WHAT IS MONITORING AND EVALUATION (M&E)? Understanding Its Essence and Application EvalCommunity EvalCommunity (2024)

Definition 1 – Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is the process by which data are collected and analyzed in order to provide information to policymakers and others for use in program planning and project management.

Definition 2 – Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a systematic process of collecting and analyzing data to assess the effectiveness and impact of projects, programs, and policies. M&E ensures accountability, evidence-based decision-making, improved effectiveness and efficiency, learning and knowledge management, communication, transparency, and sustainability.

Monitoring and evaluation is an essential part of project management, but it can be confusing to get started. What do you need to know? How do you go about setting up a monitoring and evaluation process? In this blog post, we’ll provide an introduction to monitoring and evaluation and answer some of your questions.

Read on to learn more!

Key Takeaways on the What is Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is the practice of tracking progress towards goals and improving programs.
  • It is an essential part of project management and helps assess a program’s effectiveness.
  • M&E involves setting goals, collecting data, and using the data to make improvements.
  • While it can be challenging, M&E is important for organizations to do in order to ensure their programs are effective.

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In this guide, we’re going to cover:

  • What is Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)?
  • Importance of M&E in Project, Program, and Policy Management
  • Key Components of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
  • Challenges to Implementing Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) from different perspectives: World Bank, the United Nations (UN), USAID, European Union and EvalCommunity
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: exercises
  • Case Studies
  • Conclusion: The Role of M&E in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
  • References

What is Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)?

EvalCommunity Definition Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a systematic and ongoing process of collecting and analyzing data to assess the effectiveness and impact of projects, programs, and policies. It involves setting clear goals and objectives, establishing indicators and targets, collecting and managing data, analyzing and reporting findings, and using feedback to improve outcomes. M&E is important for ensuring accountability, evidence-based decision-making, improved effectiveness and efficiency, learning and knowledge management, communication, transparency, and sustainability.

Monitoring and evaluation or M&E are two important concepts in achieving organizational goals.

  • Monitoring is the process of collecting and analyzing data to track progress against objectives that have been set.
  • Evaluation, on the other hand, is used to assess the impact of programs in terms of their efficiency, relevance, effectiveness, and sustainability.

Essentially, they are two interconnected processes that allow organizations to measure the success of ongoing initiatives or projects. By tracking results both during and after an initiative’s completion, organizations can determine if their goals were met or make necessary adjustments along the way.

Project monitoring and evaluation have typically been considered a responsibility of NGOs. Other public and commercial sector organisations had to rethink their strategy in order to incorporate monitoring and evaluation due to the success rate and accountability seen within the NGO sector. This mandated that professionals complete an M&E course. All levels of study—from five-day introductory courses to master’s and doctoral degrees—offer courses on monitoring and assessment.

Here are some jokes to explain and understand “What is monitoring and evaluation (M&E)?

  • When you read that the prevalence of low birth weight in a country is 23%, have you ever wondered how this calculation was derived?
  • Or when you hear that the percentage of married women of reproductive age in a rural area using a modern contraceptive method rose from 53% to 71%, do you wonder how they know this?
  • Why did the chef use monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in the kitchen? To make sure the recipe didn’t “stew” up trouble and ended up tasting delicious!
  • Similarly, M&E is a process used to keep track of a project or program’s progress and make sure everything is on track to achieve its goals. It helps to identify any issues early on and make adjustments to ensure success.

Read also our guides “What is Monitoring” and “What is Evaluation“.

The Importance of M&E in Project, Program, and Policy Management

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is an essential component of the project, program, and policy management. It helps organizations assess the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of their interventions, and to make evidence-based decisions to improve their outcomes. The following are some of the key reasons why :

  1. Assessing Progress: M&E helps organizations to track progress towards achieving their goals and objectives and to identify any challenges or issues that may arise. This information can be used to make necessary adjustments to the project, program, or policy to keep it on track.
  2. Improving Accountability: M&E ensures that organizations are accountable to their stakeholders by providing evidence of progress and results. It helps to demonstrate the impact of interventions, which can be used to justify the use of resources and to secure funding for future projects.
  3. Supporting Learning: M&E helps organizations to learn from their experiences and to identify best practices. By collecting and analyzing data, organizations can identify what works well and what doesn’t, and use this information to improve the design and implementation of future interventions.
  4. Enhancing Effectiveness: M&E helps organizations to improve the effectiveness of their interventions by identifying areas for improvement. By using data to inform decision-making, organizations can ensure that their interventions are efficient, effective, and relevant to the needs of their beneficiaries.
  5. Facilitating Communication: M&E helps organizations to communicate their progress and results to their stakeholders. By sharing this information in a clear and concise manner, organizations can build trust and credibility with their stakeholders, and demonstrate their commitment to achieving their goals.

are essential for project, program, and policy management. M&E provides organizations with the information they need to make evidence-based decisions, improve their outcomes, and demonstrate their impact to stakeholders.

