The 80 Best Cryptocurrency Quotes of All Time | PortalCrypt (2024)

In this article, 80 cryptocurrency quotes from various notable personalities will be presented, from founders, Nobel Prize winners, and even cryptocurrency skeptics. By the end of the reading, the reader will have a better understanding of how the greatest thinkers and capital investors see the potential of blockchain technology.

The quotes cover a wide range of topics related to cryptocurrencies, including its underlying technology, its usefulness as digital money, its ability to operate without intermediaries, and its potential to become a global currency. With these unique perspectives, readers will have a more complete view of the world of cryptocurrencies and the impact it can have on the future.

In this article, we will discuss:

Top 10 quotes about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin

Here are some of the team's favorite quotes about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin.

“Bitcoin is a tool to free humanity from oligarchs and tyrants, disguised as a get-rich-quick scheme.”Naval Ravikant, former CEO of AngelList
“We chose to put our money and trust in a mathematical framework free of politics and human error.”Tyler Winklevoss, co-CEO of Gemini
“You can’t stop things like Bitcoin. It will be everywhere, and the world will have to readapt. World governments will have to readapt.”John McAfee, founder of McAfee Associates
“There are 3 eras of currency: commodity-based, policy-based and now, math-based.”Chris Dixon, Venture Capitalist at Andreesen Horowitz
“As the value increases, heads start to turn and skeptics start to soften. Starting a new currency is easy, anyone can do it. The trick is to get people to accept it, as it is their use that gives 'money' its value.”Adam B. Levine, CEO of Tokenly
“Trading Bitcoin is like trading Apple, Amazon, Google or Facebook a decade ago. The more you focus on timing the market, the more mistakes you make. They were all technology networks that were dominant and destined to grow.”Michael Saylor, former CEO of MicroStrategy
“While most technologies tend to automate workers on the periphery performing smaller tasks, blockchains automate the center. Instead of putting the taxi driver out of work, the blockchain puts Uber out of work and allows taxi drivers to work directly with the customer.Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum
“Latin American countries where you have this combination of cycles of inflation or hyperinflation – deflation too – and then you have very high friction for financial transactions, a high percentage of people who don’t have a bank account, cryptocurrencies make perfect sense.”Fred Thiel, CEO of Thiel Advisors & Marathon Digital Holdings
“…we know that gold is a $12 trillion asset, Bitcoin is about a tenth of gold. Could they be half gold? At some point, sure, they could... And at some point, it will be bigger than gold... that money is finding its way to Gen Z and Millennials, and they are much more comfortable with digital gold than they are with digital gold. old, clumsy gold.”Mike Novogratz, CEO of Galaxy Digital
“If you don’t believe me or understand, I don’t have time to try to convince you, I’m sorry.”Satoshi Nakomoto, founder of Bitcoin

These quotes from prominent individuals in the world of cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin provide interesting insight into what these currencies mean to people and how they can change the financial world. From the idea that Bitcoin is a tool to free humanity from oppression to the comparison between trading Bitcoin and trading technology stocks, these quotes provide unique insight into the world of cryptocurrencies.

Inspirational Quotes About Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are a unique innovation that has the potential to change the way the world thinks about finance and money. Here are some inspirational quotes from notable people about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies:

  • “We truly believe that your access to finance and financial stability should not depend on your current location, background, religion or race.” – Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum.
  • “Cryptocurrency will be the greatest wealth creation opportunity in our lifetime.” – Anthony Pompliano, podcaster and CEO of Pomp Investments.
  • “Bitcoin is this piece of technology that comes in and provides a market-based framework for people to make money and do business and do well by leveraging all this wasted or isolated or orphaned or just unused energy.” – Alex Gladstein, CSO at the Human Rights Foundation.
  • “Bitcoin and the ideas behind it will be a disruptor to traditional notions of currency. In the end, the currency will be better for it.” – Edmund C. Moy, former director of the US Mint.
  • “Bitcoin is the beginning of something big: a currency without government, something necessary and imperative.” – Nassim Taleb, author and options trader.
  • “Every informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it could be one of the most important developments in the world.” – Leon Luow, director of the Free Market Foundation.
  • “Bitcoin is a new hope for the world… Bitcoin restores economic independence to entrepreneurs by giving them a way to store wealth that cannot be looted. Working-class people now have a means of saving that does not force them to take unnecessary risks or extend their working lives in a race to beat inflation.” – Robert Breedlove, host of the podcast 'What is Money?'.
  • “The computer can be used as a tool to liberate and protect people, rather than control them.” – Hal Finney, software developer.
  • “Unpopular but true: Bitcoin is the most significant monetary advancement since the creation of coinage.” – Edward Snowden, whistleblower.
  • “Crypto and NFTs are a path to financial independence, so it’s important for women and girls to know about them. When I heard about blockchain, I didn't think it was for me. But I realized that it can be an inclusive space for women and people of color. I think cryptocurrency has the power to radically advance women’s rights.” – Maliha Abidi, artist and author.

