Moms of 2 boys/only boys - January 2025 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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Please send me some feel good stories. We just found out we are having our second boy and it’s likely our last baby and I am so so sad. We both hoped so much for a girl.

It goes without saying I love my son more than life itself and I know I will when little boy 2 makes his arrival. They’re only going to be 15 months apart so at least there’s that and they’ll hopefully be close. But I never pictured myself a boy only mom and I’m holding back tears since I found out.

I need to hear experiences of having only boys

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We’re expecting our third boy (no girls) and boys are the sweetest! Little boys reeeeaallly love their mamas and it absolutely melts me. My two-year-old is always bringing me flowers, asking me for hugs and kisses, tells me he wants to marry me (haha) and loved to climb in my bed and cuddle when he wakes up in the mornings. My baby is also a super cuddly guy and I love seeing my boys interact the older he gets. My toddler now calls him his best friend and loves to share everything with him. I took my toddler out for ice cream last night while my husband stayed with the baby and my toddler was so disappointed the baby wasn’t coming along for the fun. �� There’s a lot of rough and tumble for sure but soooooo much sweetness as well.

I’m hoping to have a little girl at some point but I’m not the least bit disappointed with my 3 boys! ������

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thank you for this. When I had my first boy the overwhelming response I got was how much boys love their mamas and I can already see that with my 9 month old

That being said these two little boys are going to be so close in age so I hope they’re best friends. But I’m still crying that it’s not a girl. May not let my husband get that vasectomy so soon ��

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yes!!!!! For sure have more babies! They’re the best! ��

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My boys are the absolute sweetest. They are so much fun, it is so chaotic but its amazing. They are the best of friends always making sure where the other one is. 2 year age gap fyi

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Same age siblings is so sweet. My boys are a year and a half apart and they love each other. I’m glad I had 2 boys because I think they’ll be such good buds

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thank you for this ��

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My boys are 18 months apart! 2.5 years old and 14 months now. They are the best of friends and I’m so so glad I had boys back to back so they will grow up together. They’re wild and crazy and my days are filled with cars, talk of lawn mowers, and sandbox hangs but I love it. Boys love their mamas so much. We’re expecting our third now and I’m hoping this one is a girl. I will be happy with either! But 3 boys sounds a little crazy as they’ll all be 3 and under. I get the feeling of wanting both genders and I’m in the same boat now waiting on our gender results next week. Personally, I would rather have a house full of boys than a house full of girls but it would be nice to get to have a daughter also.

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My boys are 24 months apart. They are like a married couple lol they bicker and do things for each other. I wouldn’t change a thing about it.

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Congratulations! My boys are 15 months apart as well. now they are 18 months and almost 3. Having them so close together wasn't always easy when they were younger but now they are best friends! I wouldn't change that for the world. They play and play and don't quite know how to act if the other is gone. Our days are filled with sandboxes, dump trucks, tractors, and trikes. Little boys are also so sweet! My oldest will randomly tell me "Momma I love you so much!" and freely gives out hugs. They are also very protective in the way toddlers can be. My husband will play tickle or start messing with me to tease me and they immediately run over and try to get him to stop. They are full of cuddles and love to cuddle and I am just soaking it up because I feel like it might change when they get a little older lol. We have a lot of energy in the house right now but it is honestly so much fun. I am hoping for a daughter one day to, but if this pregnancy gives me another boy I am okay with that.

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I know the feeling. My 2nd was another boy and we were 2 and done but…surprise we did it one time in months and here comes #3 �� the one thing that made me feel better was they will most likely be closer than if it were a girl and boy. 15 months apart sounds like they will have a best friend for life ����

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I felt the same way when I found out my second was a boy. They are the sweetest together and love each other so much. They are both cuddly and affectionate and have similar interests which is so fun! I love seeing how close they are and how much they look to the other. It’s really wonderful. I’m having twins now and I do really want at least one girl but there’s a part of me that’s sad that my second boy may be my last? Never thought I’d feel that way ��‍♀️. Boys are so fun and so fun together!

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Two boys in a row are a blessing I had my first two children 17 months apart ans they were boys. To this day they are inseparable! My sons are now 14 and 12.5 years old! I went on to have another boy 3 years later (and more children). Boys are full of energy but once they get over the break everything phase ( since they want to know how everything works lol) they will fix things and take care of you!

Two boys are just so sweet and fun ( although very challenging to always keep them busy and keep up with them haha).

Pax et bonum

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