Read also our guide “What is the Difference Between Monitoring and Evaluation“.

The Key Components of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)

The key components of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) include the following:

  1. Goals and Objectives: Clear and measurable goals and objectives must be established to provide a framework for monitoring and evaluation activities. These goals and objectives should be aligned with the overall vision of the project, program, or policy.
  2. Indicators and Targets: Indicators are specific measures that are used to track progress towards achieving goals and objectives. Targets are specific levels of performance that are expected to be achieved within a given timeframe. Indicators and targets must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound).
  3. Data Collection Methods: Appropriate data collection methods must be selected to ensure that relevant data is collected in a timely and cost-effective manner. Data collection methods may include surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, and document reviews.
  4. Data Management: Collected data must be properly managed and stored to ensure its accuracy, completeness, and security. Data management systems should be in place to facilitate data entry, analysis, and reporting.
  5. Data Analysis and Reporting: Collected data must be analyzed to identify trends and patterns and to assess progress towards achieving the goals and objectives. Reports should be prepared to communicate the findings to stakeholders in a clear and concise manner.
  6. Feedback and Learning: Feedback mechanisms must be established to ensure that stakeholders are informed of the findings of the monitoring and evaluation activities. Learning activities should also be conducted to identify lessons learned and best practices and to inform future programming.
  7. Action Plan: Based on the findings of the monitoring and evaluation activities, an action plan should be developed to address any challenges or issues that were identified. The action plan should include specific steps, timelines, and responsibilities for implementation.

Monitoring and evaluation is a process that allows organizations to measure their progress and performance. In this process, indicators are established to help collect data, which is then analyzed to gain insight into the current situation. Once the data has been studied and interpreted, it can be used to inform decision-making that will help propel the organization forward in its mission.

These key components of M&E provide a framework for ensuring that interventions are effectively implemented, progress is monitored, and appropriate action is taken to address any challenges or issues that arise.

Read also our guide “Monitoring and Evaluation Process

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Challenges to Implementing Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is a process used to track progress made towards achieving an established goal. In order to be successful, it is critical that the right resources are available. Unfortunately, many organizations struggle with their M&E due to inadequate personnel, funding, and technology. Implementing M&E without sufficient resources can be challenging, but by taking a collaborative approach with stakeholders and managing expectations effectively, it is possible to overcome these issues.

Accurate data is essential for effective monitoring and evaluation. Poor data quality can lead to inaccurate or incomplete information, hindering decision-making as a result. This can be particularly problematic in cases where decisions must be made quickly, as the consequences of unreliable data may not be immediately recognized. To ensure that meaningful insight is gathered, organizations should take steps to ensure the quality of their data is kept to a high standard.

Thus, organizations need to emphasize the importance of monitoring and evaluation systems as a means of collecting data from stakeholders. This could include surveys or interviews, among other options. With effective evaluation systems in place, organizations can begin to understand how successful their initiatives are and how they can be improved for the future.

Read also our article “Challenges of Monitoring and Evaluation“.

Monitoring and Evaluation: exercises

Based on your knowledge of whether or not they require monitoring or evaluation, the following situations may need monitoring or evaluation, depending on whether you know whether they do or not. Answer the following questions to see how much you know about this topic: monitoring and evaluation!

Exercise 1

  • Question 1– The National Council for Demographics and Population in Province A is interested in knowing the effectiveness of the programs in order to determine if they are helping to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies among girls under the age of 18 in this province.
  • Question 2– As part of USAID’s implementation of the ABC program, they would like to know how many sex workers you have reached so far.
  • Question 3– A head office director is interested in finding out whether the post-abortion care provided within public clinics meets the quality standards set by the national government.

