The Times from Munster, Indiana (2024)


The criminal work is ended and the court will begin on his civil settings Monday. Sixth Monday, Dec. 16- 9700-Ward Gill. 4789-Pfaff Vohns et al. 4798- Conrad Seipp Brg Co.

Fuzy. 5049-Poliga E. 5053-King Wickey. 5226-Rhen Golosinski. 5300-Keeley Ward.

5426-Paxton Co. Galteiezyk. 5615-Proudfoot Swedish Church. 5671-Weston Mutual Lite. 5672-Brunt O'Brien.

5684-Stinson Walsh. 5713- -Gary Lbr Co McCart. 6862-Berger Mfg Co Slattery. 6040-Reading Reading et al. 6152-Williams Marshall.

6276-Clear Title Land Whalen. 6427-Horner Safciz et al. 6483-Briney Townsend. 6603-Peterson Peterson. 6573- Jones Lake Co Dem Pub Co.

5624-Detrick American Conduit. 6819- Szucz Szucz. 6881-Kraut Kummer. 6887-Bauman v. Beach.

6941-Masony Doe. 6942-Kish Doe. 7009-Prince Tapper. 7010-Conrad Seipp Kollus. 7087-Lindemann Hoverson Co.

HERE'S CHRISTMAS TREE DON'T LIST Head of Fire Prevention Bureau Tells How to Trim Trees for Safety. "Don't for Christmas" as a means of preventing fires from Chrstmas trees were issued yesterday by a fire prevention bureau. Principal among the "don'ts" is not to light Christmas trees with candles, but to use incandescent lamps instead. The warnings are: "Do not decorate your tree with paper, cotton or any other inflammable material. Use metallic tinsel and other inflammable decorations only, and set the tree firmly, 80 that the children, In reaching for things, cannot tip it over.

If You Are Going to Give CANDY PRESENTS Look at the Line Displayed a at SUMMERS PHARMACY 7142-Rudolph Hegener Co. Clinton. LAKE SUPERIOR COURT, ROOM Judge Lawrence Becker. Monday, Dec. 23- 9413-Allardt Field.

18-Barnett Swiezynki. 9425-U Co Sax. 33-Klootwyk Town of Munster. 39-Williams Wickey. 34-Munster Town of Munster.

44-Stallbohm Town of Munster. 51-Wilson Matweychuk. 56-Finn Smith. LAKE SUPERIOR COURT. ROOM Judge Johannes Kopelke.

At Hammond. Setting of cases Monday afternoon at Crown Point. Next Monday Judge Kopelke will sit at Crown Point. Judge McMahan goes to Valparaiso. LAKE- -PORTER CIRCUIT COURT.

Judge W. C. McMaham. At Crown Point. Information.

Judge McMahan will go to Valpa- raiso next week. PORTER-LAPORTE SUPERIOR COURT. Judge Harry B. Tuthill. At Valparaiso.

Information. The case of Isabell Carson vs. Hequenbourg and the Tolleston Gun club, involving the title to lands in Gary, 1s on trial. Peter Crumpacker and Judge Gillett of Hammond represent the defendant. This is the third trial of the case.

It will take at least a week. SPL. JUDGE A. D. BARTHOLOMEW.

Ossley W. Leeds vs. Caroline LeedsCushman. Will case. "Do not use candles for tree lighting if you can avoid it.

Incandescent lights are less hazardous. "Do not use cotton to represent snow. If you must have snow, use asbestos fiber. "Do not permit children to light or relight the candles while parents are not present. They frequently set fire to their clothing instead.

The tree itself will burn when its needles have become dry. "Do not leave matches within reach of children at holiday time. Candles are meant to be lighted, and if the children can get matches they will experiment with them. They imitate their elders. "A house of merriment is better than a house of mourning." HIS INJURIES PROVE FATAL Injuries received on the Indiana Harbor Belt at Cudahy resulted fatally to Fred A.

Van Dusen, 368 State street, Hammond, last night, when he passed away at 7 o'clock while being taken to St. Margaret's hospital. This after- DOES HE NEED A NEW Pass Case, Bill Fold, Card Case or Purse? A great assortment Summers Pharmacy. FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER. try Model Bakery's bread.

It's appetizing, easily digested, satisfying as to taste and results. To be sure it's all right, why not give us a sample order for a time-enough trial this week? We deliver bread, rolls, cakes, pies, fresh daily on your request. Call for orders, too, if you like. The Hammond Modern Bakery BAKERS CONFECTIONERS, 86 State Street. Phone 268.

HAMMOND, IND. Give Her A La Valliere This latest neck creation that is admired by every woman can be purchased from us at prices within the reach of anyone's pocket book. They are made up in diamonds, pearls and other precious and semi-precious stones. LAEDERACH BROS. Diamond Merchants and Jeweler: ESTABLISHED FIRM OF 28 YEARS.

