT General Outside Air TemperatureOBCE General On-Board Control EquipmentOBCEww General On-Board Control Equipment worldwideOBOGS General On Board Oxygen Generation SystemOBRM General On Board Replaceable ModuleOBS General Omni Bearing SelectorOBS None Organization Breakdown StructureOBSV None ObservationOBSVR None ObserverOC None On ConditionOC General Open CircuitOC General OvercurrentOC None Order CardOC Panels/Display Units Oceanic Clearance

OCCPD None OccupiedOCCPNT General OccupantOCL None Obstacle Clearance LimitOCM General Outflow valve Control ModuleOCM None Out of Control MonthsOCS None Obstacle Clearance SurfaceOCS None Overall Customer SatisfactionOCSM General Outflow valve Control and Sensor Module

OD General Outside DiameterODU General Optical Display UnitOEB None Operating Engineering BulletinOEM None Original Equipment ManufacturerOEW General Operational Empty WeightOF General OverfrequencyOFDM General Onboard Flight Data MonitoringOFF/R Panels/Display Units Off Reset

OFFR None Off/ResetOFMV Power Plant and APU Oil Flow Management Valve EA

OFST General Offset

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73/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (74)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

OFV General Outflow Valve Do not use for A380 and subsequent. Use OUTFLW VLV.

OG None Operational GroupOGV General Outlet Guide VaneOH General Opposite HandOHDS General OverHeat Detection SystemOHDU General Overheat Detection UnitOHP None Overhead PanelOHSC General Overhead Stowage CompartmentOHU General Optical Head UnitOI None Operational InterruptionOIS General Onboard Information SystemOIT General Oil Inlet Temperature Do not use this abbreviation with

this meaning for the A380 (risk of confusion with Onboard Information Terminal).

OIT None Operator Information TelexOIT General Onboard Information TerminalOJT None On Job TrainingOK General CorrectOLIVER None Output Level Intended for Very Excellent

ReproductionOLMS None Operational Loads Monitoring SystemOLW None Operational Landing WeightOM None Overhaul ManualOM Panels/Display Units Outer Marker

OMM None Overhaul Manual ManufacturerOMS General Onboard Maintenance SystemOMT General Onboard Maintenance TerminalOMTBF None Observed Mean Time between FailureOMTS General On-Board Mobile Telephony SystemOMV None Overhaul Manual VendorONS None Omega Navigation SystemOOT General Oil Outlet TemperatureOP None OperationalOP None OpalescentOPAL None Order Processing Automated LineOPC None Operational Program ConfigurationOPER General Operative/Operation/OperatingOPMS General Oleo Pressure Monitoring System

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

74/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (75)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

OPNG Panels/Display Units Opening

OPP General OppositeOPS General OperationsOPS None Operational Program SoftwareOPT General OptionalOPT General OptimumOPTL None OptionalOPTS General Oleo Pressure and Temperature Sensor

OPU Power Plant and APU Overspeed Protection Unit RR

OPV General Overpressure ValveOR None Operational ReliabilityORF None OrificeOrg Per None Organic PeroxideORM None Onboard Replaceable ModuleORT General Owner Requirement TableORVD None Overpressure Relief Valve with Dump

Function ORZ None Omni Range ZeroOS General Operating SystemOSC None OscillatorOSCU General Oxygen System Control UnitOSG None Overspeed Safety GovernorOSS None Option Selectable SoftwareOTD None On Time DeliveryOTH None On Time HandoverOTOW None Operational Take-Off WeightOU General Outlet UnitOUT General OutletOUT None OutputOUTB General OutboundOUTBD General OutboardOUTFLW General OutflowOUTR General OuterOV None OverOVBD General OverboardOVF None Over FrequencyOVFL General OverflowOVHD General OverheadOVHT General Overheat

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75/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (76)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

OVLD General OverloadOVPRESS General OverpressureOVRD General OverrideOVSP General OverspeedOVSTEER General OversteerOVV None OvervoltageOW None Outer WingOWD General Open World DiodeOWE None Operating Weight EmptyOXY General OxygenOxy M None Oxidizing MaterialOZ None OunceP General PurpleP None Roll RateP None PressureP(-+ OFF) None Polarity (minus, plus, off)P.ALT None Profile AltitudeP.CLB None Profile ClimbP.DES None Profile DescentP.EPR None Profile EPRP.MACH None Profile MachP.N1 None Profile N1P.SPD None Profile SpeedP/B General PushbuttonP/BSW General Pushbutton SwitchP/C General Printed CircuitP/L None PayloadP/P ROM None Preprocessor ROMPA General Passenger AddressPA None Public AddressPa None PascalPA AMP None Passenger Address AmplifierPAD None Partner Agreement DocumentPADS General Pneumatic Air Distribution SystemPAL None Programmable Array LogicPAR None Precision Approach RadarPARAM General ParameterPARK General ParkingPAS General Pitch Attitude SensorPATCC None Production Aircraft Test Completion

CertificatePATM None Production Aircraft Test Manual

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76/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (77)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

PATS General Passenger Air-to-Ground Telephone System

PAX None PAX Announcement Entertainment & Service Multiplex Sys

PAX General PassengerPB None Policy BoardPb None Pressure AmbientPBE General Protective Breathing EquipmentPBIT General Power-Up Built-in TestPBM General Power Plant Build-up ManualPBS None Product Breakdown StructurePBSELV Panels/Display Units Park Brake Selector Valve

PBSW Panels/Display Units Pushbutton Switch

PC General Pack ControllerPC None Packing CardPC General Personal ComputerPCA None Positive Control AirspacePCA None Portland Cement AssociationPCB General Printed Circuit BoardPCD None Performance Compliance DocumentPCDM General Primary Contactor Driver ModulePCDS General Primary Contactor Driver SystemPCE None Personal Consumption ExpendituresPCF None Passenger Cum FreighterPCM Power Plant and APU Power Conditioning Module RR

PCM General Pulse Code ModulationPCOS Power Plant and APU Power Cowl Opening System RR, GP

PCPU Power Plant and APU Primary COS Power Unit EA

PCT None PercentPCT Panels/Display Units Probe Compensator Temperature

PCU General Passenger Control UnitPCU General Power Control UnitPCU Power Plant and APU Power Controller Unit RR

PD General Principle DiagramPD None Pitch DiameterPDC None Procurement Data Card

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77/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (78)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

PDC None Panel Display CatalogPDCS General Power Distribution Control SystemPDDC None Provisioning Descriptive Data CardPDF None Portable Document FormatPDL General Portable Data LoaderPDLCU None Privacy Door Lock Control UnitPDLS None Privacy Door Lock SystemPDM None Post Delivery Modification MaterialPDM None Product Data ManagementPDM None Privacy Door ModulePDMC General Power Distribution Maintenance Computer

PDMI General Power Distribution Maintenance Interface

PDO Power Plant and APU Power Door Opening PW (A330)

PDRC None Procurement Data Reference CardPDU Power Plant and APU Power Drive Unit RR, EA

PE Power Plant and APU HP Stage Air Pressure

PED General Pedestal Do not use with this meaning for the A380 and subsequent.

PED General Portable Electronic Device For A380 and subsequentPEDMU General Primary Electrical Distribution Management

UnitPEF General Pylon Extension FairingPEM None Performance Engineers ManualPEP None Performance Engineers ProgramPEPDC General Primary Electrical Power Distribution Center

PERC None PercussionPERF General PerformancePERM General PermanentPES General Passenger Entertainment (System)PES None Production Engineering SpecificationPES None Passenger Entertainment SystemPESAR General Passenger Entertainment System Audio

ReproducerPESC General PES ControllerPESMMUX General Passenger Entertainment System Main Mux

PF General Pilot Flying

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78/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (79)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

PF General Power FactorPFD General Primary Flight DisplayPFEV None Power Failure EventPFF None Pre-First FlightPFIN None Power Failure InterruptPFIS General Passenger Flight Information SystemPFQ Panels/Display Units Preselected Fuel Quantity

PFR None Post Flight ReportPFS None Pre-Feasibility StudyPFTU Panels/Display Units Pedal Feel and Trim Unit

PG None PagePG BUS None Program BusPH General PhasepH None Acidity or AlkalinityPHA None Preliminary Hazard AnalysisPHC General Probe Heat Computerphi None Bank Anglephi N None Nominal Bank AnglePHR None Pounds per HourPI None Procedure Turn to an InterceptPIA None Programmable Interface AdapterPIA None Peripheral Interface AdapterPIH None Pressure Interstage Hydraulic (PW eng)PIM None Programming and Indication ModulePIN PROG General Pin ProgrammingPIPC General Power Plant Illustrated Parts CatalogPIR None Pressure Interstage ReturnPIREP General Pilot ReportPISA General Passenger Interface and Supply Adapter

PIU General Passenger Information UnitPIX None PicturePK None PinkPL None PlugPL Panels/Display Units Plate

PLA General Power Light Adapter A350 and subsequentPLATF None PlatformPLCRD General PlacardPLS None Pulse

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79/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (80)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

PLT None PilotPLYWD None PlywoodPM None Phase ModulationPM None Pounds per MinutePMA None Parts Manufacturing ApprovalPMA General Permanent Magnet AlternatorPMAT General Portable Multipurpose Access TerminalPMC None Power Management Control, ControllerPMC None Process Material ControlPMC General Power Management Control,controllerPMDB General Production Management Data BasePMG General Permanent Magnet GeneratorPMITS None Project Management Information

Technology SystemPMM General Personalization Memory ModulePMO None Project Management OfficePMP None Performance Monitoring ProgramPMP General PumpPMP None Primary Maintenance ProcessPMR General Performance Maintenance RecorderPMS General Process and Material SpecificationPMU General Power Management UnitPMUX None Propulsion MultiplexerPMUX General Power Plant MultiplexerPN General Part Number Airbus preferred abbreviationPNEU General PneumaticPNF General Pilot Non FlyingPNL General PanelPNP None Positive-Negative-PositivePNR General Part Number Airbus acceptable alternative -

use PN where possible.PO None Purchase OrderPO None PickoffPOB General Pressure-Off BrakePOM None Production Organisation ManualPOR General Point of RegulationPOS General PositionPOST None Power on Self TestPOT General PotentiometerPOXIP Panels/Display Units Passenger Oxygen Indication Panel

PPB None Provisioning Parts Breakdown

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80/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (81)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

PPBU None Power Plant Build UpPPC None Phosphor Protection CircuitPPDC None Provisioning Procurement Data CardPPDES None Product Performance Data Exchange

SpecificationsPPE None Proofreading Process EvidencePPI None Plan Position IndicatorPPIPC None Power Plant IPCPPM None Performance Programs ManualPPM None Pulse Position ModulationPPM None Parts per MillionPPOS Panels/Display Units Present Position

PPU General Position Pickoff UnitPQAS None Program Quality Assurance SystemPR Panels/Display Units Pressure

PR None Power Ready RelayPR None Progress MeetingPR None Regulated Pressure (downstream of bleed

valve)PRAM General Prerecorded Announcement and MusicPRB General ProbePRCSG None ProcessingPRCSR None ProcessorPREAMP General PreamplifierPRECOOL General PrecoolerPRED General PredictionPRE-EMPT Panels/Display Units Pre-emptive

PREREC General PrerecordedPRES POS General Present PositionPRESEL General Preselection, PreselectorPRESS General Pressure, Pressurization, PressurizePREV General PreviousPRF None Interrogation RatePRGM None ProgramPRI General PriorityPRIM General PrimaryPRIM General PRIMary System Only for flight controls with this

meaningPRIMES None Product Related Information Management

Enterprise System

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81/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (82)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

PRL None ParallelPROC General ProcedurePROC T None Procedure TurnPROF General ProfilePROG None ProgressPROG General Program, ProgrammingPROJ General ProjectorPROM General Programmable Read Only MemoryPROS None Present PositionPROT General ProtectionPROX General ProximityPRPHL General PeripheralPRR General Power Ready RelayPRSRZ None PressurizePRSRZG General PressurizingPRV General Pressure Regulating ValvePS None Process SolutionPSCU General Proximity Switch Control UnitPSDU General Power Supply Decoupling UnitPSI General Pound per Square InchPSIA None Pounds per Square Inch AbsolutePSIC Panels/Display Units Proximity Sensor Interface Card

PSIG None Pounds per Square Inch GagePSIU General Passenger Service Information UnitPSNR None PositionerPSPM None Product Support Procedures ManualPSQM None Propulsion System Quality Management

PSS General Passenger Services SystemPSSA None Preliminary System Safety AssessmentPSTN None Public Switch Telephone NetworkPSU General Passenger Service UnitPSU None Power Supply UnitPSUD None Passenger Service Unit DecoderPSV None Planned Shop VisitPT General PointPT None Switching Pressure of HP ValvePT CODE None Part CodePTC General Positive Temperature CoefficientPTDC None Provisioning Technical Data CardPTLU None Pedal Travel Limiting Unit

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82/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (83)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

PTM None Performance Training ManualPTP None Programming and Test PanelPTR General Push to ResetPTR None PrinterPTS None Purchaser Technical SpecificationPTT General Push to TestPTT General Push-to-TalkPTT None Push-to-TestPTU General Power Transfer UnitPTU None Power Transformer UnitPU General Pick UpPU None Panel UnitPU General Parts UsagePU General Processing Unit For SA and LR only.PURS General PurserPVC None Polyvinyl ChloridePVD None Para Visual DirectorPVI General Paravisual IndicatingPVIS General Passenger Visual Information SystemPW None Pratt and WhitneyPW Power Plant and APU Pratt & Whitney

PWCU General Potable Water Control UnitPWIP General Potable Water Indication PanelPWM General Pulse Width ModulatorPWR General PowerPWS General Predictive WindShearPWS Panels/Display Units Potable Water System For BITE messages only

PWSP General Potable Water Service PanelPYL General PylonQ General Pitch RateQA None Quality AssuranceQAD General Quick-Attach-DetachQAM General Quadrature Amplitude ModulationQAR General Quick Access RecorderQAT General Quadruple ARINC TransmitterQC None Quick ChangeQC None Quality ControlQD General Quick DonningQDB None Quality Directors BoardQDR None Magnetic Heading to a Station

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83/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (84)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

QEC Power Plant and APU Quick Engine Change

QEI None Quality Event InformationQF None Quality Task ForceQFE None Baro Pressure Setting for Airfield Altitude

QFE General Field Elevation Atmospheric PressureQFE None Pressure Setting for Airfield AltitudeQFU General Runway HeadingQIG None Quality Improvement GroupQIR None Quality Improvement RequestQLB None Quality Log BookQMS None Quality Management SystemQMU General QAM Modulator UnitQNE General Sea Level Standard Atmosphere Pressure

QNH None Baro Pressure Setting for en Route Altitude

QNH General Sea Level Atmospheric PressureQNH None Pressure Setting for En Route AltitudeQNH None Sea Level PressureQPL None Qualified Products ListQRH None Quick Reference HandbookQSR None Quarterly Service ReportsQSR None Quality Survey Reportqt None Imperial quart or United States quartQT None Quart (US)QTE None True Heading to a StationQTY General QuantityQTZ None QuartzQUJ None True Radial from a StationR General RedR General RadiusR None ReleaseR None RankineR None ResetR None ResistorR None Yaw RateR General RightR&D None Research and DevelopmentR/A/G None Red/Amber/GreenR/AD None Retro/Adaptation Drawing

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

84/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (85)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

R/C General Rate of ClimbR/D General Rate of DescentR/H None Radar HeightR/hr None Roentgens per HourR/I General Radio/InertialR/I None Removal/InstallationR/L General Reading Lightr/min None Revolutions per MinuteR/T None Receiver Transmitter UnitR/T General Radio TransmitRA None Resolution AdvisoryRA None Redundancy AssuranceRA General Radio Altimeter, Radio AltitudeRAAS General Runway Awareness and Advisory System Not for use in the co*ckpit.

RAC None Rules of the Air and Air Traffic ControlRAC Power Plant and APU Rotor Active Clearance

RACC Power Plant and APU Rotor Active Clearance Control

RACON None Radar BeaconRACSB Power Plant and APU Rotor Active Clearance Start Bleed

RAD General RadioRAD None Random Access DeviceRAD None Roll Anticipation DistanceRADCON None Radar Data ConverterRadM None Radioactive MaterialRADVR General Random Access Digital Video Reproducer

RAG None Repair Assessment GuidelinesRAI General Ram Air InletRAIL None Runway Alignment Indicator Light System

RAIMS General Radio and Audio Integrating Management System

RALTU None Reprogrammable Annunciator Light Test Unit

RAM General Random Access MemoryRAPCON None Radar Approach ControlRAS None Repair Design Approval SheetRASC None Reservoir Air Supply Cooler

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

85/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (86)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

RASCI None Responsible, Accountable, Support, Consulted, Informed

RAT General Ram Air TurbineRAT None Ram Air TemperatureRATC Panels/Display Units Remote Air Traffic Control

RAX None Random Access Transfer MemoryRBN None Radio BeaconRBP General Right Bottom PlugRC None Reference ChordRC General Repetitive ChimeRC None Recurring CostRCC General Remote Control CenterRCC Power Plant and APU Remote Charge Converter CFMI, GE, PW, RR

RCCB General Remote Control Circuit BreakerRCCBM General RCCB ModuleRCCU None Remote Calibration Control UnitRCDG None RecordingRCDR General RecorderRCL General RecallRCLM None Runway Center Line MarkingRCLS None Runway Center Line Light SystemRCP General Reverse Current ProtectionRCPT General ReceptacleRCPTN General ReceptionRCSM None Resident Customer Support ManagerRCT General Rear Center TankRCVR General ReceiverRCVY General RecoveryRD General Retro DrawingRD None Right DisplayRDC General Remote Data ConcentratorRDDMI None Radio Dual Distance Magnetic IndicatorRDNG None ReadingRDY Panels/Display Units Ready

READG General ReadingRECIRC General Recirculate, RecirculationRECOG None RecognitionRECONF General ReconfigurationRECT General Rectifier

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86/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (87)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

RED General ReductionREDCR General ReducerREDUND General RedundancyREF General ReferenceREF ALIGN None Reference AlignmentREFLNG None RefuelingREFR None RefrigeratorREFUEL General RefuelingREG General RegulatorREG None RegisterREGUL General RegulationREIL None Runway End Identification LightsREL General ReluctanceREL General Releaserem/hr None Rems per HourREP None Reporting PointREP General RepositoryREPL BY None Replaced byRES General ResistanceRET General RetractRET None ReturnRETR None RetractRETRD General RetractedRETRG None RetractingRETRN None RetractionREV General ReverseREV General Revise, RevisionRF General Radio FrequencyRFA None Request for AmendmentRFC General Request for ChangeRFC None Request For Comments For comments from IETFRFI General Request for InformationRFI General Radio Frequency InterferenceRFP None Request for ProposalRFR None Request for RevisionRFS None Request for ServiceRFS None Regardless of Feature SizeRFS None Reason for SelectionRFTI None Request For Technical InformationRFU General Radio Frequency UnitRFW General Request for WorkRFX None Generic term for an RFI, RFTI or RFP

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87/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (88)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

RGLRD None RegulatedRGLTG None RegulatingRGLTN None RegulationRGTR None RegisterRH General Right HandRHEO General RheostatRHL General Rudder Hinge LineRJB None Radio Junction BoxRK None RackRLA General Reverser Lever AngleRLG None Ring Laser GyroR-LMF General Right Side Local Maintenance FunctionRLS None Remote Light SensorRLS None Right Line Select KeyRLSED None ReleasedRLTD None RelatedRLY General RelayRM None Radio MagneticRMCU None Remote Magnetic Compensation UnitRMI General Radio Magnetic IndicatorRMO None Retrofit Modification OrderRMO None Request for Modification OrderRMO General Retrofit Modification OfferRMP None Right Middle PlugRMP General Radio Management Panel For the A380, see RMP - Radio

and Audio Management Panel.