Exercise 2

1. Monitoring is sometimes referred to as

a. Evaluation

b. Impact evaluation

c. Process evaluation

d. Performance evaluation

2. Evaluations measure:

a. The timeliness of a program’s activities

b. The outcomes and impact of a program’s activities

c. How closely a program keeps to its budget

d. How well the program was implemented

3. At what stage of a program should monitoring take place?

a. At the beginning of the program

b. At the midpoint of the program

c. At the end of the program

d. Throughout the life of the program

4. As a general guide, what percentage of a program’s budget should go toward M&E?

a. 1-2%

b. 5-10%

c. 20-25%

d. 70-80%

5. Which of the following is NOT considered “monitoring”?

a. Counting the number of people trained

b. Tracking the number of brochures disseminated

c. Attributing changes in health outcomes to an intervention

d. Collecting monthly data on clients served in a clinic

Here are the answers to Exercise 1:

  • Question 1 + Answer. The National Council for Demographics and Population in Province A is interested in knowing the effectiveness of the programs in order to determine if they are helping to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies among girls under the age of 18 in this province. –This is an evaluation because it is concerned with the impact of particular programs.
  • Question 2 + Answer. As part of USAID’s implementation of the ABC program, they would like to know how many sex workers you have reached so far. –This is monitoring because it is concerned with counting the number of something (sex workers reached).
  • Question 3 + Answer. A head office director is interested in finding out whether the post-abortion care provided within public clinics meets the quality standards set by the national government.– This is monitoring because it requires tracking something (quality of care).

Here are the answers to Exercise 2:

The correct answers are as follows:

  1. Monitoring is sometimes referred to as:“c. Process evaluation”. Often, monitoring is referred to as process evaluation because it focuses on the process of implementing the project.
  2. Evaluations measure:“b. The outcomes and impact of a program’s activities”. Evaluation measures the extent to which the changes that are monitored are attributable to the program; in other words, evaluation measures the impact that a program is having.
  3. At what stage of a program should monitoring take place?“d. Throughout the life of the program”.In order to achieve the goal of the program, monitoring needs to be performed at every stage of the program, with data collection, analysis, and use taking place continuously.
  4. As a general guide, what percentage of a program’s budget should go toward M&E?“b. 5-10%”. As a general guide, 5-10% of a project budget should be allocated for M&E.
  5. Which of the following is NOT considered “monitoring”?“c. Attributing changes in health outcomes to an intervention”. Monitoring usually pertains to counting, tracking, and collecting. Attributing changes to an intervention is usually a function of evaluation.

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) from different perspectives: World Bank, the United Nations (UN), USAID, European Union and EvalCommunity

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a cornerstone process in the international development sector, providing stakeholders with valuable insights into the progress, impact, and effectiveness of programs and interventions. However, different organizations may have nuanced perspectives on M&E. In this write-up, we’ll explore M&E from the vantage points of four key players: the World Bank, the United Nations (UN), USAID and European Union.

World Bank’s Perspective on “What is Monitoring and Evaluation”

For the World Bank, M&E is an essential component of its results-based management strategy. It’s seen as a mechanism to improve current and future management of outputs, outcomes, and impacts.

Exercise: Match the following World Bank M&E terminologies with their descriptions:

  • a. Results Framework i. A systematic methodology to gather evidence
  • b. Outcomes ii. Depicts the logical sequence of events to achieve desired results
  • c. Evaluative Evidence iii. Changes in development conditions between the start and end of an intervention

Answers: a. ii b. iii c. i

The World Bank’s emphasis is on understanding the direct linkages between resources invested and results achieved. By doing so, they aim to enhance decision-making, allocate resources efficiently, and amplify accountability and learning.

United Nations (UN) Perspective on “What is Monitoring and Evaluation”

The United Nations views M&E as crucial for learning from past experiences, improving service delivery, planning and allocating resources, and demonstrating results as part of accountability to key stakeholders.

Exercise: Fill in the blanks for the following UN M&E statements:

  1. M&E helps in making ________ decisions by providing evidence of what works.
  2. It plays a role in enhancing the ________ of various UN programs.
  3. M&E fosters a culture of ________ within the organization.


  1. Informed
  2. Credibility
  3. Accountability

For the UN, M&E is not just about data collection. It’s about understanding the broader impacts of interventions, ensuring they align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and modifying approaches as required to enhance their effectiveness.

USAID’s Perspective on “What is Monitoring and Evaluation”

For USAID, M&E serves as a means to obtain timely information on the progress of supported activities. It provides USAID and its partners with a mechanism to systematically collect and analyze information to improve performance and achieve results.

