The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

-165. t- 10 SPORTS THE 'SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, DIONDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1950 SPORTS Indians On Losing End As Ramblers Rally, 3-2 Juckes- Line Features New Haven Attack; Kaiser and. Summerhill Score By HAROLD W. HELVZ 4 New Haren, Feb 5--The Juckes-Trainor-Lamiranda.

line, that has been anything but productive this season. functioned to perfection 3600 fans as the New Arenan Ramhero tonight in the before biers nosed out the Springfield dians, 3-2, in the second game of week end series between these clubs. It was this heretofore unsung of Ramblers who scored all the team's roals as the Elm City sextet Went into a two-way tie with Froridence for third place in the Eastern Division of the American Hockey League. Hold Second Place Springfield's triumph the previous night at its own rink gave State club place. position it retains by a single point.

In came that probabiy was tamest of the scbedule between these keen rivals and one that winds Springfield's visits here, Haven came from behind in the middle period to tally twice, these coals added one in the first session spelling victors. Goals by Vern Kaiser and Summerhill. presented the Tribe 1 margia in the opening session. which Bing Juckes also tallied the home outfit. Juries poked in other goal at the second period, winning effort after Jean Paul mirande had knotted the count two-all.

Wes Trainor assisted on three Rambler counts. Best period of the contest was the first but after that play slowed the letdown being especially apparent in the final period. probably because each club tired under the pace of stiff competition on successive nights. First Period did Despite most of the fact that. New Haven the forcing in the openins Springfield held a margin when the gong sounded.

Vern Kaiser and Bill Summerhill were the stickmen for the visitors, Two penalties were called. one on each side, but neither club, did any net denting during the enforced layoffs of the players. Les Brennan in the dungeon for interference seven minutes and Bail Me Donagh the Ramblers was caught booking late in the period. The Indians were first to count. breakaway by theists and Doug McMurdy doing damage.

Defenseman Sheldon Bloomer was the only man way of the two Indians as they surged in, McMurdy passing over 10 Kaiser, sneaking down the left alde near the boards. who fired close and true to beat Emile Francis at 10.12. Bing Jukes knotted it at 13.31. He was standing just to the right of the Springtield cage! when he took 8. pass from Bloomer and quickly converted wits fast short motion of his stick.

Summerbill gave the Indians the lead again just 11 seconds later or al 13.4% when be found the range from six feet out being assisted by! McMurdy and Kaiser. McMurdy was knocked down OR the play close to! the nets, hurt to such an extent that the sane was held up for few minutes until he recovered. He continued to play. The were McAtee, zine and Francis, three. Second Period McAtee turned in some brilliant period but the Rambiers were traveltending for the Indiana in the second, ing so fast that they beat him twice to take ac 3-3 lead.

Juckes-Trainor-Lamirande line, which connected la the first session. turned the trick twice more. Jean! Lamirande came up with New Haven's second goal of the came at :.43 when dented the hemp in front ct McAtee after taking a pass from Juckes who E0: away from his man on the let: wing with come smart stickwork Tratoor also received an assist. Juckes purchased his second coal of the game 31 17.33. Lamirande and Trainor assisting.

Checked properly, Juckes got away from hi man but wisely waited until he skated to close range of the goal and backhanded the puck in. Four penalties were called in the period. one on Springfield and three the home club but cre of New Haven's was a misconduct on Bloomer for arguing with the referee. This made Bicomer unavailable for 10 mincutes but did not short band the Rambiers on the ice. Bloomer also serval charging renalty RI 3.2: and 'the Tans were sO disturbed over it that they threw torn paper.

on the ice at two different times, causing the contest to be held up 25 many times. The sarps were McAtee, 12, and Fran.cis, 12. Third Period Least productive of periods was the last one. Hub Macey had party chance from the left side about 13 feet out but nissed. Gardie Tottle of the Indians went off for a booking at 11.17 but New Haven couldn't score.

At the 15-minute mark Fern Perreault mored in alone on McAtee bat the Home City goalie carne out of his cage to make the save Springfield pressing. towards the end of the period but although it stormed the net plenty of times could not gain the edualizer. With eight seconds to 50 Conch Earl Seibert of the Indians pulled out scatte JIcAtee in faror of forward but the move did not pay off. The saves were MeAtee pine and Francis six. Summary: NEW HAVEN SPRINGFIELD NrAtee rd Tottle Gordon.

Macey McDonach. Hayden Perracit. Narduri Springdeld spares: Casanato. Lea: cur, Mic Murds. New Hav La velle.

Bloomer, White. Dents, Masson. Trainor. Referee, Red Freak First Perind Kaiser McMordy. Jackes.