RMP General Radio and Audio Management Panel For A380RMS None Root Mean SquareRMT General RemoteRMU None Radio Management UnitRNAV None Area NavigationRNG General RangeRNI None Radio Navigation IndicatorRoI None Return on InvestmentROLR General RollerROLS General Remote Oil Level SensorROM General Read Only MemoryR-OMS General Right Side Onboard Maintenance System

ROTG General RotatingRPCU General Residual Pressure Control Unit

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88/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (89)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

RPDR General ReproducerRPF General Reporting Processing FunctionRPG None Report Program GeneralRPLNT General RepellentRPM General Revolution per MinuteRPSA General Rotating Pressure Sensing AssemblyRPTG None ReportingRPTG General RepeatingRPTR General RepeaterRPU None Receiver Processor UnitRQ None Recommended QuantityRQRD General RequiredRR None Low or Medium Range Frequency Radio

Range StationRR None Rudder RibRR Power Plant and APU Rolls Royce

RS None Repeating StrokeRS None Rear SparRSA None Request for Service AllowanceRSP None Responder BeaconRSPL None Recommended Spare Parts ListRSR None Route Surveillance RadarRSS None Root Sum SquareRSS General Receiver Surveillance System For MRTT onlyRST General ResetRSU None Raster Shading UnitRSV General ReserveRSVR General ReservoirRTA None Receiver Transmitter ARINCRTC None Real Time ClockRTCA None Radio Technical Commission for

AeronauticsRTE General RouteRTF None Radio TelephonyRTF None Rich Text FormatRTG None RatingRTK None Revenue Tonne KilomètreRTL None Rudder Travel LimitingRTLU None Rudder Travel Limiting UnitRTM Panels/Display Units Real Time Monitoring

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

89/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (90)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

RTN General ReturnRTNR None RetainerRTO General Rejected TakeOffRTOLW General Runway Takeoff and Landing WeightRTOW General Runway Takeoff WeightRTP General Right Top PlugRTR General RouterRTRSW None Rotary SwitchRTRY General RotaryRTS General Return to SeatRTT Power Plant and APU Return To Tank PW

RTU None Rate of Turn UnitRTU General Radar Transceiver UnitRUD General RudderRVCP General Remote Video Control PanelRVDT General Rotary Variable Differential TransducerRVR General Runway Visual RangeRVS None ReverseRVSM General Reduced Vertical Separation MinimumRVSN None ReversionRVT None RivetRVT Power Plant and APU Rotary Variable Transformer PW

RWDS General RearwardsRWK None ReworkRWY General RunwayRZ None Return to ZeroS General SouthS General Minimum Slat Retract Speed (EFIS)s None SecondS/C General Step ClimbS/D General Step DescentS/H None Sample and HoldS/MECH General Shortening MechanismS/R None Safety/ReliabilityS/W General SoftwareSA General Stress AnalysisSA None Single AisleSACU General Stand Alone Compensator UnitSAD None Spares Advance DataSAD General Stress Analysis Data

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90/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (91)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

SADF None Spares Advance Data FormSAE General Society of Automotive EngineersSAF General SafetySAFD None SafetiedSAL General System Address LabelSALS None Short Approach Light SystemSALSA General Spot Array Light Supply AdapterSAM General Stress Analysis ManualSAR General Smart Access Recorder Used on Single Aisle familySAS None Static Strength Approval SheetSAT General Static Air TemperatureSATCOM General Satellite CommunicationSAV Power Plant and APU Starter Air Valve

SB General Service BulletinSBB General Swift BroadbandSBD None Single Blade DoorSBDB None Service Bulletin Data BaseSBEW None Standard Basic Empty WeightSBI None Service Bulletin IndexSBL None SymbolSBS None Service Bulletin Effectivity ScheduleSC None Source CodeSC None ScaleSC General Single ChimeSCAV General ScavengeSCCS None Sub-Contract Control SheetSCE General SourceSCE None Showing Compliance EngineerSCFM None Standard Cubic Feet Minute of Gaseous

AirflowSCG General System Configuration GuideSCH None SchematicSCI General Secure Communication InterfaceSCL None Software Configuration LibrarySCL None Software Control LibrarySCN General Specification Change NoticeSCO None Section ControlSCO None Section ControllerSCR None ScrewSCR None Specification Change RequestSCS None Single Channel Simplex

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

91/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (92)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

SCS General Supplemental Cooling SystemSCU General Supplemental Control UnitSCU General System Control UnitSCUP None ScupperSD None System DrainSD General System DisplaySDAC General System Data Analog ConverterSDAC General System Data Acquisition ConcentratorSDAU None Special Data Acquisition UnitSDB None Signals Data BaseSDCU General Smoke Detection Control UnitSDD None System Description DocumentSDF General Smoke Detection FunctionSDG None Spares Data GuideSDI None Source Data IdentifierSDI None Source/Destination IdentifierSDN General System Description NoteSDOF Power Plant and APU Single Degree of Freedom GE

SDP None Steering Disconnect PanelSDTM None Structure Description Training ManualSDU None Seat Display UnitSDU General Satellite Data UnitSDW General Specific Design WorkSE General Simplified EnglishSE None SectionSEAL General SealingSEB General Seat Electronic BoxSEB None Service Evaluation BulletinSEC General Spoiler Elevator Computer SA aircraft onlySEC General SecondarySEC General SECondary Computer A380SECT General SectionSEG None SegmentSEL General Select, Selected, Selector, SelectionSELCAL General Selective Calling SystemSELV Panels/Display Units Selector Valve

SENS None SensitivitySEP None SeparatorSEPDC General Secondary Electrical Power Distribution


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92/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (93)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

SEQ General Sequence, SequentialSER General Serial Number Airbus acceptable alternative -

use SN where possible.SER General SerialSER/PRL None Serial to ParallelSERNO None Serial NumberSES General Support Equipment SummarySES None Supplier Equipment SpecificationSET General SettingSF None Spot FaceSFC General Specific Fuel ConsumptionSFCC General Slat Flap Control ComputerSFCC None Sideways Facing Crew co*ckpitSFCC None Sideways Facing Crew ConfigurationSFE General Seller Furnished EquipmentSFPI None Slats/Flaps Position IndicatorSFPM None Surface Feet per MinuteSG None Stroke GeneratorSGCU General Smart Galley Control UnitSGML None Standard Generalized Markup Language

SGP None Stroke Generator ProcessorSGU General Symbol Generator UnitSH None SheetSH ABS General Shock AbsorberSHADE None Schedules Airbus Data ExchangeSHCM General System Heating Control Module A400MSHDBL None SheddableSHED General Sheddable, SheddingSHKR None ShakerSHLD General Shield, ShieldingSHN None Scratch Hardness NumberSHPNG None ShippingSHR PN General Shear PinSHRD None ShroudSHT Panels/Display Units Short

SI None Systeme InternationalSI General Slip IndicatorSIAP None Structural Inspection Adjustment Program

SIC General System Isolation Contactor

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93/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (94)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

SID General Standard Instrument DepartureSID None System Interface DefinitionSIDP None System Installation Design PrinciplesSIE None Surface Industrielle EtendueSIF None Selective Identification FeatureSIF None Spares Information FileSIG General SignalSIL None Service Information LetterSIL General Speech Interference LevelSIL None Software Information LibrarySIM General SimulationSIN None SineSIR General Service Identification RequestSIRD None System Installation Requirement Dossier

SIRU General Secure Interface Router UnitSIS None Spares Investment StudySIS General Standalone Identification SystemSIU General Server Interface UnitSIV None Standard Item VariationsSJC None Standard Job CardSKT General SocketSL None Service LetterSL None Sea LevelSLA General Small Light Adapter A350 and subsequentSLD General Slide, SlidingSLI None System Level IntegrationSLL None Shelf Life LimitationSLMC None Service Life Limits and Maintenance

ChecksSLP None Space Limited PayloadSLS None Side Lobe SuppressionSLS None Shop Loadable SoftwareSLT General SlatSLV None SleeveSM General Standards ManualSMA None Single Motor ActuatorSMART None Standard Modular Avionics Repair and Test

SMC General System Manager ControllerSME None Subject Matter ExpertSMEL None Seat-Mounted Emergency Light

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

94/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (95)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

SMK General SmokeSML None SB Modification Crossreference ListSMO None Stabilized Master OscillatorSN General Serial Number Airbus preferred abbreviationSNGL General SingleSNIF None Sensitivity for Normal InterfaceSNMP General Simple Network Management ProtocolSNSG General SensingSNSR General SensorSO General ShutoffSOL General SolenoidSOP None Standard Operating ProcedureSOR None Statement of RequirementsSOS None Sell or ScrapSOTM None System Operation Training ManualSOV None Shut-off ValveSOV General Shut-Off ValveSOW None Statement of WorkSP None SamplingSP None SpaceSPAD None ScratchpadSPASE None Single Point Audio System EarthSPATIAL None System for Acquisition and Processing of

ARINC and LogicSPC None Spare Parts ClassificationSPD General SpeedSPD/M None Speed-MachSPDB General Secondary Power Distribution BoxSPE None Seller Purchased EquipmentSPE None Supplier Purchased EquipmentSPEC General SpecificationSPF None Specific Pathogen FreeSPFK None SpecificSPKR General SpeakerSPL General Sound Pressure LevelSPLC None SpliceSPLR General SpoilerSPLY General SupplySPM Power Plant and APU Signal Processing Module GE

SPMC None Service Process Material ControlSPMG None Shorted Permanent Magnet Generator

Approved ABBR in boldABBR for information in italics © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.

95/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (96)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

SPOP None Service Process Operation ProcedureSPP General Software Pin ProgrammingSPPF None Software Pin Programming FunctionSPR None Service and Performance ReportSPRDR General SpreaderSPRT None SupportSPS None Service Process SolutionSPS/B None Superseded bySPSA None Supplier Product Support AgreementSPST General Single Pole Single ThrowSQ General SquelchSQ-FT None Square-FeetSQW None Square WaveSR None SeniorSRD None Shorted Rotating DiodeSRD None System Requirement DocumentSRE None Surveillance Radar Element of GCASRF General Servicing and aircraft condition parameters

Reporting FunctionSRKL None Structural Repair Kit ListSRKM None Structural Repair Kit ManualSRM General Structural Repair ManualSRP None Safety / Reliability PlanSRPS General Safe Redundant Power SupplySRPSU General Slide Release Power Supply UnitSRS General Speed Reference SystemSRU General Shop Replaceable UnitSS None Sky/ShadingSSA None System Safety AssessmentSSA General Side Slip AngleSSA None System Safety AnalysisSSALS None Simplified Short Approach Light SystemSSALSR None Simplified Short Approach Light System

Runway AlignmentSSB General Single Side BandSSC None Single Stroke ChimeSSC None Supplier Support ConditionsSSCVR General Solid State co*ckpit Voice RecorderSSEC General Static Source Error CorrectionSSFDR General Solid State Flight Data RecorderSSG None Single Stroke GongSSI None Structural Significant Item

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96/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (97)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

SSID None Supplemental Structural Inspection Document

SSM General Sign Status MatrixSSM None Solid State MemorySSMM General Solid State Mass MemorySSP None System SpecificationSSP None Significant In-Service ProblemsSSPC General Solid State Power ControllerSSR None Secondary Surveillance RadarSSTDU General Side Stick Transducer and Damper UnitSSTU General Side Stick Transducer UnitSTA None Straight-in-ApproachSTA General StationSTAB General StabilizerSTAR General Standard Terminal Arrival RouteSTARTG None StartingSTAT General StaticSTBY General StandbySTC None Supplemental Type CertificateSTD None Standard Data SheetSTDY None SteadySTELLA General STair Electrical Light Lead AdapterSTG None StageSTGR General StringerSTIF None StiffenerSTL None SteelSTL WARN None Stall WarningSTOM None System Operation Training ManualSTRG General SteeringSTRK General StrokeSTRL None StructuralSTRM None Short Term Review MeetingSTRM General Secure open and Trip Resident MemorySTRUCT None StructureSTS None Spares Technical SpecificationSTS None Alignment StatusSTS General StatusSTWG None Short-Term Working GroupSTWG General StowageSTYPPLE None Sensitive Typical Phone Power LevelSUBMUX None SubmultiplexerSUCNL ACTN None Successional Action

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97/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (98)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

SUCT General SuctionSUM None SummingSUPPL General SupplementarySUPPR None SuppressorSUPSD BY None Superseded bySURF General SurfaceSURV None SurveillanceSV General ServovalveSVA Power Plant and APU Stator Vane Actuator PW, IAE

SVCE General ServiceSVMTR None ServomotorSVO General ServoSW General SwitchSWRD None System Wiring Requirements DossierSWRD-A None System Wiring Requirements Dossier

maturity ASWRD-B None System Wiring Requirements Dossier

maturity BSWRD-C None System Wiring Requirements Dossier

maturity CSWTG General SwitchingSWY None StopwaySyA None Systems ArchitectSyCDR None System Critical Design ReviewSyCID None System Configuration Index DocumentSyCMP None System Configuration Management Plan

SyCP None System Certification PlanSyCR None System Certification ReviewSyD None System DesignerSyDAL None System Development Assurance LevelSyDAS None System Development Accomplishment

SummarySYM None SymmetrySYN REF None Synchro ReferenceSYNC General Synchro, SynchroniseSYNTHR General SynthetizerSYNTHR None SynthesizerSYS General Systemt None Rivet SpacingT General TrueT General Turn

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98/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (99)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

T General TrimT None Timet None Equivalent Runway Thicknesst None TonneT None ThicknessT/C General Top of ClimbT/C None Type CertificateT/D General Top of DescentT/F General Track of a Fixed WaypointT/R Power Plant and APU Thrust Reverser

T2C Power Plant and APU HP Compressor Inlet Temperature

T2CAS General Traffic and Terrain Collision Avoidance System

T54 Power Plant and APU Low Pressure Turbine Inlet Temperature

TA None Traffic AdvisoryTA None Twin AisleTAB None Tabulation and Interpolation ProgramTAB None Test and Bite PanelTAC General Taxiing Aid CameraTAC None Technical Acceptance CompletionTACAN General Ultra-high Frequency Tactical Air Navigation

AidTACH General TachometerTACS General Taxiing Aid Camera SystemTACT General TacticalTADB None Terrain/Airport DataBaseTADD General Trim Air Drive DeviceTAP None Transient Acoustic PropagationTAR None Terminal Area Surveillance RadarTAS General True AirspeedTAT General Total Air TemperatureTAWS General Terrain Awareness and Warning System

TB General Terminal BlockTBC General To Be ConfirmedTBO General Time Between OverhaulsTBSV None Time Between Scheduled VisitsTBU None Time Base UnitTBV Power Plant and APU Transient Bleed Valve CFMI

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99/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (100)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

TC General ThermocoupleTC None Takeoff ChartsTC General Theoretical ContourTC Power Plant and APU HP Turbine Case Pressure

TCA Power Plant and APU Throttle Control Assy RR Trent 900

TCAS General Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System

TCC Power Plant and APU Turbine Clearance Control

TCC General Thrust Control ComputerTCC Power Plant and APU Turbine Case Cooling PW, RR

TCCS None Thrust Control Computer SystemTCFN None Two's Complement Fractional NotationTCIU General Telephone Communication Interface Unit

TCM None Technical Coordination MeetingTCM Power Plant and APU Thrust Control Malfunction PW

TCP None Takeoff Charts Computation ProgramTCP None Transmission Control ProtocolTCQ None Time, Cost and QualityTCS General Temperature Control SystemTCU Panels/Display Units Throttle Control Unit

TD None Time DelayTD None Technical DossierTD None Technical DispositionTDC None Time Delay ClosingTDCR None Type Design Change RequestTDD General Technical Design DirectiveTDO None Time Delay OpeningTDP None Touchdown PointTDS General Technical Data SheetTDSC None Technical Data Steering CommitteeTDU None Time Display UnitTDU None Technical Description UnitTDY None Temporary DutyTDZL None Touchdown Zone LightsTE Power Plant and APU HP Stage Air Temperature

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100/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (101)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

TE General Trailing EdgeTEC Power Plant and APU Turbine Exhaust Case

TED General Tool and Equipment DrawingTEDB None Tool and Equipment Data BankTEFO General Total Engine Flame OutTEI General Tool and Equipment IndexTEL None TelephoneTELECOM General TelecommunicationsTEM General Illustrated Tool and Equipment ManualTEMP General TemperatureTEMP None Test and Evaluation Master PlanTEO Power Plant and APU Engine Oil Temperature GE

TER None Technical Event ReportTEST SIG None Test SignalTF None Task ForceTFR None Trouble and Failure ReportTFR None TransferTFTS General Terrestrial Flight Telephone SystemTFU General Technical Follow-upTGB None Transfer GearboxTGL None Touch-and-Go LandingTGT General TargetTHD None ThreadTHERAP General TherapeuticTHMS None ThermistorTHR General ThrustTHRM General ThermalTHRMST General ThermostatTHROT General ThrottleTHROT PUSH General Throttle PusherTHS General Trimmable Horizontal StabilizerTI None Technical InstructionTI None Technical InformationTI None Track to an InterruptTIA None Type Inspection AuthorizationTIC Power Plant and APU Turbine Impingement Cooling RR

TICC None Technical Information and Communication Committee

TID None Technical Information Document

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101/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (102)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

TID None Technical Impact DifferenceTIFF None Tagged Information File FormatTIR None Technical Incident ReportTIR None Type Inspection ReportTIT Power Plant and APU Turbine Inlet Temperature

TK None Ground Track AngleTK General TankTKE General Track Angle ErrorTKE None Track ErrorTL None Tooling ListTL None Transmittal LetterTLA Power Plant and APU Throttle Lever Angle

TLAR None Top Level Aircraft RequirementTLB None Technical Log BookTLC None Takeoff and Landing Chart Computation

ProgramTLCS Panels/Display Units Trolley Lift & Conveyance System

TLMC None Time Limits and Maintenance ChecksTLS Power Plant and APU Transcowl Locking System

TLS Panels/Display Units Trolley Lift System For BITE messages only

TLSRD None Top Level System Requirement Document

TLU Panels/Display Units Travel Limitation Unit

TLV Power Plant and APU Tertiary Lock Valve PW

TM None Terminal ModuleTM General Torque MotorTM General Transportability ManualTMA None Terminal Control AreaTMA None Twin Motor ActuatorTMC None Target Must CostTMG None TimingTMLB General Technical and Maintenance LogBookTMR General TimerTN None Technical NoteTO General TakeoffTO/APPR None Takeoff/Approach

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102/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (103)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

TOC None Table of ContentsTOD None Takeoff DistanceTOGA General Takeoff/Go AroundTOGW General Takeoff Gross WeightTOIL General ToiletTOL General ToleranceTOPA General TakeOff Performance ApplicationTOR None Takeoff RunTOT General TotalTOT None Transfer of TitleTOW General Takeoff WeightTOW None TowingTP None Top PlugTP None Test PointT-P None Turn PointTPA None Technical Publications AgreementTPCI None Technical Publications Combined IndexTPG None Technical Publications GuideTPGG None Technical Publications General GuideTPIB None Technical Publications Illustration BankTPIC General Tire Pressure Indicating ComputerTPIS General Tire Pressure Indicating SystemTPMM None Technical Publications Management

MeetingTPOP None Technical Publications Output PlanningTPPP None Technical Publications Production Planning

TPR Power Plant and APU Turbofan Power Ratio

TPRD None Technical Publications Reference Document

TPS General Temporary Protection SystemTPSP None Third Party Software ProviderTPU General Terminal Processor UnitTPWD None Technical Publications Work Sharing

DocumentTR General Temporary RevisionTR None Regulated Temperature (Downstream of

precooler)TR General Transformer RectifierTR Panels/Display Units Thrust Reverser

TR None Turn Radius

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103/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (104)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

TR None TrussTR General TransistorT-R General Transmitter-ReceiverTRA Power Plant and APU Throttle Resolver Angle

TRA None Test Report AnalysisTRACON None Terminal Radar ControlTRANS General TransitionTRANSF None TransferTRC General Thrust Rating ComputerTRDV Power Plant and APU Thrust Reverser Directional Valve

TRF Power Plant and APU Turbine Rear Frame

TRGT General TargetTRIG General TriggerTRK None TrackTRK General Track (angle)TRLY General TrolleyTROPO General TropopauseTRP General Thrust Rate Panel - Thrust Rating PanelTRPU Power Plant and APU Thrust Reverser Power Unit

TRPV Power Plant and APU Thrust Reverser Pressurizing Valve

TRQE General TorqueTRQR None TorquerTRS None Technical Repercussion SheetTRT None Turn Round TimeTRTO None Type Rating Training OrganisationTRU None TrueTRU None Transformer Rectifier UnitTRV General TravelTS None Trim SheetTSD None Trouble Shooting DataTSDB None Trouble Shooting Data BaseTSF General Trouble Shooting FunctionTSFC Power Plant and APU Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption

TSH None Trouble Shooting HandbookTSI None Time Since InstallationTSLSV None Time Since Last Shop VisitTSM General Trouble Shooting Manual

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104/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (105)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

TSO None Time Since OverhaulTSO None Technical Service Order (FAA)TSO None Technical Standard OrderTSP General Tank Signalling ProcessorTSPA Panels/Display Units Tank Signal Processor A

TSPB Panels/Display Units Tank Signal Processor B

TST None TestTT General Trim TankTT None Switching Temperature of HP ValveTT None Total TimeTTG None Time to GoTTL General Transistor Transistor LogicTTR None Technical Trouble ReportTTS General Trim Tank SystemTU General Tapping UnitTURB General Turbulence, TurbulentTURB General TurbineTV General TelevisionTVBC Power Plant and APU Turbine Vane and Blade Cooling PW

TVC None Turbine Vane CoolingTVOR None Short Range VORTVOR None Very High Frequency Terminal Omnirange

StationTW None TwistedTWLU General Terminal Wireless LAN UnitTWR None TowerTWY None TaxiwayTX General Transmission (TCAS to Transponder)TYP General TypicalTYPPLE None Typical Phone Power LevelÚ None Pitch AttitudeU/FLOOR General UnderfloorU/S General UnserviceableUAC None Upper Area Control CentreUADF General User Application Definition FileUART None Universal Asynchronous Receiver

TransmitterUCS None User Certifiable SoftwareUD General Upper Deck

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105/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (106)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

UD None Document Unit ("Unité Documentaire")UDC None Upper Deck CargoUDCC General Upper Deck Cargo Compartment Pre-1993 combis onlyUDCD General Upper Deck Cargo DoorUDL None Unit Detail ListingUDP General User Datagram ProtocolUEB General Underseat Electronic BoxUF General UnderfrequencyUHF General Ultra High FrequencyUICDL General User Interface Configuration Download List

ULB None Underwater Locator BeaconULD General Unit Load DeviceULLI None Understep LED LightULM None Ultra Low MaintenanceUMS General User Modifiable SoftwareUNBAL General Unbalance, UnbalancedUNCPLG None UncouplingUNCRCTD None UncorrectedUND General UnderUNIV General UniversalUNLK General UnlockUNLKD General Unlocked, UnlockingUNSD None UnusedUPLK General UplockUPPR General Upper For use on the A380 and

subsequent aircraft programs

UPR General Upper Do not use for A380 and subsequent. Refer to UPPR

UR None Utilization RateUS None United StatesUS None Under SpeedUS None UpstreamUSB General Universal Serial BusUSB None Upper Side BandUTA None Upper Control AreaUTC General Universal Time CoordinatedUUT None Unit Under TestUV General Under VoltageUV General Ultra-VioletUVEROM None Ultra Violet Erasable Read Only Memory

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Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

UWBS General Universal Wireless Backbone SystemUWY None Upper AirwayV None VioletV None Volt, VoltageV Panels/Display Units Valve Do not use if you can use VLV

V&V None Verification & ValidationV/L None VOR/LOCV/L None VOR/LocalizerV/S General Vertical SpeedV1 General Critical Engine Failure SpeedV1 General Decision SpeedV2 General Takeoff Safety SpeedV2min None Minimum Takeoff Safety SpeedV3 General Flap Retraction SpeedV4 General Slat Retraction SpeedVA None Design Maneuvering SpeedVA None Heading with an Altitude TerminationVAC General Voltage Alternating CurrentVACBI None Video and Computer-Based InstructionVACU General VacuumVALDN None ValidationVAP None Visual Approach ProcedureVAR General Variable, VariationVAR None Visual-Aural Radio RangeVAR LEV HTY None Variable Lever HealthyVASIS None Visual Approach Slope Indicator SystemVB None Design Speed for Maximum Gust Intensity