574 Hohman St. Hammond, Indiana COMING TO THE ORPHEUM Rossow Midgets, at the noon the remains will be shipped to Madison, his former home, where funeral services and interment will occur. Van Dusen was employed on the Indiana Harbor Belt railroad as a switchman, the accident happening at Cudahy last night at 6:30 o'clock while he was switching cars. In some manner Van Dusen fell beneath the wheels of the. moving train, his leg being mangled and suffering internal injurles.

He was rushed to St. Margaret's hospital in Burns' ambulance, but only lived thirty minutes following the accident, dying before medical aid could given him. The remains were taken to Burns' morgue. Van Dusen was 29 years old and is a well-known railroad man. His wife was visiting in Chicago at the time of his death.

Circ*mstances regarding his death and accident could not be learned. DEATH OF W. CAMP OCCURED LAST EVE Well Known and Respected Citizen Passes to His Long Rest. Following a lingering illness, Wil11om Camp, one of Lake county's early settlers, died at the family residence at South Hammond last night at 10 p. m.

Since being taken ill last June Mr. Camp experienced poor health, death being due to old age and a complication of diseases. The funeral will be held from the St. Joseph's church at Hammond Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Mr.

Camp was born in Germany in 1837 and came to America in 1851 at the age of 14. Three years later he resided in Chicago and at that time was a member of th Volunteer Fire department. After the civil war he settled in Lake county and has been a resident ever since. He took up the occupation of a farmer at South Hammond and has one of the finest farms in the county. He became well known and acquired a large circle of friends who will mourn the news of his death.

He was 75 years old and is survived by a wife and eight children, two daughters and six sons. Mrs. Fred Humpfer, Mrs. John Davis, John Casper, Fred, Joseph Phillip and Alfred Camp. He is also survived by thirtyone grandchildren.

KINDERGARTEN IS DISCONTINUED Supt. McDaniel Says City Cannot Afford to Pay One Teacher for Six Pupils. Owing to the small number of kindergarten pupils attending the Central school building, this department will be temporarily discontinued in this building, and the first grade, which is occupying undesirable quarters will be put into the kindergarten room. During the last few weeks not more than a half dozen or possibly seven children attended the kindergarten in the forenoon and about three in the afternoon. Supt.

McDaniel thinks that during the winter months the daily attendance would not average over six pupils, and the board of education does not feel warranted to pay an extra teacher for so small a number. Parents who insist upon sending their children to the kindergarten will have send them to the Washington school. Miss Nella Ton had charge of the Central school kindergarten. After the holiday vacation she will take charge of the Riverside school kindergarten, in the place of Miss Stella Shafer, who resigned yesterday to be married today. HOT SODA FOR COLD DAYS AT SUMMERS PHARMACY has been in years, and if a hall could be found a championship quintet could be turned out.

Hammond was scheduled to start their season Jan. 3 with the Bowen high school of South Chicago. COURT READY TO APPROVE CLOSING After hearing arguments in the case involving the closing of streets in the property of the Illinois Car and Manufacturing company, Judge W. C. McMahan of the Lake Circuit court at Crown Point this afternoon Intimated that he would find in favor of the company.

He will withhold his decision however to give the city of Hammond which is opposing the vacation, time to reach a settlement with petilioners for the closing, with regard to the city's water pipe that is in the streets. The streets involved on he north side, and the petition was are, ought by remonstrators and the city ministration. Should the city and he company got together on the damges to the city the court would be relieved from fixing the amount of the udgment. Dan Says "Guilty." Dan S. Keading, alias James Whalen tho was arrested at the corner of tate and Hohman street yesterday torning where he was found in an itoxicated condition, plead guilty bearce City Judge Barnett this morning a fine of $11.

Harry Barden who was arrested by fficer Kunz on the same charge was ned $11. Each testified that this was second offense, Barden being reased last Wednesday morning. raves in Trouble. An aftermath of the disappearance 17-year-old Fay Anglin came to surface yesterday afternoon with olds arrest of Frank Graves, who is Id a charge of mistreating the 001 ri. On a warrant Graves was arsted by Officer Malo yesterday aftnoon on Sibley street, his case befiled in the superior court this orning by Prosecuting Attorney 11ph Ross.

About two months ago the Anglin Ey mysteriously disappeared from her me In West Hammond. A wide Arch was made for the girl, but failto develop any clews, until about a ek later when she was by icers Bunde and Einsele arrested, State seet. According to her story at that of running away from home. she. had or work beer and had wn Point But Chief Austgen was instrumental in securing a confession from the girl, who told the story of how Graves had mistreated her.