These quotes provide valuable insight into the value and potential of cryptocurrencies. They also show how cryptocurrencies are changing the way people think about finance and money. Volatility is a common characteristic of cryptocurrencies, but the innovation they bring is unique and can have a lasting impact on society. Quotes from notable people also provide a strong incentive to learn more about cryptocurrencies and their role in the changing global economy.

Quotes from Blockchain Founders on Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain and cryptocurrency founders have been giving their opinion on the technology and its potential. Here are some of the most interesting quotes:

  • “Many people automatically dismiss electronic currency as a lost cause because of all the companies that have failed since the 90s. I hope it's obvious that it was only the centrally controlled nature of these systems that doomed them. I believe this is the first time we are trying a decentralized, non-trust-based system.” – Satoshi Nakamoto, Founder of Bitcoin.
  • “Bitcoin would be convenient for people who don't have a credit card or don't want to use the cards they have, either because they don't want their spouse to see it on the bill, or because they don't trust giving their number to 'p*rn guys,' or are afraid of recurring charges.” – Satoshi Nakamoto, Founder of Bitcoin.
  • “Writing a description for this thing for the general public is extremely difficult. There’s nothing to relate to.” – Satoshi Nakamoto, Founder of Bitcoin.
  • “If cryptocurrencies are successful, it is not because they empower better people. It’s because they enable better institutions.” – Vitalik Buterin, Co-Founder of Ethereum.
  • “Bitcoin is great as a form of digital money, but its scripting language is too weak for any kind of serious advanced application to be built on top of it.” – Vitalik Buterin, Co-Founder of Ethereum.
  • “The main advantage of blockchain technology is supposedly that it is more secure, but new technologies are often difficult for people to trust, and this paradox cannot really be avoided.” – Vitalik Buterin, Co-Founder of Ethereum.
  • “There is a small outside chance that crypto rails could grow fast enough and be different and weird enough that it could disrupt duopoly business models.” – Anatoly Yakovenko, Founder of Solana (on Apple and Google's control of Android and iOs).
  • “A society grows great when old men plant trees in the shade of which they know they will never sit. And that’s the point – why we are here planting trees. It takes a long time to grow these systems and build them.” – Charlie Hoskinson, Founder of Cardano.

These quotes provide insight into how blockchain and cryptocurrency founders think about the technology and its potential. It is important to note that these quotes were said at different times and may not reflect the current views of these individuals.

Quotes from internet personalities about cryptography

Cryptography and technology blockchain have attracted the attention of many internet personalities. Here are some notable quotes:

  • Joe Rogan, comedian and podcaster, compares the emergence of Bitcoin to the beginning of the internet and claims that it is now a viable form of currency. He also believes the government is getting scared by this.
  • Jordan Peterson, psychologist and internet personality, believes that Bitcoin could be the solution in the event of a bank collapse. He also believes that blockchain technology is attractive because people feel there is a lot of tyranny going on right now.
  • Gary Vaynerchuk, entrepreneur and internet personality, is incredibly optimistic about blockchain technology and believes it is like the internet – something that people will believe in and use.
  • Eric Weinstein, podcaster, highlights the Bitcoin community as one of the most entrepreneurial and innovative.
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These internet personalities believe that blockchain technology and cryptography have the potential to change the financial world and beyond.