VBV Power Plant and APU Variable Bleed Valve CFMI, GE

VC None Design Cruising SpeedVC General Ventilation ControllerVc None Calibrated AirspeedVCC General Video Control CenterVCM General Video Camera ModuleVCO General Voltage Controlled OscillatorVCP General Video Control PanelVCS General Ventilation Control SystemVCTREND None Airspeed TendencyVCU General Video Control UnitVD None Heading to a DME Distance

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Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

VD None Design Diving SpeedVDAR General Virtual DARVDC General Voltage Direct CurrentVDEV General Vertical DeviationVDF None Very High Frequency Direction Finding

StationVDFMDF None Demonstrated Flight Diving SpeedVDOS None Vendor Documentation On-line ServiceVDR General VHF Data RadioVDU General Video Display UnitVEADB None Video on demand Enhanced Area

Distribution BoxVEL General VelocityVENT General VentilationVERT General VerticalVERT REV None Vertical ReviseVF None Design Flap SpeedVFCMFC None Maximum Speed for Stability Characteristics

VFE None Maximum Flap Extended SpeedVFEN None Predictive VFE at next flap/slat positionVFG General Variable Frequency GeneratorVFR General Visual Flight RulesVFTO None Final Takeoff SpeedVG None Vertical GyroVH None Maximum Speed in Level Flight with

Maximum Continuous PoVHCU General Versatile Heating Control UnitVHDU General Versatile Heating Data UnitVHF General Very High FrequencyVHV General Very High VoltageVI None Heading to an InterceptVIB General VibrationVIM None Vendor Information ManualVIMU General Video Multiplexer UnitVL General Virtual LinkVL CAPT None VOR/LOC CaptureVLE None Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed

VLF General Very Low FrequencyVLLDC None Very Low Level DC VoltageVLO None Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed

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108/11419 Mar 07

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Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

VLOF None Lift-off SpeedVLS General Lower Selectable SpeedVLV General ValveVm None Minimum Recommended Maneuvering

SpeedVm None Recommended Maneuvering SpeedVM None Maneuvering SpeedVM General VoltmeterVM None Heading with a Manual TerminationVMAN None Maneuvering SpeedVmax None Maximum Operating SpeedVMAX None Maximun Allowable AirspeedVMC None Minimum Control Speed with One Engine

InoperativeVMC None Visual Meteorological ConditionsVMCA None Minimum Control AirspeedVMCG None Minimum Control Speed GroundVmin None Minimum Operating SpeedVMO None Maximum Operating SpeedVMOMMO None Maximum Operating Limit SpeedVMS None Minimum Selectable SpeedVMU General Video Modulator UnitVMU None Minimum Unstick SpeedVNE None Never-Exceed SpeedVNO None Maximum Structural Cruising SpeedVOD General Video On DemandVODDSU General VOD Data Server UnitVODMU General VOD Modulator UnitVODSU General VOD Server UnitVOL General VolumeVOR None Very High Frequency Omnibearing Range

VOR General VHF Omnidirectional RangeVOR None Very High Frequency Omnirange StationVOR None Very High Frequency Omnidirectional and

Radio RangeVOR.D Panels/Display Units VOR-DME Display units

VORTAC General Visual Omni-Range Tactical Air Navigation

VOT None VoterVPSA None Vendor Product Support AgreementVQAR General Virtual QAR

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101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (110)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

VR General Rotation SpeedVR None Voltage RegulatorVREF General Landing Reference SpeedVR-HDG None Heading to a RadialVRMS General Volt Root Mean SquareVRU General Video Reproducer UnitVS None Min Steady Flt Spd at which Airplane is

ControllableVS None Stalling Speed at which Airplane is

ControllableVS None Stall SpeedVS1 None Stalling Speed obtained in a specified

ConfigurationVS1 None Min Steady Flt Spd obtained in a Specified

ConfigurationVSB None Vendor Service BulletinVSBN None Vendor Service Bulletin NumberVSBT None Vendor Service Bulletin TitleVSC General Vacuum System ControllerVSCF General Variable Speed Constant FrequencyVSCU None Video System Control UnitVSD None Vertical Situation DisplayVSEB General Video Seat Electronic BoxVSEL None Autothrottle Selected - Approach SpeedVSI General Vertical Speed IndicatorVSO None Stalling Speed or Minimum Steady Flight

Speed in the LanVSS General Stick Shaker SpeedVSV Power Plant and APU Variable Stator Vane CFMI, GE, RR

VSVA Power Plant and APU Variable Stator Vane Actuator

VSW General Stall Warning SpeedVSWR General Voltage Standing Wave RatioVT None Vertical TailVTOSS None Takeoff Safety Speed for Category A

RotorcraftVTP None Vertical Tail PlaneVTR General Video Tape ReproducerVTS General Vacuum Toilet SystemVV Panels/Display Units Velocity Vector

VWM None Vendor Warranty Manual

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110/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (111)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

VX None Speed of Best Angle of ClimbVY None Speed for Best Rate of ClimbW General WhiteW None WireW None WeightW None WattW General WestW/V None Wind Direction and SpeedW3C None World Wide Web ConsortiumWA None Wind AngleWABSIC General Wheel And Brake System Integrated

ComponentWACS General Wireless Airport Communication System

WAI General Wing Anti-IceWARN General WarningWASG None World Airlines and Suppliers GuideWATOG None World Airlines Technical Operations

GlossaryWB None Wide BodyWBA General Weight and Balance ApplicationWBBC General Weight and Balance Backup Computation

WBC General Weight & Balance ComputerWBM General Weight and Balance ManualWBS General Weight and Balance SystemWBS None Work Breakdown StructureWC None Wording ChangeWCR None Weight and Balance Compliance Report

WD General Warning DisplayWD General Wing DatumWD General Wiring DiagramWDB General Wall Disconnect BoxWDI None Wind Direction IndicatorWDM None Wiring Diagram ManualWDO None WindowWEL None Wall Emergency LightWFOV General Wide Field of View For MRTT onlyWG General WingWG None Wave GuideWG None Working Group

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101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (112)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

WGD General Windshield Guidance DisplayWGDC General Windshield Guidance Display Computer

WGDS General Windshield Guidance Display SystemWHC General Window Heat ComputerWHL General WheelWIPCU General Water Ice Protection Control UnitWIPDU General Water Ice Protection Data UnitWIRC None Warning - Inhibition - Recall - ClearWLDP General Warning Light Display PanelWLG General Wing Landing GearWLM General Wireless LAN ManagerWLP None Weight Limited PayloadWM None WattmeterWM None Wiring ManualWMAXOP None Maximum Operational SpeedWO None Wash-outWOR None Wear Out RateWOW General Weight On WheelsWP None Work PackageWPT General WaypointWR None Weather RadarWR None Weighing ReportWRG General WiringWRK General Work, WorkingWS None Wind SpeedWSCP None Warning and System Control PanelWSCS General Wheel Steering Control System For use on A380 onlyWSDP None Warning and System DisplayWSHLD General WindshieldWSR None Weekly Service ReportWSSG General Warning System Symbol GeneratorWT General WeightWTB General Wing tip brakeWTR General WaterWUC None Work Unit CostWX General Weather Mode (ND)WXR General Weather RadarX General CrossX General TransX BLEED General CrossbleedX FEED General Crossfeed

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112/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (113)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

X LINE General CrosslineX VALVE General Cross ValveXARM None Cross ArmXBAR General CrossbarXCHECK General CrosscheckXCVR General TransceiverXDCR General TransducerXFMR General TransformerXFR General TransferXING Panels/Display Units Crossing

XLOAD General CrossloadXLTR General TranslatorXML None Extensible Mark-up LanguageXMSN General TransmissionXMTR General TransmitterXPDR General TransponderXPNDR None TransponderXREF None CrossreferenceXSEC None Extra SectionXT None Reception (Transponder to TCAS)XTAL None CrystalX-TALK General Cross-talkXTK None Cross Track DeviationXTK None Cross Track ErrorXTK None Cross Track DistanceXWIND General CrosswindY General YellowY/C General Economy ClassYC None Tourist ClassYCF None Economy Class-FrontYCL None Economy Class FrontYCR None Economy Class-RearYE None YearYES None Yankee Escape SystemYTPPP None Yearly Technical Publications Processing

PlanningZ General ZoneZ General Greenwich Mean TimeZC General Zone ControllerZFCG General Zero Fuel Center of GravityZFW General Zero Fuel Weight

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113/11419 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (114)

Abbreviation Domain Term Remarks

3D General Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)4D General Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)A None AmpereA None Alternate

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageAbbreviations (Approved and For Information)

Zp General Pressure AltitudeZpi None Indicated Pressure Altitude$ None Dollar, Hexadecimal Address% None Percent (Symbol)¢P None Differential Pressure°C None Degrees Centigrade°C None Degrees Celsius°F None Degrees Fahrenheit°K None Degrees Kelvin°R None Degrees Rankine

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101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (115)

Term Domain Definition Source

1SHEL Model Safety and Reliability A method of analysis for human factors established by Elwin Edwards in 1972. SHEL is the acronym for:Software: any non-physical aspect of a systemHardware: a machine which a person is trying to controlEnvironment: the physical environment in which the person is trying to operateLiveware: the person.In the model the liveware is arranged at the centre. The interfaces between liveware and software, hardware and other liveware define the role of human factors.


Ab Initio Flight Training Training Refers to pilot training programs that extensively train candidates with zero flight time and prepare them for Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) rating certificate and possibly, a type rating on an air carrier such as a turboprop used by regional/commuter airlines.

Abbreviation Common Terms/Basic Terms A shortened form of a written word or phrase used for brevity in place of the whole word or phrase. It is commonly made by the omission of letters from one or more parts of the whole word or phrase.

Accept Organization/Management Implementation

To receive with consent (something given or offered). WD

Acceptable Means of Compliance

Certification A means, but not the only means, by which a specification contained in an airworthiness code or a requirement in an implementing rule can be met.


Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageApproved Terms

Approved Terms © Airbus SAS 2007. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document.1/79

19 Mar 07

101623966 Airbus Abbreviations A320 Aircraft - [PDF Document] (116)

Term Domain Definition Source

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageApproved Terms

Accident Aircraft Operation/Unscheduled Occurrences

Extract from AP2509 (June 02), Airbus Accident Investigation Policy and Procedure Guide.ICAO Annex 13 (Amendment 9) Definition:"An occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft, which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight, until such time as all such persons have disembarked, in which:a) A person is fatally or seriously injured as a result of a. Being in the aircraft b. Direct contact with any part of the aircraft, including parts which have become detached from the aircraft c. Direct exposure to jet blastExcept when the injuries are from natural causes, self-inflicted or inflicted by other persons, or when the injuries are to stowaways hiding outside the areas normally available to the passengers and crew, or:b) The aircraft receives substantial damage or structural failure, which adversely affects the structural strength, performance or flight characteristics of the aircraft, and would normally require major repair or replacement of the affected component (before next flight).Except for engine failure or damage when the damage is limited to the engine,


its cowling or accessories; or for damage limited to propellers, wing tips, antenna, tires, brakes, fairing, small dents or puncture holes in the aircraft skin.or:c) The aircraft is missing or is completely inaccessible.Note: The above definition of an accident does not cover all possible events.Airbus Expanded Accident Definition:Airbus has adopted the ICAO definition, but has expanded it beyond aircraft boarding and disembarkation to encompass ground accidents resulting in death or serious injury from aircraft-related causes. In other words, the Airbus definition covers aircraft-related injury or death of passengers, flight and cabin crews, and ground, dispatch, airport, maintenance and cleaning personnel that occur outside of "block times", as well as during any phase of flight operations."

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19 Mar 07

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Term Domain Definition Source

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageApproved Terms

Accountable Organization/Management Implementation

A in RASCI. An Accountable person has the ultimate ownership of a deliverable. The accountable person takes the final decision on the deliverable and carries the risk in case of non-conformances.

A10 COM section 6.1

Achieve Organization/Management Implementation

To bring to a successful conclusion. WD

Activity Organization/Airbus/Optimise Skills

A collection of tasks grouped together for a particular purpose.

Actual Time of Arrival Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

Under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) the ATA is the actual time an aircraft is above a designated arrival point from where the pilot would begin an instrument approach. Under Visual Flight Rules (VFR), or if the airport does not have instrument landing facilities, the ATA is the actual time the aircraft arrives over the airport.

Actual Time of Departure Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

The ATD is the actual time an aircraft is above a designated departure point, or if there is no air traffic control, the actual time the aircraft leaves the airport.

Adaptability Design-Engineering The extent to which an item is able to become suitable for a new use or situation. (Not approved for use in relation to "interchangeability").

Adaptation Solution Aircraft Definition Evolution Intermediate Technical Solution to be embodied on some aircraft before the Series Technical Solution can be applied.

based on ACMR

Additional Training Training Any training or training aids provided or to be provided to an Airbus Customer which is not covered by the terms of the Purchase Agreement. Additional Training or training aids are subject to a specific agreement or commercial relationship between the Customer and Airbus Customer Training.

Adhere Organization/Management Implementation

To hold, follow or maintain loyalty steadily and consistently (as to a person, group, principle or way).


Adhesive Film Common Terms Wide tape, printed by the Silk Screen or Electrostatic Methods, applied on the aircraft surface. An adhesive layer coats the inner surface. It can be in large format for logos, or in the form of colored strips as decided by the Customer.


Advance Copy Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

Documents/Data issued against Technical Publications to provide advance information until inclusion in the normal or Temporary revisions. Valid only where related to aircraft before delivery.

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19 Mar 07

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Term Domain Definition Source

Lexinet - Airbus Reference LanguageApproved Terms

Advanced Qualification Program

Training Alternate method of qualifying, training, certifying and otherwise ensuring the competency of flight crew members, cabin attendants, aircraft dispatchers, instructors, evaluators and other operations personnel subject to the training and evaluation requirements of the FAA.

Advisory Circular (FAA) AC 120-54.

Advisory Circular Certification The FAA primary means of issuing to the public all non-regulatory material of a policy, guidance, and informational nature.


Aeronautical Information Publication

Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

A publication issued by or with the authority of a nation and containing aeronautical information of a lasting character essential to air navigation.

Agree Organization/Management Implementation

To indicate willingness: consent. WD

Air Traffic Control Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

A service operated by an appropriate authority to provide safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic.

Airbus Approved Supplier Procurement Has demonstrated compliance with the requirements of the appropriate European or International Aerospace Quality System standard following an assessment by Airbus approved assessor and has demonstrated product compliance with Airbus Technical and Quality requirements.

Airbus Color Control Part Number

Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Allocated to items which, customized in their final color scheme/finishing, are in compliance with the Customer Definition. (Character added to the Production PN). Limited to 15 Characters maximum.

Airbus Corporate Memorandum

Documentation Templates This is used to convey information inside of Airbus that does not require approval and authorization signatures. Therefore, it is not usually suitable for this to be used for the transmission of technical information. However, a Memorandum can be used to convey attached/embedded documents of a technical nature, as long as these are stand-alone documents that are complete with the correct level of authorized signatures.

Airbus Definition Part Number

Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Allocated by Design Offices. Limited to 12 Characters total (Drawing No + Assembly/Part No).

Airbus Deutschland GmbH Organization/Airbus Airbus Deutschland Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung.One of the four National Companies. Inhouse it can be shortened to Airbus Deutschland or abbreviated to A-D.

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Airbus Directive and Procedure

Procedural Documentation Airbus document that defines design requirements applicable to several programs.

Airbus España SL Organization/Airbus Airbus España Sociedad Limitada.One of the four National Companies. Inhouse it can be shortened to Airbus España or abbreviated to A-E.

Airbus France S.A.S. Organization/Airbus Airbus France Société par Actions Simplifiée.One of the four National Companies. Inhouse it can be shortened to Airbus France or abbreviated to A-F.

Airbus Industrie Organization/Airbus No longer to be used.European aircraft manufacturer partnership constituted as a GIE in order to lead and co-ordinate the work relating to the Airbus programs as well as to market and to sell Airbus aircraft.

Airbus Integrated Management/co*ckpit Resource Management

Training The effective use of all resources available to the crew, including hardware, software and all persons involved in aircraft operations to achieve safe and efficient flight.

Advisory Circular (FAA) ACC 120-51 (co*ckpit Resource

Management Training).Airbus Inventory Management System

Customer Services/Spares System used by Airbus for the input of Part Number data which is later extracted automatically for use in the Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC).

Airbus Livery Common Terms The external color scheme in accordance with the appropriate Airbus standard specification.


Airbus Organization Organization/Airbus No longer to be used.Term used to identify the combination of Airbus Industrie and the world wide subsidiaries of Airbus Industrie, together with the Members and Associated Partners of Airbus Industrie.

Airbus Production Part Number

Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Allocated by the Production Organization to assess conformity with the applicable Design Definition PN (2 Characters added to the Definition PN). Limited to 14 Characters maximum.

Airbus Qualified Product Procurement A product, which, by demonstration, is proved to comply with the requirements defined in the Airbus Technical Specification and product quality requirements. Such product may only be purchased from an Airbus Approved Supplier.

Airbus S.A.S. Organization/Airbus It is the registered name of the company in which EADS NV and BAe Systems respectively hold 80% and 20% of the shares. It is a Société par Actions Simplifiée.Inhouse this designation can be shortened to Airbus.

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Airbus Spares Part Number Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Allocated to items which are manufactured for Spares provision but in compliance with the approved Design Definition (2 Characters added to the Definition PN). Limited to 14 Characters maximum.

Airbus Takeoff Analysis Module

Aircraft Operation/Performance Engineering

Based on single-point computation concept (1 temperature/1 wind/1 QNH), the ATAM is used as a sub-routine of the Airline's main program. Input/output features are standardized in accordance with IATA/ATA Standard Computerized Airplane Performance (SCAP) interface specification. The ATAM works from the Low Speed (LSP) data base.


Airbus Technical Information System

Customer Services/Information Systems

No longer to be used. This is a computerized information system used to create, store and deliver to customers the technical documentation necessary for the operation, maintenance and repair of aircraft.The system contains information on all aircrafts currently in production.

Airbus UK Ltd Organization/Airbus Airbus UK Limited.One of the four National Companies. Inhouse it can be shortened to Airbus UK or abbreviated to A-UK.

Aircraft Administrator Organization/Airbus - Aircraft Buyer Relationships

Entity which manages the business affairs relating to an aircraft of which it may or may not be the owner but for which it is considered at the time to have ultimate financial responsibility.

Aircraft Allocation Program Planning Document which records the aircraft identification parameters, its allocation to customers and consequent definition with indication of scheduled dates for production.Issued in two forms:- Production Instruction (large distribution),- General overview (confidential).

Aircraft Definition Aircraft Definition and Specification

Data made of validated reference data/information which identifies an aircraft, its functions, characteristics and performance.

Basis for establishment of Aircraft Standard Specification, System Specifications, Technical Design Directives.


Aircraft Delivery Planning Date at which the aircraft is handed over to the customer.Aircraft Identification Aircraft Identification Term relating to that information which allows a specific aircraft to be uniquely

identified. (see ACMR, pargraph 4.1)

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Aircraft Individual Identification

Customer Services/Aircraft Identification

Method of positive identification of a specific aircraft by means of the Aircraft Project Code Letter being quoted together with the associated Manufacturers Serial Number.

Aircraft Inspection Report Inspection A document which records the status of an aircraft and attests its conformance to its definition and the register for certain concessions.

Aircraft Performance Monitoring Program

Aircraft Operation/Performance Engineering

The APM permits the analysis of aircraft cruise performance from data recorders during stabilized flight periods. The APM works from the High Speed (HSP) data base.


Aircraft Publications Automated Management System

Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

The acquisition of data for the coordination and follow-up of product support manuals for each airline customer.


Aircraft Sectioning Industrialization Division of the aircraft into predetermined sections for manufacturing purposes, taking into account the Design requirements, the Industrial Feasibility and Transportation capability.

Aircraft Technical Logbook Flight Test/Activity Official document on which, after a test, the flight crew reports:

- all anomalies encountered during the test,- all maintenance actions to be performed.

It is the main communication tool between the flight and the maintenance crews.

Prior to dispatch the flight crew accepts the technical state of the aircraft by signing the logbook, which is then carried on board during all flights. A copy remains on ground.

Aircraft Technical Specification

Aircraft Definition and Specification

No longer to be used.Superseded by Customized Specification for new Aircraft Projects.

Aircraft Version Re-allocation

Aircraft Definition Evolution/Definition Evolution Implementation

Relates to the operation which consists in converting an aircraft from one Version to another during the production phase.


Airline Organization/Airbus - Aircraft Buyer Relationships

An organization licensed to manage the commercial operation of civil aircraft.

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Airline Pre-Qualification Training A specialized training package which prepares pilots for transition into advanced technology aircraft. It allows pilots to begin transition training with a fundamental knowledge of the differences in flying advanced technology aircraft.

Airplane Flight Manual Aircraft Operation/General See Flight Manual.Airport Facilities Common Terms/Basic Terms Fixed installations with aircraft interface or connections to Ground Support

Equipment (GSE). eg: passenger boarding bridges or fuel hydrant facility.

Airworthiness Authorities Organization/Airworthiness Authorities

Official organizations which have the ability to deliver:- Type Certificate,- Certificate of Airworthiness.

These organizations may be:- either those of the aircraft manufacturer's country with recognition by the other countries according to bilateral agreements, - or based on ICAO rules,- or the association of several countries for joint certification (JAA),- or the European Aviation for Safety Agency for Airbus (EASA).

Airworthy Certification An aircraft is considered to be airworthy when it is in conformity with its type design and is in a condition for safe operation.


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All Operator Telex Aircraft Definition Evolution/Definition Evolution Implementation

An AOT is used to launch very urgent action which is required to be taken by the Operators concerned due to an event/finding which has implication on the airworthiness of the affected Airbus aircraft or due to an event which has serious operational impact. The action is to be performed within a few days or a few weeks from receipt of the AOT. For such cases, the AOT is the fastest possible means of communication.

The content of an AOT may later be rendered mandatory by the Airworthiness Authorities through a Consigne de Navigabilité (CN) or an Airworthiness Directive (AD), but even if this is not the case, the AOT is considered by Airbus to be a mandatory action.

