AITA-Mother’s Day Edition - December 2021 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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December 2021 Babies

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I am a recovering people pleaser. Growing up, it’s what I needed to be. Now I’m in my 30s, have a very demanding full time job, and 2 young children, and I realize I cannot do it all. With some help from my therapist, I’m learning how to draw boundaries for the sake of my own mental health. Unfortunately, much of that boundary drawing involves my 2 year old daughter.

She is a handful. Has been her whole life, but it’s been amplified since we brought home new baby 8 weeks ago. There are a lot of things that we did all the time when she was younger and had no issues with, but now that’s she’s asserting her independence, certain activities are becoming rather unpleasant. These activities include going out to eat at restaurants and taking her to parties/large gatherings. You can probably tell where this is going…

This weekend was doubly packed because my sister graduated from college and it was Mother’s Day. We didn’t even bother trying to get my daughter to attend the graduation (and no one was upset about that), but later that evening we had a big family dinner to celebrate. My mom had made reservations for a restaurant that my husband and I know gets very busy even on weeknights. With graduation/Mother’s Day weekend, we knew it was going to be especially busy. As the dinner was approaching, I was starting to dread it. After expressing concerns to my husband, he volunteered to stay home with our daughter while I took the baby (he slept in the car seat and was not a problem the whole evening). When I called my mom to tell her, however, it led to an argument. Said “it’s her aunt’s graduation, it’s only an hour and a half, and everyone wants to see her!”. Spoiler alert: the dinner was longer than an hour and a half and the restaurant was so busy and loud that no one actually missed my daughter being there. I was still annoyed that there was still an argument about it.

The next day, Mother’s Day, my daughter woke up in a mood that was like “I am determined to cause as much chaos as I can!!!”. And that is exactly what she did all day long. We took her to the park and let her run around and be crazy for a while in the morning in the hopes she would pass out and have a good nap. It backfired, however, because she didn’t nap. She is a nightmare when she doesn’t nap. We knew taking her out would be stressful and just a recipe for disaster in general. For this reason, we canceled going to see the grandmas in the afternoon. My MIL cried because she didn’t get to see her grandkids on Mother’s Day, while my mom and I got into another argument because she thought we were punishing our daughter for not napping.

So, AITA for canceling on plans if I know my daughter isn’t going to behave herself? Lately, going out with my daughter has been more stressful than enjoyable. I don’t really get a chance to talk to people, I have to wolf down food, and I can’t really relax because I always need to keep one eye on my daughter. My family knows this, but they still want to give us a hard time because they don’t get to see the kids nearly as much...

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I think you need to do what you need to so you don’t feel stressed. Being a mom is hard, and since you have a new baby at home, your hormones are still adjusting.

If you want to know what I would do in that situation, when my daughter went through spells of not napping, I did not change our day. She becomes chaotic, but crap happens, and I’m not going to let her not napping stop me from doing what I want to do/doing what we’ve already planned. As for the eating out part, for the most of the time my girl is really easy going in restaurants but if the food starts to take awhile she gets antsy. She will start yelling and throwing crayons and wanting to get out of the chair. That is when I have the hardest time. However, I think about the food we’re about to get and get over my feelings �� This is just a phase and won’t last forever. There’s going to be a time coming when your new baby is the one causing the ruckus and your toddler is going to be one behaving. Life is crazy.

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I guess I don't understand. Why couldn't your MIL have come to your house? You are 100% NTA for not wanting to take a newborn and an un-napped 2yo out of the house. Hard no.

Before I was a mom I always did something really nice for my mom on Mother's Day. Now that I'm the mom with small kids, my mom treats me on Mother's Day. I kinda have a bone to pick with the whole idea that moms with grown kids who get to rest literally 365 days per year would make it harder for moms with young kids who get to rest, literally, never. They should make the day easier on us. Come over and babysit for a few hours while we go to a spa treatment if they want to see the grandkids so bad. We are mothers too, and we're the ones who are currently mommy-ing!

I also feel you on this whole stage. It's brutal. I have 2 toddlers so going absolutely anywhere that isn't designed specifically for toddlers is pretty much off the table. I would never take my kids to a busy restaurant. Basically the only place we go is the zoo and toddler play groups. I stand haphazardly in the middle of the play space to make sure 1) neither of my kids are fighting, and 2) neither of them run away. Sometimes I want to go out with my friends (who also have toddlers) but I feel like it would be pointless because we wouldn't be able to actually catch up.

I hate when people ask me if I "just stay home with the kids." No, I work every weekend. And also, "just" staying home with the kids is 10x harder than my actual job. My kids are wild! Keeping them alive is more than a full time gig.

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lol! I live 6 minutes from my in-laws driving exactly speed limit, and my MIL constantly complains that we live far away. My parents, siblings, nieces and nephews live on another continent, but yes MIL, you are such a poor lady because your son moved to the next town over.

Sounds like you’re doing your best with your two kids. Something that a lot of people don’t consider is that the parents are the ones stuck with the overtired, tantruming kids when all is said and done! If you can make your postpartum easier by skipping a few events, I think that’s great!

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I have a rule that if my daughter doesn’t nap, I don’t leave home after 4pm. I don’t care what our plans were, or what anyone says. They would be making the same judgy comments if I brought my daughter and she acted out. Family initially thought this was ridiculous, but honestly toddlers are not themselves when they are overtired, and it’s truly unfair to stretch them that thin and expect them to behave appropriately. I think it is important to set them up for success, and dragging them out after a long day with no nap to recharge is a BIG ask.

Also, leaving home after 4pm after no nap means likely sleeping late in the car, which leads to a confusing evening and bedtime. Not worth it to me at all.

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NTA for readjusting your schedule taking into account the present situation with your kids. Overstimulating a cranky baby/toddler at a loud event is a nightmare. Both grandmas are TAs for guilt-tripping you about everything.

However, I think there might be a slight issue with the overall attitude towards the toddler being a toddler? They are all going through a period of emotional development, and will test and explore boundaries and develop a bigger sense of self and what they like or dislike etc. It is completely normal for this age, and it's not just your LO being a handful/difficult/problematic. I do empathise that your resources are low because you have 2 young children - that must be a lot for you.

I am also a recovering people pleaser. And I am thinking about this a lot. How my upbringing contributed to that, and how I don't want the same for my LO. So it will take more patience on my part, not to be the one "who knows best", who has a short temper, who says s/he must do things "because I said so", etc.... I think this relates a lot to the above paragraph about trying our best to have patience and support them in this emotionally difficult time the best we can... and make mistakes and then try our best again tomorrow.

Take care!

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You are NTA. Your family can throw all the fits they want or try to guilt trip you but at the end of the day YOU are the one who’s going to have to deal w your unnapped toddler AND the infant, not them. So they can suck it lol.

Offer to drop your daughter off with them at the restaurant next time and you’ll pick her back up when theyre done. See what they say ��

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