Quotes from Tech Entrepreneurs about Cryptocurrencies

Tech entrepreneurs have varying opinions about cryptocurrencies. Some consider Bitcoin to be one of the greatest innovations in history, while others are more skeptical. Here are some of the most interesting quotes from tech entrepreneurs about cryptocurrencies:

  • Jack Dorsey, CEO of Block, believes the community behind Bitcoin is what inspires him most. He compares the Bitcoin community to the internet of the 90s, saying it is deeply principled and always evolving.
  • Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase, believes that some digital currency will eventually become the world's reserve currency. He also predicts that a substantial portion of GDP will be generated in the crypto economy within 10-20 years.
  • Tyler Winklevoss, co-CEO of Gemini, sees Bitcoin as a potentially huge social network. He believes that Bitcoin can connect the entire world and synchronize the entire world across political jurisdictions.
  • Michael Saylor, former CEO of MicroStrategy, believes that Bitcoin is a return to rationality in the financial system and a return to freedom and property rights for the entire human race.
  • Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google, believes that Bitcoin is a remarkable cryptographic achievement and has immense value because it is something that cannot be duplicated in the digital world.
  • Naval Ravikant, former CEO of AngelList, sees Bitcoin as the greatest video game ever created. He believes that Bitcoin is a form of insurance against politicians and that it is possible to break the traditional financial system.
  • Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has a more varied opinion on cryptocurrencies. He has invested in cryptocurrencies, but also believes that it is possible that governments could slow down their progress.

These quotes show that technology entrepreneurs have varying opinions on cryptocurrencies. Some see it as a great innovation, while others are more skeptical.

Cryptocurrency investors

The 80 Best Cryptocurrency Quotes of All Time | PortalCrypt (1)

Cryptocurrency investors are people who believe in the value and potential of cryptocurrencies as an investment. Some investors view cryptocurrencies as a store of value, similar to gold, while others view cryptocurrencies as a high-risk form of investment with the potential for high returns. Regardless of the view, many investors recognize the importance of the blockchain technology underlying cryptocurrencies.

The founder of Boost CV, Adam Draper, believes that blockchain technology replaces third-party trust with mathematical proof that something happened. He claims that blockchain is one of the reasons why cryptocurrencies have so much potential.

Andreesen Horowitz co-founder Marc Andreesen believes that cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, are a revolutionary way to transfer digital property securely and reliably. He believes that the consequences of this advance are difficult to overestimate.

Chris Dixon, another investor at Andreesen Horowitz, sees cryptocurrencies as a way to give power back to internet users, allowing creators and entrepreneurs to build direct relationships with their audiences. He believes the Internet should have been like this from the beginning.

Chamath Palihapitiya, founder of Social Capital, believes everyone should have at least 1% of their assets in Bitcoin as it is a fantastic form of hedging. He sees Bitcoin as a form of protection in the event of a global economic collapse.

Peter Thiel, co-founder of Founders Fund and former CEO of PayPal, compares Bitcoin to gold bars in a safe that never move. He believes Bitcoin is a form of protection against global economic collapse. However, he also recognizes that Bitcoin still faces significant challenges as a means of payment.

Cathie Wood, founder of Ark Investment Management, believes that Bitcoin is a monetary revolution and an important form of insurance for countries that do not have the dollar as a reserve currency.

Blythe Masters, founding partner of Motive Partners, believes that blockchain technology is as important as the development of the Internet in the 1990s. She believes that cryptocurrencies have the potential to transform the way finance works.

Cryptocurrency investors see the value and potential of cryptocurrencies as an investment. They recognize the importance of the blockchain technology underlying cryptocurrencies and believe that cryptocurrencies have the potential to transform the way finance works.

Politicians and government officials on cryptocurrencies

Politicians and government officials have mixed opinions about cryptocurrencies and their role in the economy. Some see cryptocurrencies as an exciting innovation with the potential to bring growth to the American economy, while others are concerned about the lack of regulation and the possibility of illegal activities.

Former Vice President Al Gore believes that replacing the government function with an algorithm within the Bitcoin universe is an interesting idea. Former President Donald Trump has expressed his preference for the US dollar and expressed concerns about cryptocurrencies facilitating illegal activities. Former President Barack Obama expressed similar concerns about cryptocurrencies' ability to allow people to hide money from the government.

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren believes that cryptocurrencies are used to finance terrorist organizations and other illegal activities. However, Wyoming Senator Cynthia Lummis believes that the adoption of cryptocurrencies can help the American economy grow. New Jersey Senator Cory Booker also sees the potential of cryptocurrencies for a faster and more efficient payment system.

The president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, sees cryptocurrencies as an opportunity to increase the country's GDP. He recently announced that Bitcoin would be accepted as legal tender in El Salvador.