The AOT is sent to the Engineering/Maintenance department of the Operators concerned (ie: all operators having the same type of aircraft, or having the same type of engine in the case of an AOT linked to power plant.

Where an AOT may have a repercussion on flight operations, the Flight Operations department of the Operator is addressed by means of a Flight Operations Telex (FOT).

Communication for technical and operational issues - SIL00-052

Alteration Certification Any modification, or change to an aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller which makes it different from the originally type certificated product.


Alternate Item Common Terms/Interchangeability

In context of Technical Publications domain, an item which fully meets required functional and structural specifications, but differs either in overall external dimensions, connections, installations and/or mounting provisions and requires additional parts, rework or modification to install in a specific application.

Alternate procedures fully meet the required maintenance specifications, but may require additional documentation, training, manning, special tooling and/or test equipment.


Alternative Configuration Aircraft Configuration Basic pre-defined or pre-designed configuration which is included in the Aircraft Standard Specification and which offers a possible choice for different sources of supply.

Amendment Aircraft Definition Evolution Change which does not generate any repercussiosn on the Function or characteristics or in the use of the product concerned.

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Applicability Aircraft Definition Evolution/Modification Allocation

Applicability designates the common features of the aircraft, which are in the scope of the change. Examples:- The Production standards that have to be covered (All, ST1, STA, etc.), - Version aircraft having a particular technical features (e.g. Messier brakes), - The aircraft on which a specific modification is applied,- The aircraft delivered before a specific date.

Apply Organization/Management To bring into action.Appraise Organization/Evaluation Means To give a definitive expert judgment of the merit, rank or importance of... WD

Approve Organization/Management Implementation

To check and ensure the technical integrity of a document. ABD0200.3

Approved Repair Station Organization/Suppliers Qualified Organization with appropriate human and technical resources approved by Airworthiness Authorities, Aircraft Manufacturer or Suppliers for repair or maintenance of aircraft and constituent items.

Archive Electronic Data Processing (EDP)

A collection of stored data which is no longer in regular use but which remains accessible for consultation.

As a Set (Interchangeability) Common Terms/Interchangeability

When used in conjunction with interchangeability : - a set is composed of several identical parts (with same Part Number, PN) which have to operate in common to obtain the expected function (for a set comprised of more than one PN, ATA code 5 applies)- "interchangeability as a set" (ATA code 4) states that if one part (PN A) of a set is not replaced by a PN A but by a different part (PN B), all the other PN A's of the set have to be replaced simultaneously with the PN B .(in a set, mixability is not allowed)

Assembly Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

A number of parts, subassemblies or any combination thereof joined together to perform a specific function and which can be disassembled without destruction of designed use.


Assess Organization/Evaluation Means To analyse critically and judge definitely the nature, significance, status or merit of.


Associated Partner Organization/Airbus No longer to be used.Company involved in the Airbus Program having financially contributed to the aircraft development eg: BELAIRBUS-Belgium, FOKKER-Netherlands but which is not part of Airbus Group.

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Assure Organization/Management Implementation

To check or measure that an activity has occurred and has been performed in compliance with the applicable rules and provide a statement of the compliance status.

AP2075 module 1

Author Mode Training A function of a Computer-Based Training (CBT) system enabling the creation and modification of CBT applications.

Authorize Organization/Management Implementation

To confirm the distribution and agree the document application, e.g. on a project or a program.


Aviation Industry CBT Committee Station

Training A Computer-Based Training (CBT) student delivery system. The training delivery system is also referred to as the PLATFORM. The platform also includes the computer or PC, monitor, operating system and peripheral devices.

Baseline Aircraft Project Management A configuration of a product or status of product data, formally established at a specific point in time, which serves as a reference for further activities.


Basic Build Status Industrialization/Aircraft Build Definition

Highest status of an aircraft or aircraft section which is launched in production where no allocation can be foreseen.

A Basic Build Status is capable of accepting, within a reasonable leadtime and Cost, Pre-Defined or Pre-Designed Technical solutions.

Basic Standard Common Terms/Basic Terms Design documents which provide basic definition terms and symbols to ensure uniformity and clarity on Design Office drawings or associated documents.

Design Standard

Block Hours Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

The number of hours incurred by an airplane from the moment it first moves for a flight until it comes to rest at its intended blocks at the next point of landing, or returns to its departure point prior to takeoff.

Note: Push-out from the gate is considered as part of block hours.


Booked Amount Finance Sum of capitalized assets entered into service in the accounting reporting data system year-to-date. Booked amount refers to yearly registration.Comments :- The registration date is the entry into service date.- The registration date starts depreciation.

Capital Expenditure process, Airbus integrated company V2,

23 August 2002

Briefing Training Precise or essential information given before a training session.

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Broker Organization/Suppliers Individual or company that buys Used Aircraft parts and sells them on to airlines, operators, or maintenance organizations.

Budget Organization/Commercial A - The amount of money available, required or assigned to a particular purpose in or as if in a budget. B - To plan expenditure for...


Budgeted Cost of Work Performed

Aircraft Project Management The sum of budgeted costs for activities completed during a given time period referring to defined milestones. It is also referred to as Earned Value.


Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled

Aircraft Project Management The BCWS is the sum of budgeted costs for activities scheduled to be performed during a given time period or at a defined milestone.


Build Status Industrialization/Aircraft Build Definition

Real Technical situation of an aircraft at any time. Results from the various steps in aircraft life with reference to a determined configuration definition during its production and after delivery life.

Bulletin Météo Spécial Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

Special weather messages provided to operators by a weather station.

Business Area Organization/Airbus Used to identify a Function or a Program or a Site or a NatCo.Buyer Organization/Airbus - Aircraft

Buyer RelationshipsPerson (or entity) who commits to pay a certain price against delivery of goods or services under a Purchase Agreement.Note: This term is used when referring to the customers of Airbus. (eg: Buyer Furnished Equipment, BFE). Do not use Purchaser in this context.

Buyer Furnished Equipment Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Equipment which is supplied in response to an Airline or Operator originated purchase order.�

Cabin Attendant Operating Manual

Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

A CAOM is the basic reference document for flight attendants. It provides cabin equipment descriptions and associated procedures.

Cabin Configuration Guide Aircraft Configuration This is the same as for the System Configuration Guide but for cabin items only.

Cabin Crew Operating Manual

Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

See Cabin Attendant Operating Manual.

Cabin Emergency Evacuation Trainer

Training Full-scale mock-up of AIRBUS Aircraft door, cabin interiors and escape slides used to teach emergency evacuation procedures.

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Cabin Furnishings Industrialization/Aircraft Build Definition

Consist of all the parts/equipment that make up the Passenger Cabin eg:- side wall/door panels,- ceiling panels,- overhead stowage compartments,- carpets/curtains,- lavatories and their system adaptation kit,- galleys and their system adaptation kit,- passenger/attendant seats and associated systems,- partitions,- stowages,- emergency equipment.

CAPEX See _Capital Expenditure_Capital Expenditure Finance The Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) includes all expenses which are capitalized

according to International Accounting Standard (IAS GAAP).These expenses are fixed assets which are depreciated over more than one year. It represents those assets not intended for sale, which are used to design and manufacture the product, display it, warehouse it and transport it : lands and buildings, machinery and equipment, jigs and tools, IT equipment and intangible assets. It does not include :- financial assets,- used aircraft,- goodwill and fair value adjutments.The definition is also applicable to leased or rented assets.

Capital Expenditure process, Airbus Integrated Company, V2,

23 August 2002

Carrier Organization/Airbus - Aircraft Buyer Relationships

Organization that ensures the transport of passengers/freight.

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Cash Accounted Finance For actuals, Cash Accounted is the sum of invoices registered as capitalized fixed assets in the accounting reporting data system year-to-date.For planning and budget, Cash Accounted is the amount of invoices (including down payments and assets under construction) expected to be registered as fixed assets in the data system during the current year.Comments : - This amount is the same as "purchase of fixed assets" in the cash flow statement (without financial assets and used aircraft).- For capitalized internal costs, Cash Accounted is the registered year-to-date amount.

Capital Expenditure process, Airbus integrated company V2,

23 August 2002

Catalog Sequence Number Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

Code identifier giving the position of a system/item having a determined function within Technical Data in which specific information is located. The first 6 digits of a CSN are defined within the Airbus ATA 100 Breakdown (see ABD0036 - Numbering/Naming).

Certificate of Airworthiness Certification Document which attests that the individual aircraft conforms to a type design approved under a Type Certificate or a Supplemental Type Certificate and is in condition for safe operation.

Certificate of Airworthiness for Export

Certification As "Certification of Airworthiness" but issued exclusively for aircraft to be exported. It is not a "permit to Fly". It is the basis on which the Certificate of Airworthiness of the country of Registration is issued. For all Airbus products it is issued by the European Aviation Safety Agency.

Certification Certification Task of conducting the activities which require detailed agreement between:- Airworthiness Authorities and Airbus,- Airbus Certification Airworthiness Authorities and other Authorities (activities of witnessing and surveillance),- Airbus Central Entity, NatCos, Associated Partners, Suppliers,to obtain a Type Certificate, or a Certificate of Airworthiness.

Certification Basis Certification The applicable airworthiness requirements and special conditions with which compliance must be demonstrated before the Authority issues a type certificate or a Supplemental Type certificate.


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Certification Card Flight Test/Certification A Certification Card is established for each Certification flight test. It includes:

- details of test conditions,- substantiation of test results,- statement of compliance with the applicable regulation.

It is signed by the Airworthiness Authorities.

Certification Flight Test Program

Flight Test/Certification Detailed list of all tests to be performed to demonstrate compliance with the applicable certification requirements. It is an official document approved by the relevant Airworthiness Authorities.

Certification Flight Test Report

Flight Test/Certification Summary report per ATA chapter covering all Certification Flight tests performed. It gives the conclusions of each test performed and an overall airworthiness assessment.

Certification Identification Certification Each aircraft is subject to a Certification Process and as such a certification identifier is allocated to it.The Certification Identification is governed and recorded in "Aircraft Certification Register - Airbus Industrie Nomenclature". eg: A310-300, A320-200.

Certification Procedure Certification Document which stipulates the way to conduct the certification activities (Specific to each aircraft project).

Certification Process Certification Activities developed to obtain the certification of an aircraft or modification.

Change Aircraft Definition Evolution Term used to identify definition evolution with reference to a Basic or Technical Definition or Specification of an Airbus Product. Changes are managed by means of the Modification System as described in the Aircraft Configuration Management Rules (ACMR).


Change Identification Number

Aircraft Definition Evolution Code composed of one modification number and one modification proposal number and associated with a defined effectivity.

based on ACMR

Check Organization/Evaluation Means Supervision/insuring accuracy, fitness, or due performance. WD

Circulation Aérienne Générale

Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

French term equivalent to General Aviation (GA).

Clause 16 Training It is the clause of the Airbus Purchase Agreement related to training and training aids.

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CMS (Code Matière Société) Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Administration Code allocated by Airbus France S.A.S. to Items for identification purposes.

co*ckpit System Simulator Training An enclosed aircraft co*ckpit Flight Training Device used by Flight crews, and which reproduces aircraft systems so that flight training events can be accomplished.

Collective Modification Aircraft Definition Evolution Modification grouping several Modification Proposals raised during Design or Manufacture to cover small changes of minor character which do not justify the opening of specific modifications..


COMBI Common Terms/Basic Terms See Combination Aircraft

Combination Aircraft Common Terms/Basic Terms Fixed configuration of an aircraft type to carry both cargo and passengers on the main deck.


Commercial And Government Entity

Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Code which is issued to Suppliers (USA and Canada only) for identification purposes enabling them to have a unique and abbreviated reference mainly for Electronic Data Processing (EDP) use. This uses five-position, alphanumeric codes as specified in Cataloging Handbook H4/H8: Sections A and B, Commercial And Government Entity (CAGE) Codes (United States and Canada only).


Committed Amount Finance For actuals, Committed Amount is the sum of purchase orders registered in the accounting reporting data system year-to-date.For planning and budget, Committed Amount is the sum of expected purchase orders to be issued during the year.Comments : Commitments do not refer to payment date but to purchase order date and amount.Budget commitment is the yearly amount.Additionally, for information and operations follow-up purposes only, project appproval amount is the total amount of the project as submitted to approval thriugh the CaPex file process.For capitalized internal costs, Committed Amount is the yearly budget.

Capital Expenditure process, Airbus integrated company V2,

23 August 2002

Commonality Common Terms/Interchangeability

Relates to the capability of an item to be used in different aircraft types within an Airbus Family (eg: A319/A320/A321) or in different Airbus Families (eg: Single aisle/Long range).

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Company License Training The company license gives an airline the right to use the entire Airbus Training courseware library either Flight crew or maintenance for the corresponding aircraft type, without limitations.

Competence Organization/Airbus/Optimise Skills

Demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills. EN 9100-2001

Complete Provision Industrialization/Provisions Complete Provision for a specific item or set of items of equipment shall mean that, for example, all supports, brackets, tubes and fittings, electrical wiring and hydraulic lines, shall have been installed, except where this is not technically acceptable for normal operation, that space has been allocated and that installation of the specified item(s) can be made with the minimum of alteration to the aircraft.

Compliance Demonstration Inspection Operation that consists in proving that Aircraft status is exactly in conformity with its detailed Definition and Specification. This during its complete life.

Compliance Inspection Certification Physical inspection of the prototype to determine compliance with FAR/CAR requirements which cannot be determined adequately from an evaluation of the technical data.


Compliance Inspection and Tests

Certification Checks/inspections and ground/flight tests made by the Authority to check the validity of the Declaration of Compliance submitted by the applicant for a Type Certificate. (EASA, Part 21A.33).


Component Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Any self-contained part, combination of parts, subassemblies or units, which perform a distinctive function necessary to the operation of a system.


Computer Managed Instruction

Training A Computer-Based Training (CBT) facility which includes:- rostering and storing of student information,- scheduling of students and resources,- computer acquisition and storage of student performance data,- data presentation function,- decision making function based on analysis of student's performance.

Conceive Common Terms/Basic Terms Process of Conception.

Concept Common Terms/Basic Terms A general notion or idea comprising all attributes common to a class of things.

Conception Common Terms/Basic Terms Creative activity which, on the basis of expressed needs/requirements and feasibility analysis, results in basic data for definition.

NFL 00-007B

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Concern Inspection Statement of conclusion following an investigation or inspection which does not demonstrate a Finding but identifies a condition which could become a Finding. (FAA Circular: AC 120-59 26 Oct. 92).


Concession Common Terms Permission to use or release a product that does not conform to specified requirements.

ISO 9000:2000

Configuration Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

Where related to aircraft/products: refer to Configuration in the domain "Aircraft Configuration".

Where related to electrical drawings/documentation: refer to ABD0004.

Where related to technical publications: A method of covering variations in an item/equipment using different text within the same 6-digit ATA REF/TOPIC.eg: 31-44-00 : single weight and balance system;eg: 31-44-00 config : dual weight and balance system.

Configuration Change Aircraft Definition Evolution Results from the decision to review the Basic Configuration in order to: - improve the Product, - take into account In-Service Experience. Results in revision to specification (Aircraft/System/Product).

Configuration Classification Aircraft Configuration Aircraft Configuration Definition in relation to its Certification Identification system: - Type, - Series, - Model, - Variant.

Configuration Definition Aircraft Configuration Selection of a Theoretical Definition of an Aircraft/System/Product according to Technical, Commercial and Airbus Policy decisions with reference to a given Technical Specification.


Configuration Deviation List Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

The CDL is a list of outside parts such as small service doors which are allowed to be missing for a limited period of time provided appropriate performance penalties are applied.

The CDL is part of the Flight Manual (FM) and consequently is an approved document.

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Configuration Item Aircraft Project Management An aggregation of hardware, software, processed materials, services, or any discrete portion, that is designated for configuration management and treated as a single entity in the configuration management process.


Configuration Management Aircraft Configuration Technical and organization activities including:- configuration identification,- configuration control,- configuration status accounting,- configuration audit.


Conformity Design-Engineering Statement that an aircraft, engine, Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) or part conforms to the Aircraft Type Design thereof (JAR 21).

Conformity Inspection Certification Determination that the materials, parts, processes, heat treatment, fabrication, installations, etc. used in producing the prototype or later products conform with the approved technical data.


Consolidation Modification Aircraft Definition Evolution A Consolidation Modification is opened to gather already approved modifications in order to facilitate, for administrative purposes, the development continuity of different standards.A Consolidation Modification is strictly administrative and no additional work shall be launched under its modification number.note : the creation of new or extension of validity of existing Consolidation Modifications is no longer permitted.


Constituent Assembly Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

A constituent assembly (CA) is a class of configuration item, in the sense of ISO 10007, reflecting the physical product assembly breakdown. The complete and tested aircraft is the overall CA. It is broken down into several levels of CAs reflecting the various assembly processes, facilities and owners which contribute to the final product. Each assembly process owner is responsible for the establishment and follow-up of its CA configuration up to aircraft delivery to the customer.AI/QI list the applicable CAs for a given aircraft program and give instructions to compile the CA delivery documents. The A/C inspection report is the top CA delivery documents.

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Constituents Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

In Airbus projects an aircraft is considered to be made of:- functions (structure/systems),- techniques (to fulfill the functions).

By techniques is meant:- Materials,- Standard Items,- Non-Standard Items (eg: Equipment),- Processes.

These form the constituents (or parts) of an Airbus.

Consulted Organization/Management Implementation

C in RASCI. Status of a person who must be Consulted before a decision / action is made.

AP2075 module 1

Contractual Training Training Training or training aids provided or to be provided to the AIRBUS customer under the provision of the AIRBUS Purchase Agreement.

Control Organization/Management A - To exercise restraining or directing influence over. B - To check, test or verify by counter or parallel evidence or experiments: Use Check/Test/Verify.


Controls Inspection Key procedures, responsibilities and decision making positions within an Organization, Division, Department or Functional Area. (FAA Circular: AC 120-59 26 Oct. 92).


Conversion Instruction Aircraft Definition Evolution/Definition Evolution Implementation

No longer to be used. Replaced by Service Bulletin.A Conversion Instruction (CI) is a Service Bulletin in simplified form.Contrary to the Service Bulletin, a CI does not show the details of the modification on the A/C; instead it presents the design documents which have been compiled in such a way that only Airbus and/or partners can accomplish the conversion work on the A/C.

As a matter of principle, Airbus has overall responsibility for the accomplishment of any modification.


Convertible Aircraft Common Terms/Basic Terms Aircraft type which can be converted from an all-passenger to an all-cargo carrying aircraft and vice-versa.

Coordinate Organization/Management To ensure action together in a smooth concerted way. WD

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Corrective Action Common Terms Action to eliminate the cause of a detected Nonconformity or other undesirable situation.

ISO 9000:2000

Cost Breakdown Structure Aircraft Project Management A pre-allocation of project costs, arranged in such way that each work package identified in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is attached to a given budget. In principle, the CBS shall be directly derived from the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).


Cost of Sales Organization/Commercial The amount of cash a company has spent to make the products sold. Business Awareness Training

Cosynus Training It is a statistical database taking into account the notation of Flight Cycle (FC) trainees performances and some information on trainees' background.

Counterpart Design-Engineering A counterpart is the zone of Primary or Secondary structure (sometimes a higher assembly/subassembly/equipment/component) to which the Transferable/Adaptable assembly/subassembly is fitted.

Course Training A complete unit of training given for a specific make/model and series of aircraft or/and a specific duty position specially, and including the associated programs, training equipment and training supports.

Course Acceptance Training Authorization delivered for the entry into service of a new or a modified course.

Course Completion Certificate

Training A document certifying that one has reached a specified level of proficiency.

Courseware Training Instructional material developed for each curriculum. It includes Computer-Based Training (CBT) programs, audiovisual programs, and training documentation.

based on FAA: EC 120-54

Cross Crew Qualification Training The Airbus term for applying the concepts of Advisory Circular (FAA) AC 120-53 to related aircraft families (A319, A320, A321, A330, A340). CCQ is intended to permit the carry over of substantial credit for crews qualifying from one aircraft to another, based on the common co*ckpit and flight characteristics. CCQ is applicable to transition between these types and to mixed fleet flying of these types.

Curriculum Training A qualification curriculum addresses the required training and qualification activities for a specific make, model, and series of aircraft and for a specific duty position.

FAA: AC 120-54

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Customer Common Terms/Basic Terms Recipient of a product provided by a supplier. Notes: 1) In a contractual situation, the customer is called the purchaser.2) The customer may be, for example, the ultimate consumer, user, beneficiency or purchaser.3) The customer can be either internal or external to the organization.

In the context of Aircraft Buyer Relationships, a general term used to identify the Buyer or potential Buyer of an aircraft.

Customer Acceptance Planning Indicates when the Aircraft is ready for delivery to the customer (technically and commercially).

Customer Effectivity Code Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

A letter code identifying the recipient of the aircraft documentation. This can be:- customer code eg: MSR - group name eg: ATLAS - group leader code eg: DLH (FOR ATLAS A300)

IPC only

Customer Livery Common Terms The external color scheme and artistic design specific to the Customer requirement.


Customer Markings Common Terms Particular texts and translations of Standard Markings requested by the Customer.


Customer Originated Change

Aircraft Definition Evolution/Definition Evolution Implementation

Customer request to update the official Airbus documentation in accordance with changes done without Airbus Service Bulletin.

Customer Rank Aircraft Identification A number allocated to an aircraft already identified by Customer and MSN within an aircraft program and which identifies its actual position (rank) in the delivery sequence to that Customer. (e.g. MSN : 753, CUSTOMER : JAS, RANK : 026)

Customization Training Embodiment of modifications in the instructional content as well as in the training media, to be consistent with the customer's Aircraft technical configuration or operational policy.

Customized Aircraft Industrialization/Aircraft Build Definition

Basic Build Status completed with options as selected by a Customer and completed with some specific customer modifications to make it: - flyable, - certificatable, - deliverable.

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Customized Specification Aircraft Definition and Specification

A specification produced by Airbus to describe a particular version or model, eg: A340-200 Customized Specification for Lufthansa.

Data Handling System Electronic Data Processing (EDP)

Automatic handling, such as sorting, decoding, or storing of information in a desired form. Sometimes called data reduction system.