Bicoer. Wit. to. 1: 13.31 Kaisers 13.00 Pocatties, Jic Deod Haves. Trattor) Haven, Trainory Penalties: Juke Bloomers Third Peried No Penalty.

a (book L' Saves, Francis 3 TURNS HAT TRICK- -Ray Dertraeder scored the hat trick for the Springfield Flyers last night as they retained possession of first place in the Atlantic Hockey League by shading the Lynn Pics, 8-6, at the Coliseum. HANNIGAN STARS AS HORNETS TOP MOHAWKS BY 3-08 Fires Two Goals in Victory; Rollins Makes 20 Saves for Shutout Cincinnati. Feb, 5 (P)-Ray Hannican banged home two goals tonight to lead the Pittsburgh Hornets to 3-0 victory over the Cincinnati Nohawks in an American Hockey League PITTSBURGH witnessed (3) by A crowd of (0) McNeil Matters. Nd id. Irwin Kemp.

rd rd. Blake Lepine Costello, aw. Moore Mackell, Hinechteld Pitt Backor. HanRussell, Benson. O' Flaherty, Migay, Blair.

Cincinnati spares: lie Gagnon, Destauriers. Dube. Locas, Frampton, SteHergeheimer. Reteree. Patsy Callishan; Bud Gayer.

First Hanniesa Period (Migar. Mackell) 13.11 Penalties. Backer. Lepine. l'eriod Benson (Sands) 11.25 Fealties.

Kobussen, hemp, Samis Blake. Lepine, Rackor Third Period -Pittsburch. tRussell. 13. Flyers Take Riotous Game From Pics, 8 to 06 Players, Spectators and Police Involved in Free-for-Alll During Coliseum Contest REDS END HOME LOSING STREAK WITH 3-3 DRAW Cleveland Forced to Come From Behind Three Times to Tie Providence, R.

Feb, 5 -The Cleveland Barons bounced from behind three times a $-3 tie with the Rhode Island' Reds in their American Hockey League' game tonight before 5655 at the Auditorium. Best Showing This was the best the Reds have done in four games with the Western Division leaders. The Barons won two here and one in Cleveland before tonight's deadlock. The tie broke Ave- game home losing streak for the Reds Goalie Harvey Bennett saved the Reds with two brilliant stops on Steve Wochy during the closing minutes of the, rapid and hard cane. With play moving from one end to the other, the goalies were kept busy.

Bennett made 45 stops to by Johnny Bower. Summary: IND (3) PROVIDENCE (3) Bower, S. Bennett Reigle. id Id. Summers Williams, rd rd.

Michaluk McGill E. Kullinan Leswick. Chad Cleveland spared: Sprout, Butler. Taylor, eresino, Holota. Wochy, Kelly.

Dawes, Kraftcheck. Reardon. Morris. Arcand. Lallante.

Scherza, Kapusta. Stoddard. Hamilton Referee, Walt Russenn; linesman, -Art Lesteur. 5 First Period 1-Providence. Arcand Plante, Stoddard) 2-Clereland.

Thurier La Providence, Kapusta (Stoddard, 16:03 Cleveland. Kelly) 11:01 Penalties: McGill. La Plante. Serend Period -Providence, Kullman vela land. Holota (Ceresino, Sprout) 17 penalties.

Third Period No worn. Ceresino, McGill Dawes. S. HOCKEY Kansas City Tulsa ST. Paul Omaha Leafs Nip Bruins; Red Wings Tie Rangers Barilko's Goal Gives Toronto 2-1 Victory Over Boston Team Boston.

Feb. 5 (P)-Bul screened 43-foot shot through substitute coule Gordon (Red) Henry save the Toronto Maple Leafs National Hockey League victory' over the Roston Bruins tonight before 12..01 the Boston Garden. The came winning score came during the 16th minute of the second period. Henry, filling in for rookie Jack Gelineau, sidelined with groin inJury. performed in brilliant fashion: He had absolutely no chance when Bariiko took captain Teeder Kenpedi's back pass and rifled it home through a forest of legs.

Henry was borrowed from the Hershey Hockey League Club. He performed for the Bruins (once last season. turning in a 3-0 shutout against Montreal's Canadiens. TORONTO BOSTON, 11 Henry Quacken Morton, Kennedy. Ronty Meeker.

S. Smith Boston Har Crawford Faman. toner. Dustart. Potle, Horeck.

Bettio. Toronto Barito Boesch. Exinicki, LIAR. Gardar McCormack. George Gravei: Sam Babcoci.