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke believes cryptocurrencies have long-term potential to promote a faster and more secure payment system. Miami Mayor Francis X. Suarez is working to make the city the most cryptocurrency-friendly in the United States.

Although there are differing opinions on cryptocurrencies among politicians and government officials, most agree that the innovation must be properly regulated to prevent illegal activities and protect investors.

Negative quotes about cryptocurrencies

Some of the world's most prominent business and financial leaders have expressed negative opinions about cryptocurrencies, including Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Charlie Munger, and Jamie Dimon. These negative quotes highlight common concerns about the nature of cryptocurrencies, including security issues, fraud, and lack of intrinsic value.

Bill Gates, former CEO of Microsoft, stated that the value of cryptocurrencies is based on what someone else is willing to pay for them, and that they do not add value to society like other investments. Additionally, Gates criticized the use of cryptocurrencies to purchase illegal drugs, stating that they directly caused deaths.

Warren Buffet, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, called Bitcoin “worse than tulip bulbs” and “rat poison squared.” He warned investors to stay away from cryptocurrencies, stating that they will almost certainly come to a bad end.

Charlie Munger, former vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, also criticized cryptocurrencies, calling them “crypto crappo” and “crypto s—“. He asked what problem cryptocurrencies solve and what they do that other cheaper, easier-to-use technologies cannot do better.

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan, stated that Bitcoin is “worse than tulip bulbs” and that it is a “mirage”. He warned that cryptocurrencies are mainly used for illegal activities and that the government will eventually intervene.

These quotes highlight common concerns about cryptocurrencies, including lack of intrinsic value, security issues, fraud, and use for illegal activities. However, it is important to note that not all business and financial leaders share these negative views and that cryptocurrencies continue to grow in popularity and adoption.


What is the current price of cryptocurrency?

The value of cryptocurrency can vary every second, so it is important to check the updated price in real time. There are several online platforms that provide this information, such as CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko and CryptoCompare. These sites offer market data, prices, charts, and other important information about all available cryptocurrencies.

What is the value of 1 cryptocurrency?

The value of a cryptocurrency depends on several factors such as supply and demand, adoption, technology, and other market factors. Some cryptocurrencies have a very high value, like Bitcoin, while others have a very low value. It is important to do your own research and analysis before investing in any cryptocurrency.

Where can I see the price of cryptocurrencies?

There are several online platforms that provide information about the price of cryptocurrencies, such as CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko and CryptoCompare. These sites offer market data, prices, charts, and other important information about all available cryptocurrencies.

Which cryptocurrency is worth 4 reais?

The value of a cryptocurrency can vary every second, so it is important to check the updated price in real time. There are several online platforms that provide this information, such as CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko and CryptoCompare. These sites offer market data, prices, charts, and other important information about all available cryptocurrencies.

Where can I see cryptocurrency prices in real time?

There are several online platforms that provide real-time information about cryptocurrency prices, such as CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko and CryptoCompare. These sites offer market data, prices, charts, and other important information about all available cryptocurrencies.

What is the value of cryptocurrencies in reais?

The value of cryptocurrencies in reais can vary every second, so it is important to check the updated price in real time. There are several online platforms that provide this information, such as CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko and CryptoCompare. These sites offer market data, prices, charts, and other important information about all available cryptocurrencies.

Where can I follow real-time cryptocurrency news?

There are several online platforms that provide real-time cryptocurrency news and information, such as CoinDesk, Cointelegraph, and CryptoSlate. These sites provide news, analysis, opinions and other important information about the cryptocurrency market.

How to invest in cryptocurrencies?

Before investing in cryptocurrencies, it is important to do your own research and analysis. There are several online platforms that allow the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies, such as exchanges and brokers. It is important to choose a reliable and secure platform, check the buying and selling fees and limits, and store your cryptocurrencies in a secure wallet.

How do you know which cryptocurrencies are trending today?

There are several online platforms that provide information about today's trending cryptocurrencies, such as CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, and CryptoCompare. These sites offer market data, prices, charts, and other important information about all available cryptocurrencies. It is important to do your own research and analysis before investing in any cryptocurrency.

Disclaimer:The views and opinions expressed by the author, or anyone mentioned in this article, are for informational purposes only and do not constitute financial, investment or other advice. Investing or trading cryptocurrencies carries a risk of financial loss.

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The 80 Best Cryptocurrency Quotes of All Time | PortalCrypt (2024)


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