Data Communications Dictionary - ISBN 0 442 21931 8

Data Storage Electronic Data Processing (EDP)

The utilization of any medium for storing data and suggesting a capability to store large volumes immediately on-line to a central processor as in a magnetic drum or magnetic disk store.

Data Communications Dictionary - ISBN 0 442 21931 8

Date Common Terms/Basic Terms To avoid confusion and according to the conclusions of the Airbus Reference Language Network, dates shall be written as follows:

DD: number for the dayMmm: 3 to N letters for the monthYYYY: number for the year (2 or 4 digits)

Eg: 10 April 2003 - 10 Apr 2003 - 10 April 03 - 10 Apr 03 - Apr 03Dealer Organization/Suppliers No longer to be used. See Broker.

A company holding stocks of materials and/or parts purchased from a source approved by Airbus Industrie, its Members or Associated Partners for subsequent supply to the AIB Organization in the same condition as when received.

Debriefing Training End of training session general overview, with participation of trainees, enabling a first evaluation of their newly acquired knowledge.

Decal or Transfer Common Terms Pre-prepared graphic and/or text applied by adhesive to the aircraft or component.


Decide Organization/Management Implementation

To choose or select as a future course of action. WD

Deck (Structural Floor Level) Common Terms/Basic Terms For aircraft having one structural floor only, this level is referred to as the MAIN DECK. For aircraft having more than one structural floor the different floor levels are referred to as LOWER DECK, MAIN DECK and UPPER DECK starting at the lowest level.

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Declaration of Compliance Certification Statement by which the applicant for a Type Certificate or a Supplemental Type Certificate declares that he has shown compliance with applicable regulations (the certification basis) and provided to the Authority the means by which such compliance has been shown in accordance with the applicable procedures.


Defect Common Terms/General Terms Failure to meet defined standards.

Define Common Terms/Basic Terms To fix or mark the limits of (see _Definition_ ). Webster Dictionary

Definition Common Terms/Basic Terms Process of determining the essential characteristics of a product. (eg: validation of existing technical solutions, where applicable or initiation of new studies). Results in precise data to be used as basis for the establishment of Specifications.

Definition Dossier Industrialization/Industrialization Dossier

Set of Data/Documents which freeze the technical configuration of an aircraft, or a product, by means of a Drawing Set and Technical Specifications/Standards, taking into account the certification requirements.

The purpose of the Definition Dossier is to fix the reference status of the definition of the product involved, and to give access to the definition information relative to the reference status.

Definition Evolution Aircraft Definition Evolution Term used for changes occurring in the early stages of definition of a new Aircraft Project / Program / Product. As soon as the definition is frozen the expression to be used is "Configuration Change".

Definition Modification Aircraft Definition Evolution/Modification (Types of)

Relates to convenience modifications which are created to initiate a New Aircraft / Aircraft Project / Program / Section / Function / Technique.

Delegation Common Terms/General Terms Assignment of authority and power by one person to another.

Dependent Fleet Aircraft Identification When an Airline purchases an aircraft fleet and at a later date requires additional aircraft with the same configuration from a leasing company, the additional aircraft operated through the leasing company form the dependent fleet.


Derivative Aircraft Identification/Certification

Development of an existing type for a specialized role (eg: F = Freighter, C = Combi (A340) or Convertible (A300/A310)).

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Describe Common Terms/Basic Terms Process of Description.

Description Common Terms/Basic Terms Process of describing the characteristics, components and operation of a product that exists. Results in data necessary to understand the product, its interface(s) with other products and its operation.

Design Design-Engineering Interpretation of requirements expressed in basic Technical Specifications. Activities result in the compilation of Definition Dossier which is used as reference for Manufacturing of the aircraft.

Design Engineering Design-Engineering Organization responsible for Design, Certification, Flight Test and Justification of products.

Design Organization Approval

Certification Procedural requirements and rules to be complied with by an applicant for or holder of a Type Certificate or Supplemental Type Certificate in the EASA system. (PART 21, Subparts B & J).


Design Standard Procedural Documentation Airbus document that defines the principles to design a product.Eg: Technical Design Directive, TDD Airbus Directive and Procedure, ABD System Installation Design Principles, SIDP

Desktop Trainer Training 2D trainer on a table. On a desktop trainer all student or instructor information and controls are on one or several screens.

Detailed Inspection Aircraft Servicing - Maintenance - Overhaul - Repair

An intensive examination of a specific item, installation or assembly to detect damage, failure or irregularity. Available lighting is normally supplemented with a direct source of good lighting at an intensity deemed appropriate. Inspection aids such as mirrors, magnifying lenses, etc. may be necessary. Surface cleaning and elaborate access procedures may be required.


Detailed Visual Inspection Aircraft Servicing - Maintenance - Overhaul - Repair

No longer to be used. See definitions of other Inspections in this domain.

Development Aircraft Aircraft Identification In the event that a new Airbus program is launched, Airbus may give an equivalent definition for prototypes aircraft. In such a case, the embodiment point shall follow the version treatment.

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Deviation Design-Engineering Term used to indicate that a Definition Dossier is not in compliance with: - the applicable Directives/Procedures, - or with the applicable Aircraft Design and Certification Objectives/Requirements.

Dictionary Common Terms/Basic Terms A reference book containing words usually alphabetically arranged along with information about their forms, pronunciation, functions, etymologies, meanings and syntactical idiomatic uses.

Webster Dictionary

Difference Training Training The training required for crew members and dispatchers, who have qualified and served on a particular type of aircraft to serve in the same capability on a particular variation of that aircraft.

based on FAA definition

Direct Organization/Management Impel/push toward an action. WDDirective Procedural Documentation Describes the requirements expressed in external regulations/standards and

internal policies, with which Airbus and its suppliers must comply.

Discipline Organization/Airbus Field of activities, eg: Design, Certification, Purchase, Production, Quality, Support, Administration.

Dispatch Reliability Aircraft Operation/General Dispatch Reliability (DR) is the percentage of scheduled flights which depart without incurring a (technical) ground interruption. Ground interruptions are flight dispatch delays greater than 15 minutes and flight cancellations.Dispatch Reliability performance is used in:- Engineering (Supportability and Safety) and Program organisation to make DR performance prediction against targets during the design process of new aircraft,-Customer Services organization to measure DR performance for In-Service aircraft and propose modifications to improve it.

Monthly Service Report

Document Checklist Procedural Documentation A form to record and progress the creation or revision of procedural documents and Design Standards.

Document Owner Procedural Documentation Person responsible for the creation, approval, maintenance, disposal and promotion of effective application of a document.

Domestic Organization/Airbus No longer to be used.General adjective used to indicate that the subject is an internal Airbus Organization one.

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Dry Lease/Wet Lease Training Leasing of a _Flight Training Device_ (FTD) without/with Airbus instructors.

Dummy Parts Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Parts which are installed in lieu of aircraft parts, such as dummy Floor Panels, pending a definitive decision about the final aircraft configuration.

These have to be considered as Tooling but may be installed to allow the aircraft to be flown in some instances.

Duplicate Inspection Inspection Two identical and independent inspections carried out consecutively.Education Organization/Airbus/Optimise

SkillsDevelopment of a person through continued learning

Effectivity Aircraft Definition Evolution/Modification Allocation

The effectivity is originated from the MP/Mod validity (expressed in Standard(s), Industrial Standard(s) and/or Versions, modification category and the embodiment points) and calculated from the relevant Aircraft Allocation Table.This definition is applicable to any technical information managed at MSN level.

Electrostatic Method Common Terms Deposit of ink/paint onto a surface by electrostatic means. AI/PE-TEmbodiment Manufacturing Relates to physical incorporation of a modification according to its definition

content.Empty Cabin Aircraft Identification Aircraft technically completed but without cabin furnishings.Endorse Organization/Management

ImplementationTo express definite approval or acceptance of... WD

Endurance Demonstration Flight Test/Certification Flights performed in the context of the Certification Campaign for a new aircraft or airframe/engine combination to demonstrate an adequate level of system and components reliability in an operational environment.

Enforce Organization/Management Implementation

To cause to take effect. WD

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Engineering Coordination Memorandum

Documentation Templates The ECM is a means by which correspondence is recorded between Airbus and Subcontract company/Supplier for the exchange of technical information is recorded.An ECM :- records the event of the exchange of information between Airbus and a Subcontractor /Supplier,- is the cover sheet to any original or amended technical document,- has a unique Airbus reference number provided by the Airbus Document Numbering Service (ADNS), or a local equivalent,- is managed in an appropriate register and/or Document Management System.

An ECM :- shall not contain in its text, information that would normally be issued via a technical document (e.g. Technical Memorandum, Technical Report etc.). The exception to this is clarification of a technical point (e.g. a technical discussion regarding technical data contained in a technical document, manual etc.),- may be up-issued, or a new ECM raised, dependent on the ECM process being employed, when a technical document that has been the subject of an ECM (Technical Report etc.) is up-issued, - shall not be used internally in Airbus between Engineering Centers, Disciplines,

Ensure Organization/Management Implementation

To take the responsibility to make sure that an activity is planned and will be done according to the defined rules.

AP2075 module 1

Entity per Aircraft Change Aircraft Configuration This is a set of potential or already developed functions which is recorded in the ACC database. An EPAC item records a basic or customized operational function for the aircraft, or a Standard evolution.eg: the introduction of a QAR.

Equipment Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

An item (often a Line Replaceable Unit, LRU), which is part of a system, and which includes Shop Replaceable Units (SRUs) or components and parts with hardware devices and possibly software elements (see ABD0100/0200).

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Equivalence Design-Engineering Relates to the demonstrated compliance between two or more documents/Technical Specifications/Standards/Norms.

When this term is applied to products it means that products have been produced in compliance with Technical Specifications which have been declared equivalent.

Equivalent Safety Finding Certification A finding that a method of showing compliance with a rule, although not strictly in accordance with the provisions of the rule, provides a level of safety equivalent to the intent of the rule.


Estimate Organization/Commercial The act of appraising or valuing. WDEstimated Time of Arrival Aircraft Operation/Flight

OperationsThe ETA is an advance estimate of the arrival time of an aircraft at an airport.See Actual Time of Arrival.

Estimated Time of Departure Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations The ETD is an advance estimate of the departure time of an aircraft from an

airport.See Actual Time of Departure.

Evidence Inspection Documented statement of facts that may be quantitative or qualitative and is based on observations, measurements or tests that can be verified. (FAA Circular: AC 120-59 26 Oct. 92).


Evolution Modification Aircraft Definition Evolution/Modification (Types of)

No longer to be used. Superseded by Product Development Modification.

Examine Organization/Evaluation Means - To survey. - To inspect or test for abnormality.

Exemption Certification Authorization granted by the Authority to deviate from a regulatory requirement under certain conditions.

Expression Common Terms/Basic Terms Word or phrase which indicates a feeling or general idea (eg: Decide, Approve, To be Issued Later, As Soon As Possible).

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External Paint System Common Terms The coatings applied to the external surfaces of an aircraft, for example this could be:i) wash primerii) primeriii) topcoativ) varnish (optional).


Fabric Composite Materials Material whose fibres run in two or more directions. AM2017Failure Common Terms/General Terms The inability of an item to perform within previously specified limits. WATOG

Family and Family Code Aircraft Identification To consult the definition, please contact [emailprotected] Concept Industrialization/Aircraft Build

DefinitionFor A310/A300-600 it represents a selection of Pre-Defined Cabin Floor plans.

Fault Common Terms/General Terms Failure to function as defined.

FCOM Bulletin Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

Bulletin published in the Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM) to provide the crews with a better understanding of a particular subject of general operational nature.

Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers

Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

No longer to be used. Replaced by Commercial And Government Entity code.

Ferry Flight Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

A flight which is conducted to take the A/C after a technical problem to a station where repairs are made. These flights are also non-revenue flights which do not necessarily need to comply with operational regulations for commercial transportation. Nevertheless, for flights which cannot be conducted as per the Flight Manual (FM), special permission from the A/C Registration Authorities must normally be obtained.

Field Organization/Airbus/Optimise Skills

Groups the activities and/or professions which are relevant to a function.

Field Trip Training A trip away from the classroom to identify, on the aircraft, the systems studied.

Finance Organization/Commercial To raise or provide funds or capital for... WDFinancing Organization/Commercial The act, process, or an instance of raising or providing funds. WD

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Finding Inspection Statement of conclusion following an investigation or inspection which demonstrates non-compliance with a specific standard or requirement. (FAA Circular: AC 120-59 26 Oct. 92).


Firmware Electronic Data Processing (EDP)

Computer program(s) contained permanently in a hardware device as read-only memory.

First Flight Planning (AI/P 1200, AI/P 1400, AI/P 1600...) Scheduled date for first flight which is the target for production. It is updated regularly and takes into consideration industrial aspects.

First Flight Date Planning Date on which the Aircraft is flown for the first time.First Flight Indicated in Planning Document

Planning Where related to the current aircraft programs it represents the theoretical first flight calculated date. It can differ from the date indicated in the Production Program as it does not allow for industrial problems. Production rate figures are based on these first flight dates and all the production stations consider it as the reference.

Fixed Base Simulator Training An enclosed aircraft co*ckpit Flight Training Device used by Flight crews, and which reproduces aircraft systems so that flight training events or flight checking events can be accomplished.

Fleet Aircraft Identification A fleet is a group of aircraft with the same configuration sold to a single Customer. The fleet itself is handled as a single unit in accordance with one Purchase Agreement covering a quantity of aircraft for the same customer.Fleets can be subdivided into hardcore, sub-fleet, master and dependent fleets. This mainly refers to Leasing Companies.


Fleet Serial Number Aircraft Identification A number allocated by the Customer to an MSN either: - to allow its easy incorporation in an Airline Group, or - to facilitate the handling of aircraft in a fleet.

Flexible Concept Industrialization/Aircraft Build Definition

A Concept developed for A340/A330 to give an aircraft the capability of accepting relatively large Pre-Defined/Pre-Designed configurations within a limited leadtime and cost, with the minimum of provisions installed in the Basic Build Status.

Flexible Zones Industrialization/Aircraft Build Definition

For A340/A330 these are Pre-Defined and Pre-Designed areas where provisions have been made during the definition of the Structure/Systems to accept different Locations/Technical Solutions.

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Flight Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

The entire passage consisting of one or more flight legs, from leaving the airport of origin to arrival at the airport of final destination and operated under one flight number.


Flight Crew Operating Manual

Aircraft Operation/General The FCOM is the basic reference document for flight crews and flight operation engineering. FCOM provides aircraft systems descriptions, flight procedures and performance.

Flight Crew Report Flight Test/Activity Document established by the Flight Test Engineer and/or the Pilot in command, who then countersigns, which gives the results and crew comments of a test flight. A FCR is mandatory for every test flight.A copy is submitted to the Airworthiness Authorities.

Flight Cycle Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

A completed takeoff and landing sequence.

Flight Hours Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

For Airbus, this is airborne time, i.e. wheels-off to wheels-on.

Notes: 1)Term also used (but not by Airbus) for block hours. Ref. WATOG (TIME, FLIGHT) which gives the following definition: "Either: (a) Airborne time, i.e. wheels-off to wheels-on ; or (b) block time, i.e. chocks-away to chocks-under.

2) FAA Regulations (FAR 1.1) define flight time as block time whereas European regulations (JAR 1.1) define flight time as airborne time. When the term "Flight time" is used, or values of flight time are quoted, the definition which applies shall be stated".

Flight Level Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

A level of constant atmospheric pressure related to the standard atmosphere. For convenience these are referred to in numbers which represent hundreds of feet. For example, Flight Level 250 represents a barometric altimeter indication of 25 000 feet.

Flight Manual Aircraft Operation/General The FM gives the limitations, the procedures and the performance required by the aircraft type certifications. The FM is approved by the airworthiness Authorities.

Flight Operations Desk Flight Test/Activity Responsible for the support required for all test flights: Air Traffic Control clearances, Flight Planning, Ground control around St Martin test facilities, flight crew allocation, aircraft documentation...

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Flight Order Flight Test/Activity Document established by the Flight Test Engineer responsible for the test flight and countersigned by the Pilot in command. It defines the tests to be performed during a flight and includes test procedures, A/C applicable limitations and safety procedures. The Flight Order is a legal document which is transmitted to the Airworthiness Authorities and which must be duly signed prior to the flight. A copy of the Flight Order remains on ground while the aircraft is in flight.

Flight Plan Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

Specified information relating to the intended flight of an aircraft that is filed orally or in writing with an Air Traffic Control (ATC) facility.

Flight Plan Computation Program

Aircraft Operation/Performance Engineering

The FLIP permits the computation of complete flight profiles. The FLIP works from the High Speed (HSP) data base.


Flight Test Analysis Flight Test/Activity Software system used to manage all flight test activity, eg: programs, A/C activity.

Flight Test Installation Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

All the equipment fitted to an aircraft for in-flight test measurements.

Flight Test Management System

Flight Test/Activity Replaced by FTA, Flight Test Analysis.

Flight to Hamburg Planning Date indicated in production programs. It generally coincides with the start of the interior furnishing phase done by Airbus Deutschland GmbH at Hamburg.

Flight to Toulouse Planning Date indicated in production programs. It generally coincides with the end of the interior furnishing phase done by Airbus Deutschland GmbH at Hamburg.

Flight Training Device Training A full scale replica of an aircraft instrument, equipment panel and control in an open co*ckpit area or an enclosed aircraft co*ckpit. Four levels are defined in the AC 120-45A: levels 4, 5, 6, 7.

Levels 4 and 5 corresponds to the co*ckpit System Simulator (CSS).

Level 7 corresponds to the Fixed Base Simulator (FBS).

FAA: AC 120-45A

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Floor Panels Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Floor Panels are an integrated part of the aircraft structure.

Some Floor Panels are fitted during the production phase of the aircraft section affected. The remainder in areas of Lavatory/Galley installation (flexible zones) are replaced by Dummy Parts/Panels.

Fulfill Organization/Management Implementation

To carry out: accomplish, execute. WD

Full Flight Simulator Training A simulator including a visual system providing an out-of-the co*ckpit view and a force (motion) cueing system. It is in compliance with the standards specified in AC 120-40B as amended (four levels exist: A, B, C, D).

Full Production Subcontracting

Subcontracting Production subcontracting planned on a medium or long term basis for organizational reasons. Covers development and series phase activities, for Production only.

Full Provision Industrialization/Provisions Full Provision for a specific item or set of items or equipment shall mean that, for example, all supports, brackets, tubes and fittings, electrical wiring and hydraulic lines, shall have been installed, except where this is not technically acceptable for normal operation, that space has been allocated and that installation of the specified item(s) can be made with the minimum of alteration to the aircraft.

Systems for which Full Provision is installed shall be certified such that operation is permitted when the item(s) of equipment are incorporated. On aircraft to be delivered, only ground testing of Full Provision will be performed and the Buyer may be required to provide equipment necessary for ground testing and system certification.

Full Subcontracting Subcontracting Subcontracting of all obligations.

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Function Organization/Airbus A function in organizational terms represents the main fields of activities of the Company to which specific accountabilities have been assigned to. The main functions of Airbus are:General Management, Operations, Engineering, Manufacturing, Information Systems, Quality, Programs, Customer Services, Human Resources, Finance, Procurement and Customer Affairs.

Functions can be grouped by the nature of the accountabilities and activities assigned to them:- Staff functions: organizations with primary advisory activities reporting to the General Management or to the Heads of operative or central functions.

- Central functions: Human Resources and Finance and other supporting organizations at General or national management level as well as within the main operative functions.

- Operative functions: functions performing operative tasks to design, manufacture, maintain or sell the company's products.

Functional Designation Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Title describing the function of equipment/components or significant items of an aircraft system/circuit/installation (see ABD0036).

Functional Item Number Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Code allocated to the function of Equipment/Components or significant items of an aircraft System/Circuit/Installation.Refer to the AP2636 for the applicable rules for the FIN allocation.

General Assembly Drawing Aircraft Configuration The top Cascade Drawing which validates, per Aircraft Type and Version, the Definition Dossiers to demonstrate that the Aircraft Configuration-Definition is in Compliance with its ApplicableDefinition Document (eg: Aircraft Standard Specification, Aircraft Modifications).

General Modification Committee

Organization/Airbus Meeting organized to examine conflicts, make decisions about important subjects or re-examine decisions and if necessary confirm the modification decisions made during the continuous process. This committee meets as and when required.


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General Visual Inspection Aircraft Servicing - Maintenance - Overhaul - Repair

A visual examination of an interior or exterior area, installation or assembly to detect obvious damage, failure or irregularity. This level of inspection is made from within touching distance unless other specified. A mirror may be necessary to enhance visual access to all exposed surfaces in the inspection area. This level of inspection is made under normally available lighting conditions such as daylight, hangar lighting, flashlight or drop-light and may require removal or opening of access panels or doors. Stands, ladders or platforms may be required to gain proximity to the area being checked.


Generic Part of a Courseware

Training It is the set of Computer-Based Training (CBT) modules impacted only with aircraft standard modifications or major options (engines, Units). This part can be delivered to several customers without any modifications.

GIE Organization/Airbus "Groupement d'Intérêt Economique" a legal entity governed by a French Ordonnance N° 67-821 dated September 23, 1967.

Global RFC Aircraft Definition Evolution/Definition Evolution Procedure

Document which lists several Customer originated changes.

Glossary Common Terms/Basic Terms A collection of terms limited to a special area of knowledge (eg: technical or usage: dialectical words).


Green Aircraft Aircraft Identification Aircraft with sufficient equipment for safe operation but without passenger compartment furnishings and most of the associated equipment and electronics. It may also have standard exterior paintwork with only the manufacturer's name and serial number displayed.

Ground Support Equipment Common Terms/Basic Terms Equipment required on the ground to support the operation and maintenance of the aircraft and all its airborne equipment.


Group Organization/Airbus - Aircraft Buyer Relationships

Association of Airlines.

Guidance Material Certification Helps to illustrate the meaning of a specification or requirement. EASAGuide Organization/Management Direct in a way ; conduct. WDHand-Out Training Prepared paper document issued to trainees for specific complementary

technical information.

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Handover to AIB Planning No longer to be used.Milestone in the Aircraft production.Official session which takes place at the end of the Aircraft assembly to compare the Aircraft status with its definition. At the end, the Aircraft is accepted or not by AIB. When the aircraft is accepted by the Flight Test organization it is under the responsibility of that organization.