Feried -Toronto Reader (Poile) Lyca) 5 Penalty Banter. Secead Period' 13:38 Penalties: Harrisca, Third Peried No Boys' Club Standings SENIOR A LEAGUE BUFFALO SCORES 6-2 AHL VICTORY AGAINST FLYERS Bisons Flash Best Passing Attack of Season in St. Louis Bows Buffalo, N. Feb, 3 -The Butfalo Bisons flashed their Maest passing of the American Hockey League season tonight to trim the St Louis Fivers. 6 to before in Memorial Auditorium.

Lack Equipment triumph over Hershey on SaturThe Flyers arrived in town with day, but without their jerseys, stockings and sticks. which had been lost in transportation mixup. They borrowed the Bisons' road jerseys and stockings, and bought new lumber, De Marco, the veteran ceater, scored on a three-man play in first period. Barry Sullivan tied ip the second. Then the Bisons took over again.

Doug Lewis set up goal for Murdo MacKay, Les Hickey beat Don MacDonald, and Tommy Johnson caught the corner while Johnny Raynak was in the penalty box. Buffalo led 4-1 at the end of the period. BUFFALO ST. (3) Bell, Mar Milligan 13 Grise Si Hickey, Baccari NeComb Melcas. WitTrier.

Sullivan Doran, Rayaak. Brown. Fatale Johnson. Da Field, MacKar. Cooper, Lewta.

DeNarco, Warwick. Norer. Referee. Red Reynolds; linesman. Max Sennett First Period Della (Meger.

Warwick) Period Lous Sullivan Doran. Brown) MacKar (Lewis, Cooper) Buffalo. Hickey Parterer) 10:13 Feeaky: Third Perted -Ratio to, De (Meger) -Bu Logis. Adars 1.000 Ramblers 1.044 Wilburs 1.000 Calvary 1.000 Olympians 000 Scas Italy Ga Haly ML Calvary 15-Wilburs Adana Sarks of Italy SENIOR LEAGTE PC Wast St. A 1.00 Indian Orchard Earles Ft.

Raiders for Saturday St. St. Mary's Raiders West St. Atomtea. LEAGCE PC Emily Piths Brickyard Raiders Crackers Greenwood $:13 Green Aces w8 Brickyard RaidEasY Bareheez Emily NEIGHBORHOOD LEAGUE Rood Bombers Jacked MO Rumblers Bright Black Hawks Games for wools Shamrocks Bond Bombers Jackets Ramblers Hawks COLLEGE LEAGCE Toledo Attn Southera Indiana Kestucky Barton Indiana -Southern Cal.

Kentucky Boston Univ. JUNIOR A LEAGCE Hitters la Elizabeth 1. A. Indian Orchard Mobi Chicanes Kernels Games Mt. Carvel CTO Kernels 2 Hockey In riotous hockey match that saw players of both sides engaging in a tree-for-all and then carry their Donnybrook to the penalty bor where it involved spectators and police the Springfield Flyers increased their leadership over the runnerup.

Lynn Pics to three points in the Atlantic Hockey League by pinning an 8-6 defent on that club last night at the Eastern States Coliseum before 3800 fans. 33 Penalties Called All told. 23 penalties were called. 17 minors, four majors, one misconduct, and another matchOnce in the second period Coach Hans Marsden of Lynn threatened to pull his team off the ice and later in the same canto he did. order his squad to the dressing room with three minutes and 65 seconds left to be played.

Howerer, he finally agreed to finish out the match "under protest," claiming that the officials, referee Fuzzie Giorgi and linesman Joe Morrisino. had been calling play's against his club and allowing two Flyers' 4. Flyer player was standing in the crease at the time the score a was made. In the dressing room Marsden consented. after considerable delay, to finish out the game with the last three minutes of the second canto being played before the final period.

Late in the final canto the main bout started. Lou Pugliano, Hal Passerini, and Wimpy Verani of the Flyens and Roger Markussen and Henry Trusevitch of the Pics all started swinging at one another in the Lynn zone and Eno Campanini of the Home City squad also left the bench to take The latter WAS given matchmisconduct and the others all received major sentences. Return Match In the penalty box Passerini and Markussen became involved in a return match and the crowd joined in, but police quickly put a halt to the proceedings and the game continued without further Incident. It was by far the roughest game of the season for the Flyers and the fans got their money's worth to say the least. They saw some fascinating hockey when the rivals played hockey, and they witnessed plenty of real fist swinging when they swung their fists.

Lynn took an early lead in the first period, 3-1. and outscored. the Flyers in the final. period. 3-2, but in the middle session it was five Flyer goals that told the tale.