Exercise: True or False?

  1. USAID uses M&E to ensure that its resources are used efficiently.
  2. USAID’s M&E is strictly quantitative and doesn’t consider qualitative aspects.
  3. M&E helps USAID in determining the gaps between expected and achieved results.


  1. True
  2. False
  3. True

USAID has adopted a detailed and structured approach to M&E. This not only helps them in tracking the outcomes of their interventions but also in ensuring that the projects align with their strategic goals and objectives.

European Union’s Perspective on “What is Monitoring and Evaluation”

The European Union (EU) is a major actor in international development, and as such, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) holds substantial significance within its operations. For the EU, M&E isn’t just a set of tools and procedures. It’s an integral part of the EU’s commitment to deliver tangible results, ensure accountability, and learn from its vast range of projects and programs.

  1. Principle-Centric Approach to M&E:

    The EU places a strong emphasis on principles such as partnership, transparency, and shared ownership when it comes to M&E. The intent is to involve all stakeholders in the M&E process, ensuring that perspectives from the ground up, especially from beneficiary communities, are integrated into evaluations.

  2. Accountability and Learning:

    The EU sees M&E as a two-pronged approach: to provide accountability to it

Exercise 1: Multiple Choice Questions

  1. The EU places strong emphasis on which of the following principles in M&E?

    a) Autocracy

    b) Partnership

    c) Independence

    d) Isolation

  2. Which of the following is NOT a primary focus of M&E for the EU?

    a) Learning from past projects

    b) Ensuring accountability to EU citizens

    c) Ensuring project profitability

    d) Delivering tangible results

  3. For the EU, M&E is crucial for:

    a) Only for reporting purposes

    b) Only for internal assessments

    c) Involving all stakeholders and ensuring shared ownership

    d) Ignoring feedback from beneficiary communities

Exercise 2: True or False?

  1. The EU views M&E strictly as a tool for fiscal accountability.

  2. Feedback from beneficiary communities is integral to the EU’s M&E processes.

  3. The EU prioritizes shared ownership in its M&E processes.

  4. Learning and adaptation are not major concerns for the EU in M&E.

Exercise 3: Short Answer Questions

  1. Describe in your own words the importance of partnership in the EU’s M&E perspective.

  2. How does the EU ensure that the voices of beneficiary communities are integrated into evaluations?

  3. Why does the EU place a strong emphasis on both accountability and learning in its M&E processes?


Exercise 1:

  1. b) Partnership

  2. c) Ensuring project profitability

  3. c) Involving all stakeholders and ensuring shared ownership

Exercise 2:

  1. False. The EU does focus on accountability, but M&E is not limited to fiscal aspects. It also involves ensuring the effectiveness, transparency, and shared ownership of projects.

  2. True. Feedback from beneficiary communities is crucial to ensure that projects deliver tangible and relevant results.

  3. True. Shared ownership ensures that all stakeholders, from EU policymakers to local beneficiaries, have a role in shaping and evaluating development interventions.

  4. False. Learning from past interventions and adapting for future ones is a major concern in the EU’s M&E processes.

Different Perspectives

WHAT IS MONITORING AND EVALUATION (M&E)? Understanding Its Essence and Application EvalCommunity EvalCommunity (2)

Case Studies

These detailed case studies provide a comprehensive overview of the contexts, methodologies, and outcomes of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) in action. They showcase the critical role of M&E in assessing program effectiveness, improving healthcare and education, preserving ecosystems, facilitating humanitarian relief, and informing evidence-based policymaking. Each case study underscores the transformative power of M&E in diverse sectors and its ability to drive positive change.

Case Study 1: Healthcare Program Assessment

Context: In a remote rural region of Sub-Saharan Africa with limited access to healthcare facilities, a nonprofit organization initiated a healthcare program to address the high maternal mortality rates prevalent in the area. The region had been grappling with challenges related to maternal health, including limited prenatal care, a shortage of skilled birth attendants, and cultural factors affecting healthcare-seeking behavior among pregnant women.

M&E Approach: The M&E process was designed to comprehensively assess the impact of the healthcare program. Data collection methods included regular health facility record reviews, household surveys, and interviews with community health workers. Baseline data was gathered to establish the initial maternal health indicators.

