The Little Einsteins' Christmas Concert/Transcript (2024)

Here is the transcript of The Little Einsteins' Christmas Concert

The episode begins on a December morning with the Little Einsteins in Rocket’s room, they were taking care of Annie who was catching a cold.

Annie: (sneezed while shivering in bed)

Leo: Annie. I can’t believe that you’re sick and it’s almost Christmas.

Annie: I know. (sneezed again in a tissue)

June: What are we going to do? We can’t spend Christmas without Annie!

Quincy: I don’t know.

Rocket: (beeping)

Leo: Great idea, Rocket! We’ll spend Christmas here with Annie. We’ll go get her some soup.

June: Good thinking, Leo! That way, we can have Christmas together.

Quincy: And she won’t be alone. Let’s go get her some soup!

Leo: Annie, just stay here till we come back, okay?

Annie: (sneezed again in a tissue) Okay, Leo.

With that, Leo, June and Quincy went on Rocket and off they went to find some soup for Annie who was resting in bed.

Annie: I can’t be sick on Christmas day. I don’t like being sick. (sneezed) I was gonna have the best Christmas ever. Like Thomas had.

With a whistle heard, steam rolled in as “Thomas’ Christmas Party” began to play.

Once the story fades back to reality, Annie had heard a rumbling sound.

Annie: What was that?

Once she got out of bed, she headed for the window and saw the landslide that had blocked the tunnel near Rocket’s lair and she could sense that Noah, Miranda and the coaches were coming.

Annie: Oh, no! Noah and Miranda! If I don't do something soon, they'll crash right into it. I have to warn them, but how?

Quickly, she brought out her pink dress from the closet.

Annie: I know this isn't red like the conductor’s flag, but it'll have to do.

With that, Annie waved it outside of the window, frantically desperately hoping Noah and Miranda would see it.

Out on the rails, Noah and Miranda were coming towards Rocket’s home and noticed the pink dress in the distance.

Noah Sparkle: Hello? What’s that waving in the rain?

Russell Ferguson: I think it’s a kite... wait, no, definitely not a kite. It’s a... dress?! Now, what’s a pink dress doing out the window?

Noah Sparkle: I’m not sure. We’d better stop and see what the matter is.

Then, Miranda was stopped on a flat bit at the bottom of the hill, and Noah and Russell got out.

Miranda the Stirling Single Tank Engine: Cuddly, is there a doctor on board?

Cuddly: I’ll check. (went in the coaches and got out) Found one.

Noah Sparkle: Better see if the Little Einsteins need help. Cuddly, you go with the doctor to the cottage. (to Russell) Russell, you go back to the station to tell them what’s happened. (to Hitch Trailblazer) Hitch, you come with me. Let’s investigate further.

Hitch Trailblazer: Lead the way, Chief.

Noah Sparkle: Very funny, Hitch. I mean you're a sheriff from Maretime Bay.

Hitch Trailblazer: Of course.

While Cuddly and Russell did as they were told, Noah and Hitch went to investigate up the line. When they came towards the tunnel, however, they were in for a big surprise.

Noah Sparkle: (gasped) Sweet mother of CN City! Look!

Hitch Trailblazer: Whoa! A landslide?! How did this happen?

Noah Sparkle: I don’t know. Maybe the rain and melted snow...

Hitch Trailblazer: Maybe Annie must've seen it and was trying to warn us.

Noah Sparkle: Well done, Annie!

Hitch Trailblazer: I think we should do something nice to thank her.

Noah Sparkle: And I think I know just what to do! (picked up his notephone and dials it) Hello? Ryder. I want to inform you and Blythe about what happened.

A few days later, the line was cleaned up. Annie was still in bed as the other Little Einsteins were taking care of Annie when they noticed a cavalcade train coming down the line. At the head was Miranda's train, followed by Toby's. And trailing behind them were all three of their coaches.

Leo: Is that Noah?

June: It is. And he brought his friends, too!

Quincy: I cannot believe it! What's going on here?

The train soon stopped outside their home, out of the train stepped Sir Topham Hatt, some carolers, and Noah and the others.

Sodor Engines, Pups and Pets: Merry Christmas, Little Einsteins!

Annie: What a nice surprise. Welcome, everyone.

While the carolers stayed outside to sing, Sir Topham Hatt and his group went in to see them.

Leo: Goodness, so many visitors today.

June: And we didn’t arrange this.

Quincy: What brings you here?

Sir Topham Hatt: We came to thank Annie for saving Noah, Miranda and their friends from that landslide.

Leo: (gasped) Annie. Did you really do that?

Annie: Yes. Leo. I had saved Noah and the others from a nasty accident!

June: Oh, Annie. That was remarkable.

Quincy: And heroic!