Handover to Programs Planning Milestone in the Aircraft production. Official session which takes place at the end of the Aircraft assembly to compare the Aircraft status with its definition. At the end, the Aircraft is accepted or not by Programs. When the aircraft is accepted by the Flight Test organization it is under the responsibility of that organization.

Hardcore Fleet Aircraft Identification A hardcore fleet covers the basic configuration of all aircraft of the Leasing Company.


Highlight Code Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

A numeric code identifying the reason for change within a manual for automatic inclusion in the highlights list when an electronic publishing system is used.eg: 01 = Modification XXXXX incorporated,eg: 09 = Layout improved/material relocated.


Highlights Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

List at the front of a manual/chapter specifying the changes for a given revision with a reason for each change.

Illustrated Provisioning Document

Customer Services/Spares The IPD provides illustrations (Part 1) and parts list (Part 2) covering units and components/Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) installed on the aircraft and is used during the initial provisioning period until the customized Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC) is available.

Implement Organization/Management Implementation

To fulfill, perform. WD

Improvement Manufacturer Program for Airbus Customer Training

Training Airbus Customer Training's strategy to improve the dispatch reliability factor at the aircraft entry into service and to improve the immediate response to unpredictable demand, as well as to better adapt services to market demand.

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Incident Aircraft Operation/Unscheduled Occurrences

Extract from AP2509 (June 02), Airbus Accident Investigation Policy and Procedure Guide.

"An incident is an occurrence other than an accident or a serious incident, associated with the operation of an aircraft, which affects or could affect safety in the broadest sense."


Indenture Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

The process of indentation in documents such as the Illustrated Parts Catalog/ Illustrated Parts List (IPC/IPL) which shows the relationship between an item and its next higher assembly within a cascade.

Industrial Choice Industrialization For A340/A330 it relates to a list of options which have to be added to an aircraft at Basic Build Status, to achieve an Industrial Standard.

Industrial Standard Aircraft Identification Code representing additional features added to a standard definition before allocation of the aircraft to a Customer. The code consists of a digit representing the standard, the feature and a neutral character. For the time being, it is only used to introduce propulsion system related definitions (e.g. 1A*).

Industrialization Industrialization Actions jointly undertaken by Design Offices, Production, Procurement, Inspection and Quality Organizations to bring the development of an aircraft, or a product, from the experimental status (Prototype) to Series production, taking into consideration the economic, industrial and quality aspects.

Industrialization Dossier Industrialization Documentation that is necessary and sufficient for a product to be produced in compliance with the initial technical specification and guaranteeing reproducibility and the required quality. The industrialization dossier is made up of the Definition Dossier, Manufacturing Dossier and Inspection Dossier.

ACE glossary

In-Flight Performance Computation Program

Aircraft Operation/Performance Engineering

The IFP permits the computation of the performance for each phase of flight under various conditions (aircraft flight configuration, engine thrust, temperature, wind, number of engines in operation...). The IFP works from the High Speed (HSP) data base.


Informed Organization/Management Implementation

I in RASCI. Status of a person who must be Informed after a decision is made.

AP2075 module 1

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Initial Operating Experience Training It is an assistance to new type rated crews to ensure the best conditions for aircraft entry into service and to provide safety by the presence on board of an experienced instructor.

Initial Provisioning Data Customer Services/Spares Data raised for components/Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) includes: - Recommended quantity, - Price, - Spares part code, - Overhaul/Repair/Expendable data.

Inspect Organization/Evaluation Means To view closely and critically (as in order to ascertain quality or state, detect errors, or otherwise appraise).


Inspectability Inspection The extent to which an assembly, subassembly, equipment component or structure may be inspected having regard to limitations due to the design, material or accessibility.

Inspection Inspection The process of measuring, examining, testing, gaging or otherwise comparing the unit with the applicable requirements.


Inspection Dossier Industrialization/Industrialization Dossier

Set of Data/Documents or a list of actions which allows, with reference to the Design Requirements and Definition Dossier, the verification of conformity of an aircraft or a product with its definition.

Inspection Record Inspection Compilation of all Inspection Reports. Basis for Aircraft Inspection Report (AIR) compilation.

Inspection Report Inspection Document which records that the status of a product has been checked and attested as conforming to its definition.

Installation Figure Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

A figure within the Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC) designating a functional group of items, which can never be considered as a storable spare part. This group of items are not procurable, but each individual item is procurable.


Installation Modification Aircraft Definition Evolution/Modification (Types of)

Relates to validation of modifications to integrate Pre-Defined or Pre-Designed Technical Solutions such as Aircraft Sections/Functions/Techniques in an aircraft where for example holes/hoisting/jacking points have been made available in the Basic Build Status structure to allow addition of Technical Solutions, Wiring, Piping, Ducting.

Instruction Procedural Documentation Describes an activity of a given process/sub-process, through a flowchart of tasks.

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Instructor Led Training It is a training tool composed of a Video and Computer-Based Instruction (VACBI) equipped computer connected to a projection system. Progression within the course is directly by an instructor.

Instrument Flight Rules Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

IFRs are rules governing aircraft operation during instrument conditions, that is in or above cloud or with visibility below a set minimum , and governing the flight plan of an aircraft operating under these conditions. Under these rules the pilot must have an instrument rating and the aircraft must have the necessary minimum of equipment for maintaining attitude, for navigation and for communication with air traffic control.

Interactivity Training Level of trainee interaction with the Computer-Based Training (CBT) man/machine interface: - in an interactive module (exercise, simulation) this level is high, - in a simple "page turning" or linear module the level of interactivity is very low.

Interchangeability Common Terms/Interchangeability

Ability of an entity (e.g. part, item, component, etc) to replace another without alteration and fulfill the same requirement.

based on ISO 8402

Interchangeable Component Common Terms/Interchangeability

A single item or assembly of items which, as a unit may be interchanged between aircraft or replaced by another interchangeable component having the same part number (ABD0027: 1-3).

Interface Concession Manufacturing A specific type of concession resulting from the situation when a Nonconformity has an effect on the other side of the interface (defined for each Project in the relevant Report 6) between the technical responsibilities of one or more industrial organizations.

Such effects shall include the following:- Installation/Assembly difficulties- Alteration of load distribution- Aerodynamic effect- Changes in system operation- Interchangeability

Intermixability Common Terms/Interchangeability

No longer to be used. Use Mixability.

Interpretative Material Certification Other documents which assist in illustrating the meaning of a requirement. EASA

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Invoice Organization/Commercial A - A printed form used for detailing charges. B - To submit a statement of charges for...


Item Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Any level of hardware assembly. (i.e.: System, Subsystem, Module, Accessory, Component, Unit, Part).


Jobbing Subcontracting Subcontract work planned on a short-term basis. Raw materials supplied by the NatCo or Associated Partner. Covers industrialization, manufacture (series production and spares) and inspection.

Justification Dossier Industrialization/Industrialization Dossier

Set of Data/Documents or actions which assess/demonstrate the conformity of an aircraft or a product with its definition.

Justify Organization/Evaluation Means To prove, or show to be valid, sound or conforming to fact or reason (may be to a court of law).


Kit Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Pre-defined set of Equipment and Parts to form a Technical Solution/Option.

Where related to repetitive equipment, different kits may comprise the same basic equipment. The integration in different aircraft areas may be performed by means of specific adaptation parts.

Know-how Common Terms/Basic Terms Knowledge of how to do something smoothly and efficiently : EXPERTISE. Webster Dictionary

Knowledge Organization/Airbus/Optimise Skills

What we have learnt and the information we possess. EN 9100-2001

Knowledge Acquisition Knowledge Management Knowledge Acquisition is the activity during a Knowledge Capture project, which consists of obtaining knowledge from an expert or from another source of information (documentation, etc).Knowledge Acquisition can be abbreviated as KA.


Label Common Terms Strip of material (usually plastic or metal foil), normally adhesive, used for indicating Functional Item Numbers (FINs) and Functional Designations of items, or frame/stringer numbers.


Laissez-Passer Exceptionnel Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

Temporary document provided by the Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile (DGAC - French Airworthiness Authority) that gives authorization for A/C to be flown under French regulations until delivered to the operator.

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Landing Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

Operation of an aircraft touching the runway and coming to a full stop.

Landing Fees Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

Charges invoiced to the operator of an A/C for each landing performed and which are levied according to the MTOW of the A/C.

Laptop Training Portable personal computer (loaded with software used for training).Lay-Over Period Aircraft Definition

Evolution/Definition Evolution Implementation

Relates to the time during which an aircraft is refurbished or converted.

Lead Organization/Management To guide on a way. WDLease Organization/Airbus - Aircraft

Buyer RelationshipsSupply of a product against a contracted payment with regard to the legal meaning: agreement, whereby one party (called lessor) waives his right to immediate possession of property while retaining ultimate legal ownership. The other party (lessee) holds the possession and pays money in return for the right of possession.

Lessee Organization/Airbus - Aircraft Buyer Relationships

Organization that leases an aircraft from a Lessor.

Lesson Training A meaningful division of learning consistent with the method of study, learning or testing of performance (proficiency) objectives.

FAA: AC 120654 related to AQP

Lesson Plan Training Any instructor guideline. For simulators, it is an instructional tool enabling a simulator training session to be run automatically or semi-automatically without instructor intervention of with minimum intervention, always using the same controls.

Lessor Organization/Airbus - Aircraft Buyer Relationships

Organization that leases an aircraft.

Line Maintenance Aircraft Servicing - Maintenance - Overhaul - Repair

Routine check, inspection and malfunction rectification performed en route and at base stations during transit, turnaround or night stop.


Line Maintenance Part Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Identifies part of a component/unit which might be replaced on the component/unit during aircraft line maintenance or in the hangar/service centre.

Line Replaceable Item Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Identifies part of a Line Maintenance Part/Line replaceable Unit (LMP/LRU) which might be replaced on the LMP/LRU during aircraft line maintenance.

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Line Replaceable Unit Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

A unit which can be readily changed on an aircraft during line maintenance operations.


Live Animals Common Terms/Basic Terms All species including dogs, cats, birds, marine animals, etc. IATA

Livery Common Terms Commercial decoration of an aircraft ( Customer choice). TF7Livestock Common Terms/Basic Terms Farm animals (sheep, cows, etc.). IATA

Logo Common Terms "Trademark" or "emblem" used by the Customer as part of his livery. AI/PE-TMaintainability Supportability Engineering The characteristic of material design and installation that determines the

requirements for maintenance expenditures, including time, manpower, personnel skill, test equipment, technical data and facilities to accomplish operation objectives in the operational environment of the user. Quantitatively, maintainability is expressed as the period of time within which the maintenance action can be performed with a specified probability using defined resources and prescribed procedures."

Maintenance Aircraft Servicing - Maintenance - Overhaul - Repair

Those actions required for restoring or maintaining an item in serviceable condition, including servicing, repair, modification, overhaul, inspection and determination of condition.

(Note: see also "Maintenance" in the domain Certification).


Maintenance Dossier Industrialization/Industrialization Dossier

The sum of documents compiled during the maintenance of an aircraft and subsequently kept on record. May also be referred to as the Maintenance Records Package.

Maintenance Figure Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

A figure within the Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC) covering all the operations either performed on aircraft or in a non-specialized line shop. These operations may have an AMM Removal/Installation procedure.


Maintenance Practices Training Computer-Based Training (CBT) modules containing procedures to perform specific maintenance tasks.

Maintenance Procedure Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

A Page Block containing maintenance related procedures. AMM

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Maintenance Significant Item Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Items identified by the manufacturer whose failure:a) could affect safety (ground or flight), and/orb) is undetectable during operations, and/orc) could have significant operational economic impact, and/ord) could have significant non-operational economic impact.


Maintenance Training Simulator

Training It is a Fixed Base Simulator (FBS) plus specific equipment and/or simulation for maintenance training.

Malfunction Common Terms/Malfunctioning The occurrence of a condition whereby the operation of an item is outside of specified limits.


Manage Organization/Management To control and direct. WDManual Procedural Documentation A document that defines and captures the specific organizational groupings,

process capability and resources, education and training to complete a set of tasks and activities.

Manual Identity Code Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

To consult the definition, please contact [emailprotected]

Manufacturer Change Request

Aircraft Definition Evolution/Definition Evolution Procedure

Use Request For Work (RFW) procedure.

Manufacturer Serial Number Aircraft Identification Four-digit number allocated to an individual aircraft. A series of these numbers is dedicated to each Airbus Program. The MSN usually indicates the final assembly or the delivery sequence (Refer to the ACMR).

Manufacturer Specification Change Notice

Aircraft Definition Evolution/Definition Evolution Procedure

A SCN relating to a Manufacturer Modification which has an effect on the wording of the Aircraft Standard Specification.

Manufacturing Dossier Industrialization/Industrialization Dossier

Set of Data/Documents which allows, with reference to the Definition Dossier, the purchase, production, assembly and testing of an aircraft, or a product.

MAP Aircraft Definition and Specification

See Mise Au Point.

Markings Common Terms/Basic Terms Designation of specific notices or requirements from Certification and the Customer.


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Master Fleet Aircraft Identification When an airline purchases an aircraft fleet and at a later date requires additional aircraft with the same configuration from a leasing company, the original aircraft ordered by the airline become known as the Master Fleet.


Master Minimum Equipment List

Aircraft Operation/General An MMEL is a list of system functions or items of equipment which are allowed to be inoperative at dispatch for a limited period of time. It is approved by the Authorities and must be used by the airlines to develop their own MEL.

Material Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Relates to processed products: - substances, - raw, - manufactured.

Classified as follows: - metallic,- nonmetallic, - composites, - consumable (oil, fuel...).

Material Standard Common Terms/Basic Terms Document which specifies the physical, chemical and technical characteristics of materials.

Maturity Common Terms/General Terms Maturity is achieved when the delivered product meets the customers' expectations. �(The means of achieving this and the precise definition of maturity will vary according to the discipline).

Means and Methods Procedural Documentation A document that captures know-how, common and best practices and provides information and guidance in implementing processes and using tools.

Member Organization/Airbus No longer to be used. Replaced by National Company (NatCo).Holder of membership rights in a GIE. In Airbus Industrie: - Aerospatiale. - Daimler-Benz Aerospace Airbus. - British Aerospace. P.L.C. - CASA.

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Member And Associated Partner Code

Organization/Airbus No longer to be used.

A specific code letter/number is allocated to each Airbus Member or Associated Partner.

May be different depending on:- A/C project,- Nature of the document.

For new applications, use the Wide Body Members identification code as used for the A300/A310/A330/A340 Mod Proposals:- AIB = A, (AIRBUS INDUSTRIE)- AM-B = S, (Member)- BAE = H, (Member)- CASA = C, (Member)- DASA = D, (Member)- BELAIRBUS = B, (Associated Partner)- FOKKER = F, (Associated Partner)

Any directive shall indicate clearly the identification system selected for the corresponding documentation or computer application.

For contractual Technical Publications refer to Technical Publications Guide - Airbus General Guide (TPG-AGG).

Météo Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

Also abbreviated WX: Weather forecast provided by a Weather station on demand.

Methodology Common Terms/Basic Terms A body of methods, practices and rules used by those who work in a field of study: a set of working methods or a set of procedures.

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Methodology and software tools Oriented to KBE Applications

Knowledge Management Methodology and software toolsOriented toKnowledge Based EngineeringApplicationsMOKA is a Knowledge Capture methodology to elicit and structure knowledge, using a product model and process model. It uses knowledge objects such as Functions, Entities and Constraints in the product model, and Activities and Rules in the process model. Each knowledge object is associated with its ICARE form.MOKA and its objects can be customised to each project’s logic.


Milestone Aircraft Project Management A significant event in a project, usually completion of a major deliverable. It has the character of a decision point until the end of the definition phase and a target date during the development phase.


Mise au point Aircraft Definition and Specification

Identifies the requirement for a change/adjustment, to ensure the correct assembly of the aircraft in accordance with the definition.

Mission Configuration Aircraft Identification Where related to a Convertible Aircraft it means: - all passenger, - all cargo, - passenger and cargo.

Mixability Common Terms/Interchangeability

Relates to the approved use of a mixture of pre-mod and post-mod items on an aircraft, which ensures that the function of the system concerned is maintained, with or without conditions.

Mock-Up Training A full-size structural model built accurately to scale for study, testing or display.

Model Aircraft Identification/Certification

Designates a series with a particular engine installation (eg: A330-301: CF6-80E1A2 (GE engine) A330-321: PW4164 (PW engine) A330-341: TRENT 768-60 (RR engine)).

Modification Aircraft Definition Evolution Term used by Airbus to make all design change to aircraft (including new definitions) whether by change to the aircraft standard definition, Customer technical definition, or by the introduction of improvements. For convenience the term "modifications" is also to be understood, in this context, to include alterations; these being drawing amendments and "alternatives.


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Modification Category Certification The category is an indication of the latest time for embodying the modification on the standard/version concerned. Its main purpose is thus to determine embodiment targets correctly. There are ten categories (see ACMR, paragraph 8.1.3).


Modification Certification Classification

Certification Modifications forming part of the "Aircraft Type Certification" definition are approved by the certification Authorities. Any additional modification is to be approved.A classification: Y = Major change X = Minor changeis proposed to the Authorities.


Modification Closure Stage Aircraft Definition Evolution Several stages are defined in the modification process. Closure stages are used to make a modification progress to completion and enable the various tasks to be initiated, with conformity being assessed at any stage.


Modification Information Document

Customer Services/Information Systems

No longer to be used.Under Airbus Technical Information System (A.T.I.S.), this is the equivalent of a "Technical Information Document" (see in the domain "Aircraft Configuration").

Modification Proposal Aircraft Definition Evolution A Modification Proposal (MP) describes the suggested modification to answer Customer queries or complaints, Customer Requests For Change (RFC), problems found in-service, together with Airbus improvements and changes of any sort.


Modification System Aircraft Configuration Administrative means used by Airbus to manage the delivery configuration of its aircraft.


Module Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

A combination of assemblies, subassemblies and parts, contained in one package, or so arranged as to be installed in one maintenance action.


Monitor Organization/Management A- To check and sometimes to adjust. B- To watch, observe or check-up for a special purpose.


Multi Crew Cooperation Training The functioning of the Flight Crew as a team of cooperating members led by the Pilot in Command rather than a group of technically competent individuals.

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National Company Organization/Airbus The official names of the National Companies are:- Airbus Deutschland GmbH- Airbus España SL- Airbus France S.A.S.- Airbus UK Ltd

NATO Supply Code for Manufacturers

Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

No longer to be used. Replaced by Commercial And Government Entity Code.Code which is issued to Suppliers (outside the USA and Canada) for identification purposes, enabling them to have a unique and abbreviated reference mainly for Electronic Data Processing (EDP) use. These are five-position, alphanumeric codes as specified in Cataloging Handbook H4/H8: Sections C and D, NATO Supply Codes for Manufacturer (NSCM) (excluding the USA and Canada).

Next Higher Assembly Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

With reference to a cascade, it represents the next higher level to which an item or group of items belongs.

No Technical Objection Aircraft Definition Evolution/Definition Evolution Implementation

An NTO is an Airbus written statement responding to an Operator request for using specific aircraft in a configuration (aircraft definition) or with procedures (operational or maintenance) which deviates from the current ones. The NTO is issued in exceptional circ*mstances and would normally have a temporary validity.The statement contains information technically acceptable to Airbus and specifies any conditions, limits or limitations identified as necessary.The statement is not approved by the Airbus prime Airworthiness Authority (DGAC - French Airworthiness Authority). It is the responsibility of the Operator to obtain the local Airworthiness Authority approval according to the national procedures for the provisions and the limitations contained in the document.The NTO shall not be used for structural repairs for which ABD0054 applies.


Noise Certificate Certification Document which attests that the aircraft meets the noise regulations.Non-Airbus Aircraft Aircraft Identification An aircraft which has not been designed or manufactured by Airbus but which

has temporarily come under the control and responsibility of Airbus who may also maintain or operate the aircraft as owner or agent.Note: Denoted by "NAA" where space is limited.

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Nonconformity Common Terms Non-fulfillment of a requirement. ISO 9000:2000Non-Listed Assembly Customer Services/Contractual

Technical PublicationsThe computer cascade linking the general aircraft assembly to the breakdown at IPC level.


Non-Revenue Flight Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

A flight which does not generate revenue and which must not necessarily be conducted in compliance with operational regulations for commercial transportation.

Non-Standard Item Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Designates any item which has not been classified Material or Standard Item but which follows an Airbus Specification and Qualification procedure.

Note Organization/Management Implementation

Record, or fix in the mind or memory. WD

Notice to Airmen Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

A notice containing information concerning the establishment, condition or change in a component (facility, service procedure or hazard in the airspace system), the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations.

Occasional Subcontracting Subcontracting Work subcontracted in the event of: - workload peaks, to be absorbed, - program stoppages, in order to maintain facilities, transfer manufacture, - unpredictable production requirements.

On Board Replaceable Module

Electronic Data Processing (EDP)

An add-on device which enables computer software to be modified without removal of the associated hardware.

On Job Training Training A set of maintenance training sessions composed of defined practical operations and procedures to be accomplished by trainees on in-service aircraft.

Operating Engineering Bulletin

Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

Bulletin published in the Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM) to provide crews with urgent information related to: - temporary resolution of technical problems by procedure, - material to stress a particular aircraft behavior. OEBs can be updated or cancelled.

Operational Group Organization/Airbus A group of specialists from all disciplines (Design, Certification, Production, Purchasing, Product Support, Quality) working together on a given subject.

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Operational Interruption Aircraft Operation/General A (technical) Operational Interruption (OI) is a chargeable interruption of a scheduled flight. An interruption is chargeable when it is caused by a known or suspected malfunction of a basic aircraft system or component, checking of this malfunction, or any necessary corrective action. Operational Interruptions are composed of:- Ground Interruptions which are flight delays greater than 15 minutes and flight cancellations.- Air Interruptions which are air turn-backs and diversions.Operational Interruptions are used in:- Engineering (Supportability and Safety) and Program organisation to make OI rate performance prediction against targets during the design process of new aircraft,- Customer Services organisation to measure OI rate performance for In-Service Aircraft and propose modifications to improve it.