Outcome: M&E data revealed a significant reduction in maternal mortality ratios, which dropped by over 50% within the program’s implementation period. The percentage of pregnant women receiving prenatal care increased from 40% to 85%. This was attributed to improved access to healthcare services through mobile clinics and community outreach. Additionally, the presence of skilled birth attendants increased by 60%, ensuring safer deliveries. The program’s success demonstrated the vital role of M&E in assessing and improving healthcare interventions in underserved regions.

Case Study 2: Education Program Evaluation

Context: In a densely populated urban school district facing literacy challenges, a government-led education program aimed to enhance reading proficiency among primary school students. The district had struggled with low literacy rates, limited access to reading materials, and overcrowded classrooms.

M&E Approach: The evaluation process involved a combination of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Standardized reading tests were administered to students at the beginning and end of the program to measure reading proficiency. Classroom observations were conducted to assess teaching methods, and surveys were administered to students, teachers, and parents to gather perceptions and feedback.

Outcome: M&E findings revealed a significant improvement in student reading proficiency, with the majority of students achieving grade-appropriate reading levels by the program’s conclusion. Teacher training was identified as a pivotal factor in improving teaching methods. The data also highlighted the critical need for ongoing investment in educational resources, including the provision of reading materials and reducing class sizes. This case study showcased how M&E can drive improvements in education by identifying areas for intervention and resource allocation.

Case Study 3: Environmental Sustainability Assessment

Context: In a biodiverse region threatened by deforestation and pollution, a conservation organization embarked on an ambitious project to protect and preserve the ecosystem. The area had faced challenges due to illegal logging, habitat degradation, and pollution from nearby industries.

M&E Approach: The evaluation process focused on monitoring key environmental parameters and engaging with local communities. Scientific measurements were used to monitor air and water quality, while biodiversity assessments involved field surveys and data collection. Community interviews and participatory mapping were conducted to understand local perceptions and gather traditional ecological knowledge.

Outcome: M&E data indicated a positive trend in air quality, with a noticeable decrease in air pollutants. Biodiversity assessments revealed the stabilization of threatened species populations. Local communities actively participated in conservation efforts, leading to reduced illegal logging and increased awareness of environmental protection. This case study emphasized the importance of involving communities in environmental sustainability initiatives and using M&E to measure the impact of conservation measures.

Case Study 4: Humanitarian Aid Evaluation

Context: Following a devastating earthquake in a densely populated urban area, an international humanitarian organization swiftly mobilized to provide emergency relief to affected communities. The earthquake had caused widespread destruction, displacing thousands of families and disrupting essential services.

M&E Approach: The M&E process was designed for real-time data collection and rapid response. Mobile technology was utilized to track the distribution of relief items, including food, shelter materials, and medical supplies. Surveys were administered to assess the needs and satisfaction of earthquake survivors. Regular field assessments were conducted to evaluate the quality of shelter provided.

Outcome: M&E data revealed that aid distribution was efficient and targeted, ensuring that essential supplies reached those most in need. Shelter conditions improved over time, with the majority of affected families having access to safe and adequate shelter. The data-driven approach allowed for agile adjustments, such as reallocating resources based on changing needs. This case study highlighted the critical role of M&E in effective humanitarian relief efforts, enabling organizations to respond promptly to emerging challenges.

Case Study 5: Government Policy Impact Analysis

Context: A government implemented a comprehensive policy package aimed at stimulating economic growth, particularly in the manufacturing sector. The policy reforms included tax incentives, investment incentives, and regulatory reforms to attract domestic and foreign investments.

M&E Approach: The M&E framework was designed to assess the impact of the policy reforms on key economic indicators. National economic data sources, including GDP growth, employment rates, and income distribution, were regularly monitored. In-depth employment surveys were conducted to analyze the labor market effects of the policy, and income inequality measurements were used to assess distributional impacts.

Outcome: M&E data demonstrated a substantial increase in GDP growth, exceeding the government’s expectations. The manufacturing sector experienced significant job creation, leading to a noticeable reduction in unemployment rates. Income distribution improved, with a narrowing of income disparities between different segments of the population. The policy’s success highlighted the importance of using M&E to inform evidence-based policymaking and the need for periodic adjustments to sustain its positive impacts.

Here are some case studies from international organizations such as the UN, UNDP, UNICEF, and Mercy Corps.

Case Study 6: UNICEF’s Child Health Program Evaluation

Basis of Evaluation: Impact Assessment and Child Well-being

Context: UNICEF implemented a child health program in a developing country aimed at improving access to healthcare services for children and reducing child mortality rates.