Noah Sparkle: And we’ve even come bearing gifts.

Then, Rarity had made Annie a new set of clothes to replace the one ruined in the rain.

Annie: Oh, Rarity, it’s just beautiful.

Rarity: Thank you, Annie.

Fluttershy: And I got some bunny slippers to go with it.

Annie: Oh how adorable. Thank you, Fluttershy.

Noah Sparkle: Henry told me that he used to run on welsh coal, so we brought some over for you to use in the fireplace.

June: That will be so great for warming up Rocket.

Applejack: And Ah baked y’all some fresh apple pies.

Annie: Oh, I love apple pie. And it smells good. And the coal will keep the fire going for quite some time.

Sir Topham Hatt: And lastly, we’ve all chipped in to give you these tickets to the seaside in Bournemouth.

Annie: Oh, wow!

June: Thank you so much.

Leo: We don’t think we’ve been there before.

Noah Sparkle: I’m sure you can have a lot of fun over there while Annie deserves some nice treatment.

Pinkie Pie: We’re just glad to help give you a super awesome Christmas, even though you’re not well at the moment.

Annie: And we greatly appreciate it, Pinkie.

Pinkie Pie: (squeals)

Ryder: I knew you did this mission on your own.

Blythe Baxter: And you saved our best pup and pet, too!

Noah Sparkle: Like her first solo mission. Boy, this has been the best Christmas ever. Just like Thomas’ since his Christmas tree delivery.

With one blow from his whistle, Steam rolls in as “Thomas and the Missing Christmas Tree” begins to play.

Once the steam fades back to reality, it cuts a year later where Noah, Toby and Miranda were busy carrying people and parcels up and down the branch line. Everyone was excited but Cuddly was complaining a little.

Cuddly: Man! It's always the same before Christmas, Noah. The coaches are so full just like our tummy.

Noah Sparkle: Cuddly. Where's your festive spirit? Christmas day is almost here.

Russell Ferguson: Yeah!

Then, by the side of the tracks there is Rocket’s home with four kids waving to them.

Noah Sparkle: It’s the Little Einsteins! (as the engines whistles to them) Merry Christmas!

The Little Einsteins: Merry Christmas, Noah!

Noah Sparkle: Christmas just wouldn't be the same without the Little Einsteins.

Cuddly: They're your best friends, Noah.

Russell Ferguson: I couldn't agree more.

When work was over, Noah, Cuddly and Russell went to see the other pups, pets and engines. All their coats, scales and furs had been polished.

Gordon the Big Engine: Ha! Just look at us, you better get fur as smart like the rest of your pup friends.

Noah Sparkle: Never mind that, Gordon. I've something important to say. Do you realize it's a whole year since Annie saved me, Cuddly, Russell and Hitch from a nasty accident? You remember when I told you that she was sick and had to stay in bed and...

Kalyani: We know, Noah. You told us how she waved her pink dress out of her window to warn you about a landslide ahead.

Sweetie: And you and the others gave her presents. And Ryder, Blythe and Sir Topham Hatt sent her and the others to Bournemouth to get better.

Tuck and Ella: (in unison) But the rest of us never thanked her properly!

Noah Sparkle: Exactly. So now I think since they love music, we should all give them a special Christmas concert. (as he got out the whiteboard) Okay, everyone, here’s what we’re gonna do.

Everyone was getting very excited, and the drivers, the pups and pets felt sure that Ryder, Blythe and Sir Topham Hatt would agree, as they did.

Noah Sparkle: Sweetie, you take Daisy to collect some workmen to build the big stage.

Sweetie: Sweet or sour, we're full of Power!

Daisy the Diesel Railcar: We’ll get to it right away!

Noah Sparkle: Toby, you must collect some decorations. Bruce will help too.

Toby the Tram Engine: You got it, Noah!

Bruce the Steam Railcar: We’ll get it ready!

Noah Sparkle: Gordon, you must collect some musicians to the stage when it’s constructed. James must help too!

Gordon the Big Engine: Oh, the grand! I’m in!

James the Red Engine: It’s way better than pulling freight cars.

Cuddly: Pardon me. I hate to break up the meeting, but... Ryder, Blythe and Sir Topham Hatt are here.

Noah Sparkle: (to them) Talk to us.

Ryder: I’m afraid we have some very bad news.

Engines: What?!

Rainbow Puppy: What news?!

Blythe Baxter: The weather's changed badly. The Little Einsteins are snowed up.

Noah Sparkle: (gasped) Oh no! Not them! We must rescue them! (ran to get Maranda’s snowplow) Without them, the party will be canceled!

Thomas the Tank Engine: I’ll help too, Noah. They’re our friends and friends must stay together.

Noah Sparkle: Just like my cousins.

Sweetie and Mia: Yeah!