Monthly Service Report

Operational Liaison Visit Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

Visit paid by Flight Operations Support involving a Flight Test or a Training Pilot to an airline to bring operational Support. Operational liaison visits usually consist in meeting with the airline Operations (Operations Engineering and Fleet Chief Pilot) and in observation flights to assess the airline operational needs.

Operational Reliability Aircraft Operation/General Operational Reliability (OR) is the percentage of scheduled flights which depart and arrive without incurring a (technical) operational interruption including ground and air interruptions. Ground interruptions are flight dispatch delays greater than 15 minutes and flight cancellations. Air interruptions are air turn-backs and diversions.Operational Reliability performance is used in:- Engineering (Supportability and Safety) and Program organisation to make OR performance prediction against targets during the design process of new aircraft,- Customer Services organisation to measure OR performance for In-Service Aircraft and propose modifications to improve it.

Monthly Service Report

Operator Organization/Airbus - Aircraft Buyer Relationships

Organization responsible for the day-to-day utilization of the aircraft.

Opportunity Aircraft Project Management An uncertainty which, if it occurs, will have a beneficial effect upon project objectives.


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Option Industrialization Pre-Defined or Pre-Designed Technical Solutions which may be offered to the customers for choice. At an early stage of each new aircraft definition, an Option list is established between Customers-Airbus.

For Optional, refer to Optional Item.Optional Item Common

Terms/InterchangeabilityIndicates a choice of two way interchangeable items (in context of Technical Publications domain).

Optional Modification Aircraft Definition Evolution A modification, which is incorporated on the aircraft to cover embodiment of a specific choice from a Customer on changes commercially and industrially promoted by Airbus (also called options)

based on ACMR

Organization Breakdown Structure

Aircraft Project Management A representation of the project organization, arranged so as to allocate accountability (time, cost, performance) of work packages to organizational units.


Overhaul Aircraft Servicing - Maintenance - Overhaul - Repair

The work necessary to return an item to the highest standard specified in the relevant manual. (Identical to "Recondition").


Owner Organization/Airbus - Aircraft Buyer Relationships

Possessor of the legal title to an aircraft.

Page Block Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

Page blocks result from the division of a publication into sections according to subjects where the pages are numbered sequentially within each section.

Part Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

One piece or two or more pieces joined together which are not normally subject to disassembly without destruction of designed use.


Part Number (General Definition)

Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

A Part Number (PN) is the Manufacturer's, Supplier's or Industry standard identifier for a Part, Assembly, Kit or Material item. A PN, when linked with its Manufacturer Code (NSCM), provides a unique identity for the given item. A PN consists of not more than 15 characters.

ATA 2000

Part Number Length Limitation

Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

International Convention to allow the handling of Spares Provisioning (Ref: ATA Specification 200 requirement: Limited to 15 Characters maximum).

Part Task Trainer Training A computer-based system simulator used to teach a system by reproducing the system itself and its associated peripherals. It can comprise a set of guided exercises or can be used in free play.

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Partial Embodiment Manufacturing Relates to a modification which has not been incorporated in the aircraft according to its complete definition.

Requires a precise record and application of the concession procedure except where partial embodiment results from a General Modification Committee (GMC) decision.

Partner Organization/Airbus No longer to be used.Term used to express the business relationships of the National Companies between themselves in the context of the GIE.

Parts Manufacturing Approval

Certification Procedural requirements for the approval of parts and appliances (Ref. FAR Part 21, Subpart K).


Performance Audit Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

Visit to an airline in order to establish in-flight current performance, in terms of specific range of one or several aircraft.

Performance Engineers Program

Aircraft Operation/Performance Engineering

A PEP provides airline's performance engineers with computer programs and performance data bases for calculation of: - in-flight performance, - takeoff and landing performance, - flight planning, - performance monitoring.

Performance Monitoring Program

Aircraft Operation/Performance Engineering

The PMP is similar to the Aircraft Performance Monitoring (APM) designed for other Airbus Aircraft.


Performance Programs Manual

Aircraft Operation/Performance Engineering

PEP user manual.

Phases Planning Industrial phases valid for A300/A310/A320:- Phase 1: period between A/C handover to Programs and commencement of Cabin Furnishing.- Phase 2: period of completion of Cabin Furnishing installation.- Phase 3: period between cabin furnishing completed and delivery to the customer.

Philosophy Common Terms/Basic Terms A theory underlying or regarding a sphere of activity or thought. Webster Dictionary

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Placard Common Terms A notice, indicating, eg: Safety information, Maintenance-significant information, Ground Servicing instructions, Cautions, Warnings.....Can be decals, Metal plates......


Policy Procedural Documentation Defines, for a specific topic, the philosophy, strategy and objectives deployed within Airbus.

Possible Configuration Aircraft Configuration Available Pre-Defined and Pre-Designed Aircraft Configuration which is subject to specific negotiations with Customers. - weight, - performance, - payload, - weight and balance system.

Post-flight Debriefing Flight Test/Activity Meeting after the flight between the flight test crew and other interested parties (Mise Au Point - MAP, Members Design Office, Suppliers) to collect the crew comments relative to the tests performed.

Pre-flight Briefing Flight Test/Activity Meeting prior to a test flight between the flight test crew and all other personnel involved in the execution of the test. The purpose of the pre-flight briefing is to review the contents of the Flight Order (FO), task/responsibilities allocation during the test, review safety procedures and drills.

Prerequisite Level Training Initial trainee level required, specified in the clause 16, to follow the training delivered by Airbus.

Problem Common Terms/Malfunctioning Something that is the source of difficulty, perplexity or worry.

Procedural Documentation Procedural Documentation Set of business rules and related responsibilities necessary for the effective functioning of an organization as mandated by its business objectives or regulatory constraints. These are contained in Directives, Procedures, Instructions and Methods.

Procedure Procedural Documentation Describes a process or sub-process through a flowchart of activities, taking into account the relevant requirements.

Process Standard Common Terms/Basic Terms Document which defines the design and quality requirements for manufacturing, treating, processing and handling products.

Product Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

The result of activities or processes. ISO 8402

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Product Configuration Information

Aircraft Definition and Specification

Set of requirements for product design, realization, verification, operation and support, relevant to the parties, who need to share a common understanding of that definition.

Example: It can be at very high level such as "A320-200 in a 3 Class configuration" or down to details such as "this aircraft has Mod XYZ embodied" or " in this aircraft, the Flight Management and Guidance Computer (FMCG) installed is at P/N X, amendment B.

ISO/FDIS 10007:2003

Product Development Modification

Aircraft Definition Evolution/Modification (Types of)

Relates to modifications which change the Basic/Reference Functions/Characteristics with, as a consequence, an impact on the Technical Definition of a Technical Solution.

Product Integrity Common Terms/General Terms State of a product which complies with product definition and its evolution.

Product Liability Common Terms/General Terms Generic term used to describe the onus on a producer or other to make restitution for loss related to personal injury, property damage or other harm caused by a product.Note: The legal and financial implications of Product Liability may vary from one jurisdiction to another.

ISO 8402

Product Standard Common Terms/Basic Terms Document which provides information on the characteristics fully defining a product (eg: dimensions, material).

Production Effectivity Customer Services/Effectivity Indicates aircraft to which the Part will be/is fitted.Production Rank Aircraft Identification A number allocated to an aircraft to link it to the corresponding production line

sequence. This number may change during production of the aircraft.

Production Standard Aircraft Identification To consult the definition, please contact [emailprotected] Standard Rank Aircraft Identification A number allocated to an aircraft already identified by a Production Standard

and which identifies its actual position (rank) in that Production Standard sequence.(e.g. TYPE-SERIES : A340-300, PRODUCTION STANDARD : ST1, STANDARD RANK : 0008, REFERENCE MSN : 0015).

Profession Organization/Airbus/Optimise Skills

General term used to describe a job or the main activity.

Proficiency Level Organization/Airbus/Optimise Skills

Set of 5 categories used to assess the level of a competence, profession, skill or knowledge (from 1, lowest, to 5, highest).

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Program Aircraft Project Management A program describes the total life of a product and contains a set of technical, administrative tasks, intended to design, develop, produce and support the product for the benefit of the stakeholders.


Program Code Customer Services/Aircraft Identification

To consult the definition, please contact [emailprotected]

Project Aircraft Project Management A project is a temporary undertaking, consisting of managed, interdependent activities which create a unique product or service.It has a finite life cycle, a clearly defined beginning, and a definite endpoint, which is when deliverables have to be available to agreed time, cost and performance targets. It is unique in that the product or service is different in some distinguishing way. See also Project and Project Code.


Project and Project Code Aircraft Identification To consult the definition, please contact [emailprotected] Identity Code Customer Services/Aircraft

IdentificationTo consult the definition, please contact [emailprotected]

Project plan Aircraft Project Management A Project Plan is a document gathering the key activities within a project and it shall contain at least the following:- its scope- the specific objectives- requirements/assumptions- proposed organization/responsibilities- the master schedule and phasing- proposed monitoring and control processes, and- the main risks.It is a reference for each participant in the project and a guide for its execution and control. It shall include a reference to all documents relevant to the above topics. A project plan shall also be established for a significant Work Package (WP).


Proprietary Part Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

A part made and marketed by a company with legal rights or exclusive title to manufacture and sale.


Purchase Agreement Common Terms/General Terms Contract whereby the Seller commits to deliver to the Purchaser a good against payment of its price by the purchaser.

Purchaser Organization/Suppliers Person (or entity) who commits to pay a certain price against delivery of goods or services under a Purchase Agreement, Contract or Order. Do not use Buyer in this context.

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Qualification Design-Engineering An act by which a competent authority recognizes that a person, an object or a method has the qualities required to fulfill a specified function.

Qualified Person Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

Someone having the qualifications, knowledge and experience which correspond to the task required of him.

For freighter and convertible aircraft: A person, not being a crew member, having sufficient specialized training in aircraft systems and safety procedures to enable him/her to travel in freighter aircraft or convertible aircraft in all-cargo configuration.

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Quality Quality The totality of characteristics of an entity that bears on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs.

Notes:1. In a contractual environment or in a regulated environment, such as the nuclear safety field needs are specified, whereas in other environments, implied needs should be identified and defined.

2. In many instances, needs can change with time; this implies periodic review of requirements for quality.

3. Needs are usually into characteristics with specified criteria. Needs may include for example, aspects of performance, usability, dependability, (availability, reliability, maintainability), safety, environment, economics and aesthetics.

4. The term "quality" should not be used as a single term to express a degree of excellence in a comparative sense nor should it be used in a quantitative sense for technical evaluations. To express these meanings, a qualifying adjective should be used. For example, use can be made of the following terms: a) "relative quality" where entities are ranked on a relative basis in the "degree of excellence" or "comparative

ISO 8402

sense" (not to be confused with grade); b) "quality level" in a "quantitative sense" (as used in acceptance sampling) and "quality measure" where precise technical evaluations are carried out.

5. The achievement of satisfactory quality involves all stages of the quality loop as a whole. The contributions to quality of these various stages are sometimes identified separately for emphasis; for example quality due to definition of needs, quality due to product design, quality due to conformance, quality due to product support through its lifetime.In some references, quality is referred to as "fitness for use" or "fitness for purpose" or "customer satisfaction" or "conformance to the requirements". These represent only certain facets of quality as defined above.

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Quality Assurance Quality All the planned and systematic activities implemented within the quality system, and demonstrated as needed, to provide adequate confidence that an entity will fulfill requirements for quality.Notes:1. These are both internal and external purposes for quality assurance. a) Internal quality assurance: within an organization, quality assurance provides confidence to the management. b) External quality assurance: in contractual or other situations, quality assurance provides confidence to the customers or others.2. Some quality control and quality assurance actions are interrelated.3. Unless requirements for quality fully reflect the needs of the user, quality assurance may not provide adequate confidence.

ISO 8402

Quality Audit Quality Systematic and independent examination to determine whether quality activities and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives.Notes:1. Often called "quality system audit", "process quality audit", "product quality audit" or "service quality audit".2. Quality audits are carried out by staff not having direct responsibility in the areas being audited but, preferably, working in cooperation with the relevant personnel.3. One purpose of a "quality audit" is to evaluate the need for improvement or corrective action. An audit should not be confused with quality "surveillance" or "inspection" activities performed for the purpose of process control or product acceptance.4. Quality audits can be conducted for internal or external purposes.

ISO 8402

Quality Control Quality Operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfill requirements for quality.Notes:1. Quality control involves operational techniques and activities aimed both at monitoring a process and at eliminating causes of unsatisfactory performance at all stages of the quality loop in order to achieve economic effectiveness.2. Some quality control and quality assurance actions are interrelated.

ISO 8402

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Quality Inspection Quality Refer to Inspection. EOQCQuick Reference Handbook Aircraft Operation/Operations

EngineeringThe QRH is intended to be used by flight crews in the co*ckpit during each flight. It contains the Check List (CL), the abnormal and emergency procedures and a selection of performance data.

Recognize Organization/Management Implementation

To admit the fact. WD

Recommend Organization/Management Indicate as being one's choice for something as otherwise having one's approval or support.


Recondition Aircraft Servicing - Maintenance - Overhaul - Repair

No longer to be used. See Overhaul.

Recurrent Training Training Training occurring periodically, following an initial training in order to maintain a qualification and/or a level of proficiency.

Refresher Course Training A course to recall previously studied material.Refurbishing Aircraft Definition

Evolution/Definition Evolution Implementation

Relates to the operation which results in embodiment of Service Bulletins (SB) during special Working Parties/Sessions to upgrade an Aircraft.

Remedial Session Training Any additional training sessions for helping the trainees to reach the specified level of proficiency.

Rent Organization/Airbus - Aircraft Buyer Relationships

No longer to be used. Use Lease.

Repair Common Terms Action of a non-conforming product to make it acceptable for the intended use. ISO 9000:2000

Repair Dossier Industrialization/Industrialization Dossier

Set of data/documents which defines and records all operations performed on an aircraft from the date of an incident until the next revenue flight.

Repairability Design-Engineering The extent to which a component of equipment or structure may be restored to good or sound condition after damage or the effects of wear.

Replace Common Terms/Interchangeability

The action whereby an item is removed and another item is installed in its place for any reason.


Replaceability Common Terms/Interchangeability

Relates to Items manufactured according to a specification which arranges some provisions for adaptation (limited item rework is required).

Report Common Terms/Basic Terms A: to make known to the proper authorities. B: a usually detailed account or statement.

Webster Dictionary

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Request for Change Aircraft Definition Evolution/Definition Evolution Procedure

Request For Change (RFC) identifies a Customer requirement, which is consistent with Airbus program policy and then agreed by the customization screening group.

Request for Work Common Terms/Basic Terms Document drawn up by Airbus and sent to the industrial organizations, related to problems experienced on in-service aircraft or during aircraft delivery. It can also arise from changes to meet the aircraft specification and from studies to improve the product beyond the aircraft specification.


Requirement Common Terms Need or expectation that is stated generally implied or obligatory. ISO 9000:2000Responsibility Common Terms/General Terms Obligation to answer for one's actions or omissions.

Responsible Organization/Management Implementation

R for RASCI.A Responsible person achieves a deliverable himself/herself or by consulting/involving relevant skill resources while working within organizational rules.

Adapted from AP2075 module 1

Restoration Aircraft Servicing - Maintenance - Overhaul - Repair

That work necessary to return the item to a specific standard. Restoration may vary from cleaning or replacement of single parts up to a complete overhaul.


Restricted Statement Design-Engineering Term used to indicate that a technical agreement is pending detailed investigation.

Retrofit Aircraft Definition Evolution/Definition Evolution Implementation

Action of incorporating a modification on an aircraft outside the normal production phase.


Retrofit Modification Offer Aircraft Definition Evolution/Definition Evolution Procedure

A Retrofit Modification Offer (RMO) is a contractual document, which is signed by both parties, for a given agreement between Airbus and the Customer. This document is specific to changes to be made on the aircraft after delivery.

Revenue Flight Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

A flight which generates a revenue and which must be conducted in compliance with operational regulations for commercial transportation.

Revision Service Training Through a yearly fee, the customer has access to a certain number of services which will provide him with the latest training standards as well as a continuously updated courseware.

Rework Common Terms Action of a non-conforming product to make it conform to the requirements. ISO 9000:2000

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Risk Aircraft Project Management An uncertainty which, if it occurs, will have an adverse affect upon project objectives.


Risk Cause Aircraft Project Management Event(s) or set of conditions which produce(s) risk. AP1002Risk Contingency Aircraft Project Management Recovery action planned in advance should a risk occur. This includes any

advance activity which may be required to render the action practical. It can be the provision of time, money or both to be used at some point in the future should the risk occur.


Risk Control Aircraft Project Management Elimination or reduction of a risk to an acceptable level. AM2098Risk Database Aircraft Project Management A live register/store for all risks (including all relevant details) which relates to a


Risk Impact Aircraft Project Management An estimate of the effect that a risk will have on a project. AP1002Risk Owner Aircraft Project Management A person designated as best placed to manage a risk and report on progress. AP1002

Risk Sharing Common Terms/General Terms An agreement where two or more partners share financial and industrial risks for a contractually agreed work package.

Risk Sharing Partner Common Terms/General Terms A supplier who has entered into a contractual commitment with Airbus whereby the supplier pays for the product development costs.

Roll-out Planning The formal completion of structural build and systems installation and the point of handover of an aircraft to the Flight Test Department.The term Roll-out is also used in connection with the official presentation for the first time, of the first aircraft of a new program, to the airlines, the public and the press. At this time, the specific aircraft being displayed may not yet be ready for handover to Flight Test.

Rotable Item Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

An item that can be economically restored to serviceable condition and, in the normal course of operations, can be repeatedly rehabilitated to a fully serviceable condition over a period approximating the life of the flight equipment to which it is related.


Rotable Part Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

No longer to be used. Use Rotable Item.

Route Training Menu defining the content of a Computer-Based Training (CBT) courseware. The modules of a courseware are accessed from this menu.

Route Proving Flights Flight Test/Certification Flights performed in the context of the Certification Campaign for a new aircraft model to demonstrate the adequacy of the aircraft, its systems and its procedures for an operational environment.

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Safety Common Terms/General Terms A qualifying term used in conjunction with an activity, such as flight safety or system safety analysis.

Scrap Common Terms Action of a non-conforming product to preclude its originally intended use. ISO 9000:2000

Second-hand Aircraft Aircraft Identification No longer to be used. See Used Aircraft. Selection Common

Terms/InterchangeabilityChoice within qualified Supplier-Product entities.

Seller Organization/Airbus - Aircraft Buyer Relationships

Someone who transfers ownership of goods to another for a certain sum of money.

Seller Furnished Equipment Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Commercial Classification of Equipment supplied and installed by the Aircraft Manufacturer.

Seller Purchased Equipment Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

No longer to be used.

Semi-Equipment Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

No longer to be used. Items shall be classified either Standard or Non-Standard Item (eg: Equipment).

Series Aircraft Identification/Certification

Designates specific structure and systems design characteristics within an aircraft type (eg: A310-200, A310-300...).

Service Common Terms/Basic Terms The results generated by activities at the interface between the supplier and the customer and by supplier internal activities to meet the customer needs.

ISO 8402

Service Bulletin Aircraft Definition Evolution/Definition Evolution Implementation

The Service Bulletin is the document used to notify officially the Airlines of the technical data governing embodiment of modifications (or the accomplishment of inspections to be performed) on in-service aircraft.Note: ATA Specification No. 100 & 2200 describe the recommended content of the document.


Service Bulletin Effectivity Customer Services/Effectivity Indicates the aircraft to which the Technical Status will apply when the corresponding SB is accomplished.

Service readiness Aircraft Project Management The extent to which a product in its operating environment fulfills its intended function.


Servicing Aircraft Servicing - Maintenance - Overhaul - Repair

Any act of replenishment for the purpose of maintaining the inherent design operating capabilities of an item.


Session Training A period of training consistent with the method of study, learning or testing of performances.

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Short-Term Working Group Organization/Airbus A temporary group of people functioning under a Chairman for the purpose of conducting, during a limited period of time, a program of work which has been defined for it by the organization to which it is responsible.

Siglum Organization/Airbus Airbus organization sigla are short codes identifying clearly each organization unit within the Airbus organization structure. They comprise letters and numbers.

Significant Item Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Any item to which has been allocated a Functional Item Number (FIN).

Silk Screen Method Common Terms Application of ink/paint through a silk screen onto a surface. AI/PE-TSkill Organization/Airbus/Optimise

SkillsAbility to perform a particular task. EN 9100-2001

Skill resource manager Aircraft Project Management A manager whose team can offer skills or resources required for carrying out the project work or tasks.


Slot Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

Time allocated to an aircraft to arrive over a designated point (eg: navaid) in order to regulate the air traffic accordingly or imposed landing time for an airport.

Snag Common Terms/Malfunctioning 1) Malfunction. 2) Unexpected difficulty.

Source Code Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

A code identifier allocated to a specific NatCo or Associated Partner to identify the originator (source) of the data.

Space Provision Industrialization/Provisions Space Provision for an installation shall mean that space shall be allocated for the installation, but that, for example, no supports, brackets, tubes and fittings, bolt holes, electrical wiring or hydraulic lines shall be furnished, designed or installed nor shall the installation itself be furnished. This shall be demonstrated by dimensioned drawings or on a mockup if required. Space provision shall not provide adequate attaching structure unless otherwise specified.

Spare Part Technical Specification

Customer Services/Spares A definition document which gives the state of supply of a spare part which is "not to drawing". The part may be supplied with more or less items than detailed on the drawing or may require further work.

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Spares Effectivity Customer Services/Effectivity Indicates aircraft to which the Part will apply: - either to replace the initial Part by an identical Part, - or according to interchangeability status, - or if the corresponding SB is accomplished.

Spares Interchangeability Common Terms/Interchangeability

Relates to the capability of a replacing item to ensure the same function, with the same physical characteristics as the replaced item; with or without certain conditions. The effect of a definition change on Spares Interchangeability is specified by Interchangeability codes (see AP2027, Module 1).

Special Condition Certification Special airworthiness requirements prescribed by the Authority when airworthiness requirements of the relevant Certification Specification (CS) do not contain adequate or appropriate safety standards, because the product has novel or unusual design features, or the intended use of the product is unconventional, or experience from other similar products in service or products with similar design features, has shown that unsafe conditions may develop, or it is found necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that established in the applicable CS.