M&E Approach: The evaluation focused on assessing the impact of the program on child well-being and healthcare access. Key evaluation components included:

  • Child Mortality Rates: Measurement of child mortality rates before and after program implementation.
  • Access to Healthcare Services: Surveys and data collection to determine the extent of improved access to healthcare facilities.
  • Nutritional Status: Assessment of child nutrition and growth indicators.

Outcome: M&E findings indicated a significant reduction in child mortality rates, increased access to healthcare services, and improved child nutritional status. This case study showcased UNICEF’s commitment to monitoring and evaluating programs that directly impact child well-being.

Case Study 7: UNDP’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Evaluation

Basis of Evaluation: Progress Towards SDG Targets

Context: UNDP undertook a comprehensive evaluation of a country’s progress toward achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to poverty reduction, gender equality, and environmental sustainability.

M&E Approach: The evaluation encompassed a range of indicators and data sources to assess progress toward SDGs. Key evaluation components included:

  • Indicator Tracking: Monitoring and tracking of specific SDG indicators related to poverty, gender, and environmental sustainability.
  • Surveys and Stakeholder Engagement: Gathering feedback from communities, government officials, and civil society organizations.
  • Policy Analysis: Examination of national policies and initiatives related to SDGs.

Outcome: The evaluation provided a comprehensive overview of the country’s progress toward SDGs. It identified areas of success and challenges, informing policy recommendations for accelerated progress. This case study demonstrated UNDP’s commitment to evaluating the impact of global development initiatives.

Case Study 8: Mercy Corps’ Humanitarian Relief Evaluation

Basis of Evaluation: Effectiveness of Humanitarian Relief Efforts

Context: Mercy Corps responded to a humanitarian crisis by providing emergency relief, including food, shelter, and medical assistance, to displaced populations.

M&E Approach: The evaluation aimed to assess the effectiveness of Mercy Corps’ humanitarian relief efforts in meeting the immediate needs of affected populations. Key evaluation components included:

  • Beneficiary Surveys: Gathering feedback from beneficiaries on the quality and timeliness of relief services.
  • Logistics and Delivery Assessment: Evaluating the efficiency of relief distribution and logistics.
  • Impact on Vulnerable Populations: Assessing the impact of relief efforts on vulnerable groups, including children, women, and the elderly.

Outcome: M&E findings indicated that Mercy Corps’ humanitarian relief efforts effectively met the immediate needs of displaced populations, with high beneficiary satisfaction rates. The evaluation highlighted the organization’s commitment to accountability and improving humanitarian response.

Case Study 9: UN Evaluation of Gender Equality Programs

Basis of Evaluation: Gender Mainstreaming and Empowerment

Context: The United Nations conducted an evaluation of gender equality programs implemented across multiple countries, with a focus on empowering women and promoting gender mainstreaming.

M&E Approach: The evaluation assessed the impact of gender equality programs on women’s empowerment, economic participation, and political representation. Key evaluation components included:

  • Women’s Economic Empowerment: Measurement of women’s access to economic opportunities and financial resources.
  • Political Participation: Assessment of women’s representation in decision-making bodies.
  • Gender Mainstreaming Analysis: Examination of the integration of gender perspectives in policies and programs.

Outcome: The evaluation revealed positive outcomes, including increased women’s economic empowerment and enhanced political representation. It underscored the UN’s commitment to advancing gender equality globally.

These case studies illustrate the diverse applications of evaluation by international organizations, emphasizing the evaluation’s role in assessing program impact, tracking progress toward global goals, improving humanitarian response, and promoting gender equality and empowerment.



✅ What? Continuous tracking of a project’s progress towards its set objectives.

✅ Why? To ensure that resources are used effectively, and the project is on track.

✅ How? By collecting data on specific indicators regularly.

Key Takeaway: It’s like checking the GPS while you’re on a road trip. You want to ensure you’re on the right path!


✅ What? Systematic assessment of a project’s design, implementation, and results.

✅ Why? To measure the effectiveness, impact, and sustainability of interventions.

✅ How? By comparing the collected data against the desired outcomes or benchmarks.

Key Takeaway: Think of it as reviewing your trip once you’ve reached your destination. Did you arrive on time? Did you take the best route? What could you have done differently?

🤝 Together, Monitoring and Evaluation:

✅ Ensure accountability and transparency.

✅ Provide valuable insights for stakeholders.