Six of eight Flyers' goals were shared evenly by Ray Dextraeder and Hank Champagney, each got a palr. in the second canto. and' then added singletons in the finale. Springfield enjoyed 8 complete territorial advantage in the, middle session, but otherwise Lynn had a edge in all-aroundness. Senk Opens.

Scoring Bob Senk of the Flyers opened the scoring in the first period at the 56-second mark, but before the stanza had ended Lally. Dick Duzan. and Rich Manley all flicked the light on once for the invaders. After the rest period the Flyers came back with renewed vigor AS Champagney, Dextraeder, Champagney, and Dextraeder tallied in that order to give Springfield a commanding '6-3 margin. In the final period Jim Donovan of Lynn tallied twice and Manley added his second goal, but one each by Dextraeder and Champagney preserved the Flyers' advantage.

At the conclusion of the night's play 'the Flyers showed 21 points in the standings, three more than the Pics. It was the third time Springfield won over Lynn while the invalers hold one decision and a deadlock against Coach Bob Findlater's club. The overall record is Springfield 10 wins, one tie and one loss: Lynn, eight wins, two ties, and three losses. In the preliminary match the Turner Bears and the Forest Park Maple Leafs of the Greater Springfield Junjor Leagues battled to a 3-3 draw. Summaries: SPRINGFIELD (8) LYNN (6) Astorine, 2.

Burke rd, Seastrand Roberto. Id Id. Tyguer Senk. Donovan Buchholz, Lally Hawkes, hw Manley Ghee, Parzerini, Verani. De Dextracder.

Rosi, Springfeld spares: Shore. Campanini. McChampagney, Longuiet: Lynn pares: Coveney, C. Anderson. Truseritch, Dugan, B.

Anderson, Pattison, Markussen, Corbett. Giorgi: linesman. First Period Serk (Buchholz, Hawkes) Lally (Manley) 7.48 -Lynn, Dugan (unassisted) 10.15 -Lynn. Manley (Donovan) 13.25 Penalties. Passerini Roberts, Trasevitch, Buchholz, Coveney.

Dugan, Feastrand. Serond Period 5 Pugliado (Shore, Campanini 3.13 Champagney (unassisted) 6.28 -Springfield, Dextraeder (unassisted) 9.55 -Springfield. Champagney (McGhee) 12.07 -Springfield, Dextrader (unassisted) 16.05 Penaltie. Doran (minor, Campanial, Seastrand. Third Period -Lynn.

Donovan (Manley) 11 Dextraeder Champazney (McGhee) 10.13 Donovan (unassiated) 10.47 Manley (unassisted) 11.30 Penalties. Campaniol match miaconduct). Pozliana (major, Markuizen (major, minor), (major). Veraat (major). Buckholz, Post.

Dagan. F. P. MAPLE LEAP (3) TURNER CERT (3) Bryne. 8.

Teasier re rd. R. Haley Zucco. Ledwith. Id B.

Haley Klett Ehrtrom. Benoft mares: 1w. Mar Maple Leaf Dowd. Lucas. Norman, Houde, Noonan, Michard.

Babinah, Hays. Keane, Turner spares Torrant. Johnson. Grey, Wright, Griggs, Langone, McLaughlin, soals which Marsden opined were l1- legal. All in all it was a nightmare for Glorsi and Morrising to handle.

but their work was for the type of ganie the end. commendable, however, it was the police who. were called on to quell the biggest riot of the night in the penalty box with players of both sides either taking part or acting as peace makers and the fans moving in for their share of punches. Early in the second period Marsden disputed a goal by' Ray Dextraeder of the Flyers, claiming that a penalty should have been called on the play. Given one minute to continue the match Giorgi, Marsden overstayed his time, but did send his charges out on the ice to.

resume play. Malu Bout Regins At 'the 16.05 mark when Dextraeder tallied again Marsden pulled his club off second time when Giorgi refused to uphold his protest that a 13 MARD HITTERS HERE -Catcher Del Rice, on the rowing machine, the left -hand relief pitcher, Johnson, punching the bag, are hard hitters at a St. Louis athletic club, preparing for spring training with the Cardinals. Nancy Ann Viner Wins National Juvenile Title Pittsfield Speed Skater Moves Up One Class to Gain New Honors; Blum Is Senior Champ By ED TOOLE Pittsfield, Feb. 3 With a clean sweep in the juvenile division, Nancy Ann Viner, the Pittsfield youngster, who two years ago scored 8.

a grand slant in the midget girls' speed skating events, today became North American champion in the final racing of the three-day event at Lake Onota. Although given little chance prior to the start of the North American outdoor championships, the Pittsfield lass in moving up a class, su thoroughly demonstrated her ability that the victory WAS one of the highlights of the championship meet, which saw Ray Blum of Nutley, N. wearing the colors of the Paterson. N. J.