Miranda the Stirling Single Tank Engine: Yeah! We must rescue those kids.

Sir Topham Hatt: There's a good engine. You, Thomas and Toby will manage splendidly. I’ll assign Toby’s work to Percy!

Ryder: Skye and Chase, we need you two, Penny Ling, Brittany, Zoe and Simon to go with Noah and the others!

Penny Ling: We’re ready!

Brittany: Let’s take to the snow!

Skye: This puppy and her team's gotta plow!

Zoe Trent: On it!

Simon: Let’s go!

Chase: Team Chase is on the Christmas case!

Miranda the Stirling Single Tank Engine: Even though it’s only snow. It can be hard.

Noah Sparkle: Yeah. Like Thomas had.

With one blow from the whistle, steam rolls in as “It’s Only Snow” begins to play.

Once the steam fades back to reality, Noah helps Miranda charge the snowdrifts fiercely. Sometimes he swept them aside, sometimes they stuck fast and the men had to loosen them.

Skye: Let’s go!

Penny Ling: Go, Noah!

Toby the Tram Engine: You’re doing great!

But at the cutting near the cottage, they could go no further.

Russell Ferguson: Look at that!

Chase: Lots of snow!

Miranda the Stirling Single Tank Engine: (whistling) Here we are!

Noah Sparkle: I better go see. (got off of Maranda’s cab and went to the door) Leo? June? Quincy? Annie? Are you four there?

Leo: (offscreen) W-W-W-We’re okay But too C-C-C-Cold!

Noah Sparkle: Don’t worry! I’m coming in! (got the door open and saw the kids shivering) Leo! (runs to him and the others who were cuddled up with each other) Oh, my. You look cold.

June: (shivering) And shivering too!

Noah Sparkle: (hand them blankets) There you go.

Quincy: (warming up a bit) T-T-Thanks, Noah.

Noah Sparkle: (tries to warm the Little Einsteins up) You’re welcome. I don’t wanna let Jack Frost get to you. You know the story about Jack Frost, do you?

Annie: (still shivering) N-N-No, Noah.

Noah Sparkle: (pull out his whistle) Well then...

With one blow from the whistle, steam rolls in as “Jack Frost” begins to play.

Once the steam fades back to reality, they hear a familiar sound.

Annie: What was that?

Noah Sparkle: That's Terence the Tractor! He's come to help too!

Terence the Tractor: Lovely stuff!

Sure enough, Terence had a snowplow and was working hard to clear a patch to the railroad line and safety.

June: Hooray for Noah and his friends!

Leo: They saved us!

Annie: A way to repay us for helping them.

At long last, the rescue was complete as Percy took the tired workmen home.

Terence the Tractor: Well, Kids. I promise to take care of Rocket’s lair for you.

Leo: Thanks, Terence.

June: That’s so sweet! (kissed his cheek)

Terence the Tractor: Awwwww!

The pups, pets and engines made good time. No more snow had fallen, but the yard was dark. There was no one to be seen, Noah's heart sank. Suddenly, all the lights went on. What a marvelous site awaited the Little Einsteins.

Sir Topham Hatt: Well done, you all.

Blythe Baxter: We’re really proud of you all.

Ryder: And you all saved the Little Einsteins.

Noah Sparkle: Thanks, Ryder. Even though we didn’t go too far with the snow. Not like James did.

James the Red Engine: Hey!

Noah Sparkle: It’s a hard truth, James. Live with it!

With one blow from the whistle, steam rolls in as “James Goes Too Far” begins to play.

Once the steam fades back to reality, the Little Einsteins thanked all the engines when the concert was over.

Leo: Thank you, everyone.

Annie: You really made us feel very happy.

Quincy: And very proud.

June: Noah is an old friend. And now Cuddly, you're my friend too.

Cuddly: Awwww, three cheers for the Little Einsteins!

Everyone: (cheering)

Noah Sparkle: Well, it has been the best Christmas ever.

Leo: And we can’t think of anywhere we should rather live.

Annie: Then here with you all

June: On the Island of Sodor.

Quincy: With the friends we love.

Noah Sparkle: Yeah. And now. Time for one last song.

With one blow from the whistle, steam rolls in as the song “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” Bing Crosby version begins to play to end the Christmas episode.

I wish you a Merry Christmas
I wish you a Merry Christmas
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Oh, bring us some figgy pudding
Oh, bring us some figgy pudding
Oh, bring us some figgy pudding and bring it out here

We won't go until we got some
We won't go until we got some
We won't go until we got some, so, bring some out here

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Oh, bring us some figgy pudding
Oh, bring us some figgy pudding
Oh, bring us some figgy pudding and bring it out here

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

The Little Einsteins' Christmas Concert/Transcript (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.