✅ Enable continuous learning and improvement.

✅ Inform decision-making for better results.

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a process used to track and assess the performance and progress of programs, projects, policies, and initiatives. M&E helps organizations to understand whether their efforts are achieving the desired results and making a positive impact and to identify areas for improvement. The process involves collecting and analyzing data, using that data to make informed decisions, and communicating the results to stakeholders.

M&E is a crucial part of effective program management, as it allows organizations to make data-driven decisions, track progress, and adapt their programs to ensure maximum impact. It can also help to build accountability, transparency, and learning into organizational practices.

While the World Bank, UN, USAID, and European Union all value the significance of Monitoring and Evaluation, their approaches and emphases can vary based on their unique mandates, objectives, and operational nuances. Regardless of the slight variations, the underlying theme is consistent: M&E is indispensable in achieving efficiency, accountability, and efficacy in the realm of international development.


  1. UNICEF’s Overview of Monitoring and Evaluation: https://www.corecommitments.unicef.org/kp/a-unicef-guide-for-monitoring-and-evaluation-making-a-difference?lang=fr

  2. World Bank’s Resources on Monitoring and Evaluation: https://ieg.worldbankgroup.org/what-monitoring-and-evaluation

  3. USAID Learning Lab’s Quick Reference Guide on M&E Fundamentals: https://usaidlearninglab.org/monitoring-evaluation-and-learning-toolkits

  4. UNDP’s Training Guide on Monitoring and Evaluation: https://hr.un.org/page/learning-priorities-monitoring-evaluation

  5. BetterEvaluation’s Comprehensive Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation: https://www.betterevaluation.org/tools-resources/overview-monitoring-evaluation-for-adaptive-management-working-paper-1

  6. Tearfund Learning’s Guide on the Importance of Monitoring and Evaluation: https://learn.tearfund.org/en/resources/tools-and-guides/monitoring-and-accountability-practices-for-remotely-managed-projects-implemented-in-volatile-operat

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      Omodo Ambrose

      October 26, 2023 at

      I want a job in the M and E field.


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        Fation Luli

        January 18, 2024 at

        To find current information about employment opportunities, M&E training programs, and organizations seeking M&E expertise, you can:

        Visit relevant websites: Check websites of organizations that are known to offer M&E training programs or job listings in your field. Many universities, non-governmental organizations, and international agencies offer such programs and may have information on employment opportunities. (i.e. https://www.evalcommunity.com/universities/ or https://www.evalcommunity.com/find-jobs/ )

        Contact professional associations: Reach out to professional associations or networks related to monitoring and evaluation, such as the American Evaluation Association (AEA) or the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE). They often provide resources, job listings, and information about training opportunities.

        Use job search platforms: Websites like EvalCommunity, LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and Idealist often list job postings related to M&E positions. You can search for keywords like “monitoring and evaluation,” “M&E specialist,” or “program evaluation” to find relevant job listings.

        Network: Attend industry conferences, workshops, and seminars related to M&E, and connect with professionals in the field through social media platforms like LinkedIn (i.e. https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12018806/ ). Networking can often lead to information about job openings and training programs.

        Check with universities and training institutions: Many universities and training institutions offer M&E courses and may have information about employment opportunities or partnerships with organizations in need of M&E expertise.

        Government agencies and international organizations: Explore the websites of government agencies, such as ministries of planning or development, and international organizations like the United Nations, World Bank, or regional development banks. They often hire M&E experts for various projects.

        Remember that the availability of M&E training programs and job opportunities can vary by location and industry, so it’s essential to research specific organizations and regions of interest for the most current information.


  • WHAT IS MONITORING AND EVALUATION (M&E)? Understanding Its Essence and Application EvalCommunity EvalCommunity (6)

    Fation Luli

    December 1, 2023 at

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    Did you know that you can enhance your visibility by actively engaging in discussions within the EvalCommunity? Every week, we highlight the most active commenters and authors in our newsletter, which is distributed to an impressive audience of over 1.289,000 monthly readers and practitioners in International Development, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), and related fields.

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  • WHAT IS MONITORING AND EVALUATION (M&E)? Understanding Its Essence and Application EvalCommunity EvalCommunity (7)


    March 21, 2024 at

    it is very nice definition I get it thought full.


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WHAT IS MONITORING AND EVALUATION (M&E)? Understanding Its Essence and Application EvalCommunity EvalCommunity (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.