Skating Club, win the senior men's title with the sizable total of 150 points. than double that his nearest rivals, Terry Browne of Michigan and Charles Burke of Illinois. One -First. Two Seconds Blum was first in the three-quarter mile event and took seconds in the 440 and five-mile tests. The Jersey skater his big bundle of points in the three-quarter event din a race that saw him hanging.

back on the early laps as Browne took the lead. On the last two laps he began to put on the pressure and came into the stretch on the final lap to take the judges' nod with ease. Defending North American senior women's titlist, Betty Mitchell of Winnepeg, continued her rule as she copped the laurels with 120 points to keep' her record of never having been beaten in a United States meet since she started back in 1942. Janice Christopherson of St. Paul, who only last week won tne National championship was a poor runnerup with 70 points, a figure that also was equalled by Florence Carter of Michigan.

Voted the outstanding competitor in this year's North American was James Chapin of Michigan, who amassed a grand total of 170 points. As a matter of fact he didn't have to place today in order to take the garlands, for he had a run of 120 points during the first two days of the meet. lowever, he took everything in sight today. It was only the second time that young Chapin has competed outside the state of Michigan. National champions Richard Pelver of Wisconsin, junior boy entry: -and Gerald Fusek of the same state and skating club.

listed as a juvenile, came through with flying colors to take the North American to add to their National crowns won last Sunday. Pelver scored 150 points to competitor by no less than 80, while Fusek with 90 was 40 points in the lead. In the closest competition ever witnessed in the long and colorful history of North American championships, the efforts of Nancy Ann Viner drew the applause from everyone including the westerners and Canadians, Her qualifying heat in this afternoon's 440 SAW her take A bad fall just after she rossed the finish line and it was some time before she completely recovered. from the shaking. Going into the final and with the pressure definitely on, she was game as they come.

Making her. bid in the final back stretch she took the lead only to be passed by Joyce Van Putten of New Jersey they headed down the home stretch. But the Pittsfield "lass had plenty left and flashed across the line the winner as thousands screamed their approval of! Berkshire's little champion of the steel runners. Harper Wins Tucson Open With Total Score of 267 Tucson, Feb. 5 -A driving finish today earned Chandler Harper, Portsmouth, first prize money of $2000 in the $10,000 Tucson Open golf tournament.

Finishes -With Three Birdies Harper took birdies on the last' three holes to card a score of 68 for the day and a total of. 267 for the 72 holes of play. This was. 13 under par for the El Rio 6402-yard layout. At the start of the final nine holes Harrer was two strokes back of Mande la Torre the little known assistant pro from Glencoe, Sam Snead, White Sulphur Springs, W.

wag three strokes back of de la Torre at the start of the final nine. The bis winner, from West Virginia finished This gave him second prize money of $1400. De la Torre and U. S. Open champion Cary Middlecoff of Ormond Beach.

finished with scores of 270 and earned $300 each for a third place tie. Jack. Burke, White Plains, N. took a one-under-par 63 today and wound up with a total of 271. The veteran Jim Ferrier, San Francisco.

Cal, and Glenn Teal, Memphis, Barry. Phillips, Gilday. Referees: and Frason. First Period No scoring. penalties Second Period Cuba, R.

Haley (unassisted) 1.35 2-Maple Leafs, Gebo (Ledwith) -Maple Leafs. Led (Ehrtrom) 6.13 -Cube. Klett (R. Haler) 8.58 Penaltice, Zucco, R. Haley.

Third Peried 5-Cubs, Benoit. (B. Haley) 6-Maple Leafs. Phillips (Ledwith, 4.17 Penalty, Klett. I Siska, Kaczmerski Win Charity Event Joe Sigka and Frank Kaczmerski tied for first place in the annual March of Dimes One- Ball Classic.

at the Midtown Recreation Bowling Lanes yesterday afternoon; with scores of 74. The March of Dimes wag enriched by $50' as the result: of the two-day tourney, in which the pinboys donated their services in practice strings. Walter Cocchi won the high. string total with 10-64-62-61-66 for 324. Block prizes were an follows: First block, J.

Matroni, 73; H. Gilman, 12; eecond block, L. Clini, 63, Frank Anza lotti. 68: third block, M. Palmieri, 73, F.

Rickus, 72; fourth block, J. Malolo, 72, B. Davignon, 63; Afth block," H. Dube, 72, T. Contrino, 63, H.

Petrone, block, B. Sipple, 12, J. wicz, 72. Last Night's Results Now Naren 3, Springfield SCE Prostience 3 3, lauis Indianapolis 7. Hershey NATIONAL LEAGUE Toronto! 2.