Special Detailed Inspection Aircraft Servicing - Maintenance - Overhaul - Repair

An intensive examination of a specific item, installation or assembly to detect damage, failure or irregularity. The examination is likely to make extensive use of specialized Inspection Techniques and/or equipment. Intricate cleaning and substantial access or disassembly procedure may be required.


Special Program Code Aircraft IdentificationSpecification Change Notice Aircraft Definition

Evolution/Definition Evolution Procedure

A Specification Change Notice (SCN) is a contractual document, which is signed by both parties, for a given agreement between Airbus and the Customer. This document is specific to changes to be made on the production line before delivery.

Specification Change Request

Aircraft Definition Evolution/Definition Evolution Procedure

Name used in the past to designate requests from a potential Customer for modification to the Aircraft Standard Specification before its official issue (preliminary phase of aircraft definition). For new philosophy refer to Request for Change.

Splitting Industrialization Division of aircraft systems in functional entities, taking into account worksharing packages and manufacturing divisions of the aircraft (eg: Navigation Lights).

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Stakeholder Aircraft Project Management Individual or organization actively involved in a project, or whose interests may be affected, either positively or negatively, as a result of project execution or successful project completion.


Standard (Aircraft) Aircraft Definition and Specification

A production standard aircraft which may be represented by a Standard Specification plus the package of applicable MSCNs.

Standard Generalized Markup Language

Electronic Data Processing (EDP)

A language for document representation that formalizes markup and frees it of system and processing dependencies.


Standard Interior Industrialization A300/A310/A320/A321 Version created by Airbus where no Customer is known.

Standard Item Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

An Item which, due to its repetitive production or use, becomes the subject of a Standard/Norm.

Standard Markings Common Terms Markings established by Airbus for each Standard Specification taking into consideration the certification requirements. These include: safety information, maintenance information (such as ground service instructions), cautions and warnings.The text in these markings is in English only and they can be in the form of decals.


Standard Modification Aircraft Definition Evolution Relates to modification which is embodied on all aircraft of a same Type, Series and Model within a given A/C Standard to form the Basic Build Status.

based on ACMR

Standard Specification Aircraft Definition and Specification

The Aircraft Standard Specification document presents in a general form the aircraft functions/sub-functions and operational criteria for a given Airbus product.


Standard/Norm Common Terms/Basic Terms A document, complying with Technical Specification Requirements, which may be produced for a Material or Product due to its repetitive use.

Stand-up Lecture Training Course or part of a course conducted by an instructor, using transparencies, slides or projected Video and Computer-Based Instruction (VACBI).

State of the Art Common Terms/Basic Terms The level of development (as of a device, procedure, process, technique, or science) reached at any particular time usually as a result of modern methods.

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Statement of Conformity Certification Statement issued by the aircraft production organization stating that a new product conforms to its Type Design, has been properly ground and flight checked and is in condition for safe operation. This statement is necessary for the issue of a EASA Certificate of Airworthiness (PART 21A-130).

Stencil Common Terms Pre-cut template applied temporarily to the aircraft or component surface to which paint of a pre-defined color is applied. When removed only the unmasked painted zone remains.


Stockist Organization/Suppliers Use Dealer.Storage Industrialization Aircraft may be stored for a certain time according to special procedures. They

are stored under the Industrialization Organization responsibility.

Stowage Provision Industrialization/Provisions Stowage Provision for an item of equipment shall mean that, for example, clips, holders and structure shall be installed to allow stowage of specified items.

Structural Provision Industrialization/Provisions Structural Provision for an item of equipment (or an assembly) shall mean that the basic structure shall be suitable, from the structural point of view only, to take this item of equipment, and that this item of equipment shall not be supplied also, that, for example, the supports, brackets, tubes and fittings, electrical wiring and hydraulic lines shall neither be installed nor designed in detail.

The basic structure shall be defined as that which is necessary for the structural integrity of the aircraft unless otherwise specified.

Structural Significant Item Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

A structural detail, structural element, or structural assembly which is judged significant because of the reduction in aircraft residual strength or loss of structural function which are consequences of its failure.


Structure Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

An assembly of parts which accepts/transfers loads and provides consistently adequate aircraft response and flight characteristics.

Subassembly Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

Two or more parts which form a portion of an assembly or component replaceable as a whole, but having a part or parts which are individually replaceable.


Subcontract Work Subcontracting The supply of goods or services subcontracted by an organization from another qualified organization, in accordance with a specific definition and the related quality clauses.

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Subcontractor Subcontracting Person or entity to whom the holder of obligations under a contract has delegated part or all of such obligations.

Subfleet Aircraft Identification A sub-fleet covers the additional RFCs required by a single operator of aircraft from the leasing company.


Subsidiary Organization/Airbus Company the shares of which are directly or indirectly held by Airbus SAS, Airbus GIE or the National Companies, eg:- European Subsidiaries: AVSA, AIRBUS INVEST S.A.S.,- North American subsidiaries: ANA Holdings Inc., ANA Inc., Airbus Service Company Inc., AI Leasing (Corporation) Inc., - Japanese subsidiary: Airbus Japan KK.

Substitute Common Terms/Interchangeability

No longer to be used. See Replace. WATOG

Supervise Organization/Management A- To coordinate, direct and inspect continuously and at first hand the accomplishment of ... B- Oversee with the powers of direction and decision the implementation of one's own or another's intentions.


Supplemental Type Certificate

Certification Document issued by the European Aircraft Safety Agency to attest that a change in Type Design, which does not require a new application for a Type Certificate, has satisfied the certification procedure.Note: If the change is originated by the Type Certificate holder, amendment of the original Type Certificate may replace the STC (Ref.: PART 21, Subpart E, FAR 21, Subpart E).


Supplier Organization/Suppliers An organization that sells products for use by the air transport industry. The products may include spare parts, information and Electronic Data Processing requirements.


Supplier Furnished Equipment

Organization/Suppliers Equipment which is supplied in response to an Airbus originated purchase order.

Supply Code - FSCM Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

No longer to be used. Replaced by Commercial and Government Entity. Airspares

Supply Code - NSCM Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

No longer to be used. See NATO Supply Code for Manufacturers.

Support Organization/Management Implementation

S in RASCI. To participate in a task or to the production of a deliverable.

AP2075 module 1

Supportability Engineering Supportability Engineering The concurrent design of a product and its support in order to meet customer operational needs.


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Surface Design-Engineering Computer-Aided Design (CAD) entity that defines a shape. AP2619Survey Organization/Management A- To look over or examine with reference to conditions, situation or value.

B- Examine and ascertain the state of: Appraise, Estimate, Evaluate.WD

Syllabus Training Training module supported by any flight training device from level 4 to 7 (as defined by the AC 120-45A) or by the aircraft.

System Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

A combination of inter-related items arranged to perform a specific function (see ABD0200).


System Installation Design Principles

Procedural Documentation Airbus document that defines, by Air Transport Association of America (ATA) chapter, technical solutions for installing systems in order to meet design requirements applicable to a specific Aircraft Type.

System Provision Industrialization/Provisions System Provision shall mean that, for example, supports, brackets, tubes and fittings, electrical wiring and hydraulic lines, shall be installed where accessibility on the completed aircraft would be limited. Adequate space shall be allocated so that system installation can be completed easily.

System Trainer Training No longer to be used. See Part Task Trainer.Systems Configuration Guide

Aircraft Configuration This is a handbook detailing all Entity per Aircraft Change (EPAC) items, for systems, and their respective TDUs which may be offered as options to customers and prospective customers.

Tabulation and Interpolation Program

Aircraft Operation/Performance Engineering

This program replaces the conventional diagrams usually given in the performance section of the Flight Manual. It is certificated for A320 only. It allows determination of a single or multiple point by fast interpolation within the relevant curve network of the data base considered. TAB program works for the Low Speed (LSP) data base which is submitted for Airworthiness Authority approval.


Takeoff Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

Term commonly used for Takeoff Path.

Takeoff and Landing Chart Computation Program

Aircraft Operation/Performance Engineering

The TLC permits the computation of regulatory takeoff and landing performance as well as non-certified takeoff performance (wet or contaminated runways), taking into account runway data and atmospheric conditions. The TLC works from the Low Speed (LSP) data base.


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Takeoff Charts Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

TCs provide takeoff performance data for a specific runway. They are computed using Performance Engineers’ Programs (PEPs). TCs are sometimes also called Runway Takeoff and Landing Weight (RTOLW) charts when landing data are included or, RTOW charts when only takeoff data are included.

Takeoff Charts Computation Program

Aircraft Operation/Performance Engineering

The TCP allows computation of the aircraft maximum takeoff weight, taking into account the aircraft performance, the runway characteristics and the atmospheric conditions.


Takeoff Path Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

The path of an aircraft which extends from a standing point on the runway to the point at which the transition from the takeoff to the en route configuration is completed and the final takeoff speed is reached.

Task Organization/Airbus/Optimise Skills

A piece of work to be done.

Task - AMM Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

A - (Pre-revision 28 of ATA 100 Specification). Name given to each operation contained in a Maintenance Procedure. Tasks are subdivisions of Topics.

B - (Post revision 28 of ATA 100 Specification). Name given to each operation contained in a Maintenance Procedure. Topics are subdivisions of Tasks.

Task Force Organization/Airbus No longer to be used.A group of people, who may be from different sources and disciplines, functioning under a Chairman for the purpose of accomplishing a specific predetermined objective.

Taxiway Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

Defined area, on a land airport prepared for taxiing aircraft to and from the runway.

Technical Definition Common Terms/Basic Terms Document containing the Definition Data of an aircraft or a product. It records the identified requirements (functions, characteristics, performances).Basis for establishment of Aircraft Definition or Technical Specifications (Systems/Equipment/Products...).

Technical Description Unit Aircraft Configuration This is a particular solution for an operational function described by an Entity per Aircraft Change (EPAC) item. E.g. : the introduction of a TELEDYNE QAR.

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Technical Design Directive Procedural Documentation Airbus document that defines, by Air Transport Association of America (ATA) chapter, design requirements applicable to a specific Aircraft Type.

Technical Dossier Aircraft Definition Evolution/Definition Evolution Procedure

The Technical Dossier is a document describing all the technical repercussions related to a modification when their design definition is considered to be complete.


Technical Impact Difference Customer Services/Information Systems

No longer to be used.The TID is an Airbus Technical Information System (A.T.I.S.) data package which contains all the information necessary to describe the technical differences between two aircraft delivered consecutively within a fleet.

The impact of these differences is given respect to:- modification descriptions,- operational and maintenance documentation,- spares provisioning and technical upgrade of the fleet.

Technical Incident Report Flight Test/Activity Document established by the Flight Test Engineer, which reports the details and consequences of any major incident in flight or on the ground with direct implications on the airworthiness of the aircraft.

Technical Information Document

Aircraft Configuration A TID is a summary in a standard form of the technical changes made to an aircraft following the introduction of a modification.

TIDs are made available to Customers prior to delivery of the first aircraft of a fleet and throughout fleet delivery.

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Technical Memorandum Documentation Templates This is used to convey information of a technical nature, on a single subject. This is used internally within Airbus where it is not appropriate or necessary to create a Technical Report. Therefore the Technical Memorandum normally comprises only a front sheet for information and perhaps a second sheet with a List of Distribution. This template has provision for Author, Approval and Authorization signatures, as necessary, depending on the Document Level as defined in AP1020 Rules and Guidance for Signature and Release of Technical Documents.The Technical Memorandum is not used to convey information external to Airbus, unless it is the subject of an Engineering Coordination Memorandum (ECM).

Technical Repercussion Sheet

Aircraft Definition Evolution/Definition Evolution Procedure

Document presenting technical information on the contents of each individual Modification Proposal. This document is issued by the Modification Proposal initiator and/or any other parties involved.This document, completed by cost and deadline information, allows a decision concerning the actions to be taken as a result of the proposal to be made.

Technical Report Documentation Templates This template is used for complex technical subjects that require more information than can be accommodated in a Technical Memorandum and is used internal to Airbus. This may include graphs, tables, assessments, evaluations, analyses, illustrations etc. The Technical Report contains the options of List of Distribution, Record of Revisions, Table of Contents and Table of References.

This template has provision for Author, Approval and Authorization signatures, as necessary, depending on the Document Level as defined in AP1020 Rules and Guidance for Signature and Release of Technical Documents.

The Technical Report is not used to convey information external to Airbus, unless it is the subject of an Engineering Coordination Memorandum (ECM).

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Technical Solutions Industrialization Relates to Pre-Defined/Pre-Designed possible choices of Functions and/or Techniques. Basis for Options Catalog Compilation.

Technical Specification Common Terms/Basic Terms Document which states the required characteristics of a product, such as Design Objectives/requirements, Performance levels and Safety taking into consideration the Certification aspects. Part of the Definition Dossier.


Technique Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

The method of accomplishing a desired aim. Webster Dictionary

Technology Common Terms/Aircraft Constituent Items

A manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge.

Webster Dictionary

Telemetry Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

Real time transmission of flight test parameters, for monitoring and recording purposes, for further analysis.

Temporary Revision Common Terms/Basic Terms A means of issuing changes to manuals and other documents before their next planned normal revision.

Term Common Terms/Basic Terms Word or phrase which designates a specific concept eg: Flight compartment. ISO 704

Test Organization/Evaluation Means The procedure of submitting an analytical statement to such either generally recognized or specifically stipulated operations as will either prove or disprove it.


Test/Inspection Standard Common Terms/Basic Terms Document which defines the methods to be applied to verify the compliance of the characteristics, quality and performances of a product with the corresponding design and quality requirements.

Third Party License Training Allowance to perform third party training related to a specific aircraft type.Times (Flight) Flight Test/Activity No longer to be used.Top Document Procedural Documentation Airbus document that defines the policy, strategy and objectives of the

organization or part of it.

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Topic-AMM Customer Services/Contractual Technical Publications

A - (Pre-revision 28 of ATA 100 Specification). Name given to each specific maintenance requirement. Usually corresponds to the content of a Page Block.

B - (Post revision 28 of ATA 100 Specification). Headings used within tasks to provide groupings of sub-tasks (steps). Topics include headings such as "prepare for removal", "prepare for inspection", ...etc. For less complex procedures which do not use headings, a single topic, "procedure", is used to provide the proper outline requirements.

Total Quality Quality The acknowledgement that for any organization to achieve quality improvement, all functions/departments and divisions need to be actively and simultaneously involved in the process.

ISO 8402

Touch and Go Aircraft Operation/Operations Engineering

A landing in which an aircraft touches the runway and does not come to a full stop prior to commencing an additional flight.


Tower Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

Organization which authorizes aircraft to land or take off at the airport controlled by the tower, or to transit the airport traffic area regardless of flight plan or weather conditions. May also provide approach control services.

Traceability Quality Ability to trace the history, application or location of an entity by means of recorded identifications.This may be : a physical follow-up (with item, Part Number, serial number installed on Assy, Subassy, Aircraft) - a documented follow-up (eg : Supplier - Purchaser delivery documents, stock, follow-up).


Training Organization/Airbus/Optimise Skills

Learning skills and/or knowledge required for professional use.

Training Aids/Supports Training All the work books, co*ckpit panels, videodisks given to a trainee and/or an instructor for a specific course.

Training Media/Means/Equipment

Training All the physical means for providing the instructional content, including entire set of training equipment, from transparencies, Computer-Based Training (CBT) to flight training devices as defined in the AC 120-45A.

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Training Module Training Instructional item defined by: - a training objective, - a pedagogical approach, - the training media used (transparencies, Computer-Based Training - CBT, system trainer, simulator...), - a technical definition.

Transferability Design-Engineering The extent to which an item may be transferred between systems or aircraft Type, Series or Model. (Not approved for use in relation to "interchangeability").

Transferable Design-Engineering The designation of an item as being able to be transferred between systems, equipment or aircraft. (Not approved for use in relation to "interchangeability").

Transformer (of Decals/Adhesive Films)

Common Terms Supplier of finished products. Transforms Decals/Adhesive Films and applies graphic/text according to the customized definition.


Trigger Date Aircraft Project Management A date or the date of an anticipated event when it is predicted that a decision or action will be required.


Trigger Point Aircraft Project Management A point in time, or in a program, when a risk occurred or is expected to occur. AM2098

Trouble Common Terms/Malfunctioning Cause of disturbance. WD

Type Aircraft Identification/Certification

Relates to specific design definition for Certification purposes (eg: A300, A310, A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, A380).

Type Certificate Certification Document issued by the European Aircraft Safety Agency. The Type Certificate is allocated only if the aircraft has satisfied the Certification procedure.One set of documents:- Airworthiness Requirements,- Certification Procedure,is established for each Airbus aircraft project .The Type Certificate holder is Airbus.

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Type Certification Certification Process in which the applicant for a Type or Supplemental Type Certificate has to investigate and demonstrate that a newly developed aircraft or a change to an aircraft is in compliance with the Certification Basis. The process is closed when the Authority issues the Type or Supplemental Type Certificate after acceptance of the compliance demonstration.

Type Design Design-Engineering See Type Design in the domain Certification. Ref.: JAAUncustomized Aircraft Industrialization/Aircraft Build

DefinitionAdministrative configuration. Basic Build Status completed with the part of the Cabin Furnishings which is not customized. Defined by the applicable Aircraft Standard Specification and its associated Cabin Configuration Guide.

Universal Time Coordinated Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

This is the standardized time used for flight planning and execution. Previously known as Greenwich Meantime (GMT).

Use Organization/Management Implementation

To put into action or service. WD

Used Aircraft Aircraft Identification An aircraft which has been subject to one or more changes of ownership since construction including the first delivery by Airbus. Note: Denoted by "USED" where space is limited.

VACBI Author Mode Training The function of a Computer-Based Training (CBT) system (Video and Computer-Based Instruction - VACBI for Airbus) enabling the creation and modification of CBT modules.

VACBI Station Training The computer system used to study courses using Video and Computer-Based Instruction - VACBI (hardware + VACBI software + VACBI courseware).

Validate Organization/Management Implementation

To demonstrate that a product is capable of meeting the requirements for the specified application or intended use.

EN9100 section 7.3.6

Validation Common Terms/Basic Terms The act of confirming that a specific requirement has been met.

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Validity Aircraft Definition Evolution/Modification Allocation

Codes allocated to a change (MOD/MP) launched in design and production. These codes make it possible to:- Express the configuration(s) for which the change has to be developed, - Determine the ranges of MSN’s on which the change shall be embodied before delivery. These codes consist of the Standard(s), Industrial Standard(s) and/or Versions for which the change is valid, the corresponding modification category and the embodiment point (or range).Note: When the change is only applicable to in-service aircraft, the validity does not indicate the embodiment points.

Variant Aircraft Identification/Certification

Designates a specific model definition.Eg: modified design weight:Type-model: A340-313Variant: - 020Variant definition: MTOW 271, MLW 190, MZFW 178

Vendor Organization/Suppliers Use Supplier.Vendor Service Bulletin Aircraft Definition

Evolution/Definition Evolution Implementation

Service Bulletin (VSB) issued by a Vendor mainly to cover changes or inspections affecting his equipment. VSBs require approval by Airbus only if an Airbus SB is required.

Verify Organization/Evaluation Means To check or test the accuracy or exactness of... WD

Version Aircraft Identification Code allocated to a group of aircraft to be assembled and delivered in accordance with a customized specification.Specific Airbus version codes are used to manage the configuration of prototypes.

Version Modification Aircraft Definition Evolution A modification, which is incorporated on the aircraft to cover embodiment of a specific choice from a Customer

based on ACMR

Version Rank Aircraft Identification A number allocated to an aircraft already identified by a Version and Manufacturer's Serial Number (MSN) and which identifies its actual position (rank) in that Version sequence. (e.g. MSN : 753, VERSION : JAS 03, RANK : 016)

Video and Computer-Based Instruction

Training The Airbus Computer-Based Training system used to teach the academic part of a course.

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Visual Flight Rules Aircraft Operation/Flight Operations

VFRs are rules governing aircraft operation during visual weather conditions, that is with a specified minimum visibility and minimum distance away from cloud, and governing the flight plan of an aircraft operating under these conditions. Flight above a cloud layer is permitted if the way to the destination �airport is clear of cloud. The pilot need not have an instrument rating but the aircraft must have a specified minimum of equipment, including a radio if the flight plan crosses controlled zones.

White Tail Aircraft Identification Redundant term used in the past to refer to an aircraft which had been completed but not allocated (no logo on the vertical stabilizer).

Work Breakdown Structure Aircraft Project Management The WBS is a deliverable-oriented, organized grouping of project elements which organizes and defines the total scope of a project. Each descending level element represents an increasingly detailed definition of project components; which may be either products or services.


Work Package Aircraft Project Management WPs are Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) elements assignable to an individual or an organizational unit which is responsible at the appropriate level.


Work Query Note Common Terms/Basic Terms Document used to convey a query to Engineering/Design concerning information on drawings which may require change or clarification.

Working Group Organization/Airbus No longer to be used.A specialist group established under the authority and control of a Task Force, formed to handle a specialized subject. It consists of a group of people, who may be from different sources and disciplines, functioning under a Chairman for the purpose of continuing over a period of time, a program of work which has been defined by and is subject to the approval of the associated Task Force.

Working Party Aircraft Definition Evolution/Definition Evolution Implementation

A Working Party is organized when work cannot be performed on an aircraft during its normal final assembly cycle. It can be organized after industrial delivery.

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Work-sharing Industrialization Any Airbus Program is subject to Work-sharing Document (Report 6), which defines the Work-sharing between the industrial organizations for the Program development phase. In principle, the Work-sharing for the series production phase is the same as for the development phase. In other words, the Report 6 determines what has to be done by whom without specifying how.

Workstation License Training With the license per workstation the company is granted a personal, non-transferable and non-exclusive license to install and use the Video and Computer-Based Instruction (VACBI) software and courseware on a single workstation at a time and only within the company's premises.

Zonal Inspection Aircraft Servicing - Maintenance - Overhaul - Repair

A collective term comprising selected general visual inspections and visual checks that is applied to each zone, defined by access and area, to check system and powerplant installations and structure for security and general condition.


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