Moston Now ark Detroit Montreal 4, Chicago Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE (Eastern Buffalo 25 19 131 202 HAVen Providence 23 3. 190 Hershey EN 13 36 eater Division) SHA 10 SA 110 Indianapolis 112 160 Nit. Louis 21 52 119 cinnati 13 35 103 LEAGUE Detroit 10 Montrent Toronto 20 33 135 155 New York 10 100 117 16 113 160 Games Tonight AMERICAN LEAGUE Va games schedniet, NATIONA. LEAGUE scheduled NUTMEG TEAMS CLINCH BERTHS IN PUCK ACTION Somerville Tops Newsics, 6-1, and Stafford Nips Manchester, 3-1 Big Middle Canto Enables Montreal To Edge Four Goals in Second Period Provide Canadiens With 4-3 Victory Chicago, Feb. 5 -The Montreal Canadiens exploded for four goals in a wild second period tonight to take a 4 to 3 rictory.

from the Chicago Black Hawks before 15.711 fans. Montreal thus ascumed undisputed second place in the National Hockey Leazue standings. MONTREAL (1) CINCAGO (3) Brineek Goldham Reardos. Dickers Bodaar' I Conacher Stewart Montreal Harvey. Riopelle.

Plamondon. Harmon. Richard Filion. Reay. Gravelle.

Lecer, Dussault. Chicago spares: Gadsby. Nattrass. McCaig. Mos R.

Conacher. Olmstead, Guidolin. Prystal. Leier. Hurly Me linesmen, DoCE YOURS.

Bernie La Maitre. First Period No scoring. Penalties: Riopelle. Bodaar, Bouchard Secead Feried Richard (Rear. Harvey) Boonar (Pretai Cimstead) Chicago, Bender -Montreal (Mordell, taichard.

Harvey) Harvey) 12:19 1:13 Bouchard. art. R. Cocacher. Third Period canaries.

Bentley (R. Comacher) Interchurch League SENIOR DIVISION PC Trialty A 1.000 John's Park Memorial 130 George .623 Hone Trinity Third Baptist James Hope Bethel Schedule This Week 3 Wesley Ft. John's, A and Bethel Tonicht: St George Park Memorial. Trinity 8:30. ail Van Fickle.

Hope ve Wesley. 8:00 Hape. Trinity St. James, Trinity. INTERMEDIATE DIVISION PC St.

Joka's 1.004 Calvary 1 Faith Trinity Hope Erin Park Fira Baptist Haley Schedule This St John's First Baptist, al Hampden Federated v3 Faith, 6:90 Evangelical Park tional. at Weeley: Hone Wilbraham James. $:30 Trinity Evangelical, at TrinityFriday: Mt. Calvary Emmanuel taut St. 7.

JUNIOR DIVISION I Trinity St Evangel First Baptist This Saturday: Joan's First Bactist. 10:00 126. Trinity Ta Wesler. I1: at Tris Feb. 13: Trinity Hope, 140 Hope.

JUNIOR LEAGUE Holy Calcor Of Mary's Par Turner 7 Sacred Hearts 00 Garner for -Holy Cress St. Shamrocks Chicopee re Olympians Bears Sacred Hearts 10 Detroit Rallies for Three Goals in Last Period for 5-5 Draw Detroit. Feb. 5 4P-The leagueleading Detroit Red Wings made up four goal deficit to. tie the New Rangers 5-5 tonight in A 14.084 tional fans Hockey League game before here.

NEW YORK (3) DETROIT (S) Rayner, Lumley Eddolia, He rd. Kelly Raleigh. as Howe Lund. Lindsay New Fork spares: Shero, O'Connor, Egan, La McLeod, Kyle. Lancien.

Kaleta, wick. Adam. Detroit spares: Reise. Gee, Peters. McNa Nab.

Favelich. "McFadden, Carveth, Couture. Black Skov. Referee Ray Gatline: linesmen, Harold March, Georze Hayes. First Peried 1-Detroit, Howe Carveth.

Lindsay) 1:41 York, Lund (Raleigh) -New York. Lund (unassisted) Per altie York. Kaleta Mico*kski. Egan) :10 Feters, Mickceki, Coutare, Re'se. Period -New Tork.

Raleigh (Stowinski) :11 -New York. Eran Connor) 5:03 Black (Ge 10:01 Penalty: Black. Third Perked S- Detroit, Peters (Pavelich. McFadden) -Detroit. 'Carreth :07 10-Detron.

Couture (Re'se, Carveth) Penalties: Fisher. Kyle. Capitals Defeat Hershey Bears, 7-2 Indianapolis, Feb. 3 (P)-Wingman Rod Morrison turned the hat trick tonight to lead the Indianapolis Capitals to a American Hockey League victory over Hershey's Eastern Division cellar Summary: HERSHEY INDIANAPOLIS sawchos. Chabot rd rd, Jones Land, Bran can D.

Morrison. Mahaffy Morrison, Marquess Podoisky, Porpous Hershey spares: Lenshan, Bruce, Brown, Bradley. Love. Sullivan. Indianapoli spares: Dewsbury.

Racian. Woft. McKay, Reid. Sclisizzi, Lundy, Glover. Haidy.

Usiac. Referee: Dee Smith: linesman: Hal JackFirst Period polis. R. Morrison (D. Morrison.

Lund, Dewsbury (McKay) 5.33 Hershey. Porteous (McLenaban) 9.35 -Indianapolts. R. Morrison (Podolsky) 10.29 Penalties, Jones. Dewsbury.

Second Period Landy Lund) Pecaldes, Lowe. Marquess. Third -indianapolis. Morrison (D. rison, Podolsky) 1.35 Haidy bury, 8.12 -Ir Bradley (Brown) Penalties, Land.

Branizan. Maroon Trackmen Leave for Tufts A large group of entrante will leave Springfield College this morning for the New England A. A. C. championship field trials at Tufis College.

This wear three field events have been separated from the rest of the events which will be held Wednesday. The events to be held at Tufts are the 35 weight, pole vault and broad jump. SC will have three men tossing the 35: lb. weight Carl Rees, Warren Norton and Don Sandstrom. Both Rees and Norton are expected to place well up in this event.

Rees, potential champion. has not reached peak form sustaining a bad fall in practice. In" the broad jump the Maroon var sity will have five entries. Bill Thomas, Russ Brown, Jim Rook, Jim Hutsey and BIlI Elliott. The performance of these men, particularly Thomas, Brown and Rook, will.

be of special interest from the point of view of strength in forthcoming meeta. Coach Pat. Yeager's freshmen have listed three entries for this event, Dick Bartis, Jerry Davis and Joe Marshall Somerville Hockey Club clinched at least tie for firat place and Statford Springs American Legion clinched undisputed possession of second place in the National Division of the Connecticut Valley Hockey League yesterday afternoon as the result of victories over rival teams. Somerville won over the faltering Springfield Newspaper puckmen. 6-1, while Stafford defeated Manchester, A crowd of 600 attended.

Walek's Wins In the third game of the tripleheader Walek's Inn. of Holyoke triumphed over the Springfie'd Acorns, 5-1, in a game paced by Dick one-man display of scoring 'prowess. Dick tallied four times in addition to playing A bang-up all-around match. The big gun for Stafford was Alex Kozikowski who came through with the first and third tallies for that club as It moved into second place with no. chance of any of its rivals ever catching up.

With six different players, Norm Cormier, Buck. Gaudet, Walt Balsiewicz, John Rackis, Walt Bouthiette, and Larry Bastarache accounting for: a tally each Somerville had little trouble with the Newsies. Ted Smith recorded the losers' lone marker. Sunmaries: POMERSVILLE (R) NI'FLO NEWS. (1) Pelky, 8.

Ryan Lebrecque, rd Munroe 1d Hinkley Bastarache. Smith N. Cormier, rw rw. Woods Joe Rackia, 1 la, Vendini Homersville Buvarski, Rameey, John Rackis. D.

Gaudet. A. Cormier, Leger, Bouthiette, L. Gaudet. Newspaper spares: Consolmagno, Homer, Nihill, Tillotson, Geuvon, Haraty, Crosby, Lash.

Referees: Coner and Easton. First 1-Newapapers, Smith (Vandini) 1:15 2- N. Cormier (unassisted) 1:32 R. Gaudet (John Rackis) 3:13 -Somersville. Balsiewicz (unassh*ted) 5:25 -Soinersville, John Rackis 7:31 Penaities: Nihill, Vandini.

6-Somersville, 'Routhlette (Buvarskil 3:14 Second, Period 7-Somersville, Bastarache (unassisted) 9:32 Penalties: Tillatson. Nihill. John Rackis 3. Third Period No scoring. penalties, WALEK'S INN (5) ACORNS (1) Dion, 3 Tisdel Smith, rd rd.

Doyle Madru, 1d 1d. Golden. T. Carpenter Coolidge, rw rw, La Broad D. Slowick.

iw, Zanetti Walek's Inn apares: Hoves, Hanley, Jim Dion. G. Eger, Mathleson. Acorn spares: Bessette, Trase, B. Carpenter.

Johnston, Simino, Alexander, Altobelli. Referees: Lennon and Peterson. First Perind 1-Walek's Golden (Slowick) :15 Penaltien: Smith. Anshulz. Second l'eriod 2-Walek's, Mathieson (Madru) 4:13 3-Walek'a, Golden (Coolidge) 11 1-Acorns, Johnson (T.

Carpenter) 9 :28 Penalties: Anshulz, Golden. Third Period 5-Walek's, Golden (Smith) 3:14 6-Walek's. Golden 3:81 Penalty: Eger. STAFFORD SPR. (3) MANCHESTER (1) Guistiana, Cruickshank Ormaby, rd rd.

J. Donahue Burdick, Id id, Arendt S. Marvonek, G. Donahue Marterelli, FW rw. Humphrey fa*gan, 1w Jw, McCuaker 8tafford spare: Krawiee, Bachtocchi.

B. Dobson, P. Marvonck, Greika. J. Marvonek.

Manchester spares: Thompson, Anschutz, Paquette, Hichnor, Haugh, Woods, Greene, Wood, Ellis. No 1-StaNford Springs, he Kozlkowski (Haugh) 0:12 Frat Period Second Period 2-Manchester. E. Thompson (Haugh) 8:48 Penalty: Haugh, Third Pertod 3-Stafford 3prings, Haugh Kozikowaki (unasmiated) (Kira- 1:12 Haugh) 3:47 1-Stafford Springs Burdick, Haugh. finished one stroke back of Burke with totals of 272.

Jimmy Demaret. Ojai, who started out as co-favorite with Snead to win top money, played the final round suffering from ptomaine poisoning. It was doubtful this morning whether he would be able to play. He finished the 8. holes in one-overpar 72 for a total of 273.

He then was treated by a doctor before starting out for Texas. Grouped with Demaret at 273 were Wally Ulrich, Minneapolis, Ralph Lomeli, Fresno, Cal. The putting which yesterday allowed Harper set a new PGA record of 21 putts for 18 holes stood him in good stead today. His drives were wild until he came to the 18th, when he needed a good one most. Then he hit what he called "my best drive of the Pro Basketball St.

Louis 16, Indianapolis 64 Fort Wayne 95, Anderson 85 Chicago 77. Boston ,0 Brideeport 82, Hartford 84 Rochester 73. New York AS Syracuse 96, Raltimore 87 Tri-City 86, Sheboygan (Wis) 71 Bjornstad of Norway Is World Ski Jumping Champ Lake Placid, N. Feb. 5 (A)-Hans, Bjornstad, A 21-year-old "Norwegian gardener, won the world ski jumping I championship today with a an amazing combination of distance.

and form. and 8 meters) on his two trials Bjornstad jumped 224 3 and 223 feet on the 65 meter Intervales Olympic Hill to score 220.4 points. Bjornstad won by a margin of six, points over Thure Lindgren, 28-yearold Swedish electrican, who had jumps of 218 and 214 feet and 65 meters) for a second place score of 214.4., It is very rare in. ski jumping for one man to get both the greatest distance and the top point score on form, but Bjornatad was easily the best in both respects today, Arthur Devlin, Lake Placid, former U. ski champion, took sixth place to break.

into the Scandinavian monopoly of the leaders. Devin had fine leaps of 220 and. 219 feet, for 211 points. Arntinn of Norway was third with 213.5 points, Following him came Christian Mohn, Norway 212.4 Torbjorn Falkanger, Norway, 211.3; Devlin, Petter Hugted, Norway, 210.1; Georg Thrane, Norway, 207.9; Matti Pictikainen, Finland, 207.7 and Lindboe-Hansen. Norway, Swedish Skiers Win Relay Honors Rumford, Feb, 5 (P)-Martin Lundstroem, Olympic champion at 18 kilometers (11.

miles), gave Sweden such edge in the third lap of the world Ski relay today that his couptry ran off with the prize. 7 When Lundstroem took over his team was trailing Finland by almost eight seconds. After the clerk had finished his 10 kilometers miles) he turned in a two minute edge which the second place Finns never were able to wipe out. the ski riders from the land of the midnight aun added the world championships to the Olympic title they won at St. Moritz, Switzerland, two winters ago.

The Swedes' time was two hours, 33 minutes, 59 seconds for the 40 kilometer (25 mile) journey. Finland, leader through the frat two laps, finished one minute and 53 seconds later. Norway WAR third. France, the United States. and Canada finished in that order, behind unofficial the three.

leaders. Norway was France 2:36.35: U. 3:20.05 and Canada 3.23.20. A. C..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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