A warrant was sworn out for his arrest and for fear of him skipping town his name and the story were kept a secret. But Graves, who had been working at the Monon, became suspicious and made his getaway. Since that time the police have kept up their search and yesterday were rewarded when Officer Malo made the arrest on Sibley street. Graves refuses to say anything that will draw him deeper into the case. Sues for Divorce.

Helen Kubsz has started an action for a divorce against Joseph Kubsz through her attorney William A. Reiland. It is charged in the complaint that she was beaten, driven from the house, her life was threatened and she was called bad names. There are five childrn of whom she asks the custody. She allages that her husband has an estate worth $6,000 in Austria and she asks that she be given alimony in the sum of $3,000.

The couple were married in Whiting, May 12, 1903 and separated Dec. 18, 1912. Wants Name Changed. Attorney L. L.

Bomberger, representing the Employees Life and Casualty Insurance Company of Hammond, has filed a petition in the Lake Superior court in which he asks that the name of the company be changed to the "Northern States Life Insurance Company." TOBACCO. UNION SCOUT SCRAP Is handled now by all dealers. oz. for 5c. Save your tickets and see our premium list.

A Good Xmas and Eye Glasses spectaGift: eles scientifically fitted. No failures In my twenty years' experience. MAX NASSAU, Jeweler and Optician. 4726 Olcott Ave. East Chicago.

Rosaries You have no idea how artistically beautiful this year's make of rosaries is if you have not seen my large and most carefully selected assortment. CA chaste and quietly beautiful rosary is, as you know, a gift that is always appreciated. JOHN E. McGARRY THE JEWELER. WHERE TO GET MONEY FOR XMAS.

will interest you when your income is not sufficient to buy all your gifts. We will let you have what you want from $5.00 to $100.00 and you can pay us back in weekly or monthly payments, so small, you scarcely miss them. Why be without money when you can get it so easily and pay it back so conveniently? $3.00 Or More Saved, Every Time, If You Borrow From Us. Other loans paid off and more money advanced. Your furniture, piano, horses and vehicles or stock will do as security without being deprived of their use.

Small short time loans to people steadily employed on their own note. Borrow pay back $5.50. We want you to call and guarantee all business strictly private and absolutely confidential. Loans Made Anywhere in the Calumet District. YOU'RE TO BLAME IF YOU FORGET THE NAME.

Lake County Loan Co. 28 Rimbach Blk. Phone 218. Above Lion Store HAMMOND, INDIANA OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL 8 O'CLOCK. Orpneum Saturday and Sunday.

NINETY PATIENTS NOW AT HOSPITAL Number Is Unusually Large For This Season of the Year. In the neighborhood of ninety patients are at St. Margaret's hospital, and by far the greater number of these will have to spend their Christmas in the institution. The number is unusually large for this time of the year, as prospective patients who intend to undergo operations for chronic ailments endeavor to put them off until after the holidays. The number of patients is divided into surgical, medical and accident cases.

The number of surgical cases is the largest, with the accident cases in the second place. The number of medical cases does not exceed twenty. None of the patients in the hospital at the present time is in a serious condition. HOLIDAYS MAKE MARKET DULL Scattering Lot Sales Are All That Are Reported by Realty Dealers. The principal feature of the week in real estate circles is the re-organization of Gostlin, Meyn Co.

and the increase in the capital stock from $100,000 to $300,000. The assets of the company have been built up during years of activity and are said even to exceed the expectations of the members of the company, who have made an inventory of them. Gostlin, Meyn Co. report no important sales this week. They say that only scattering lots were sold.

The holiday activity has had a bad effect on the real estate market. Fred Gastel of Indiana Harbor reports the sale of the property at the corner of One Hundred and Thirtyseventh and Cedar streets, known as the Paulina Madguiski property, but owned by himeslf, for $6,500. Gastel then bought vacant property, 50 feet, opposite the Family theatre, in Indiana Harbor, for $3,000. This is on Michigan avenue, H. S.

NO HALL: NO BASKET BALL Games Cannot Be Played Because of Lack of a Suitable Floor. The Hammond high school may not be represented by a basketball team this year, according to Captain Swanton. This is due to the fact that it has been unable to find a hall in Hammond which in turn will throw them out of the Lake County High School asketball association. For months the basket ball team has been searching for a hall, but has met with no success. The Heintz skating rink is the only possible site, but the enormous rent that has been asked for its use has given the basketball shooters very little While other in the county have been playing for at least a month, the Hammond squad has not had a ball in its hands.

Captain Swanton stated this morning that he has the best material to pick from than htere Did you ever eat your lunch and drink cold coffee and watch your neighbor drink HOT coffee? Buy an Icy-Hot Bottle, 1.00, 1.50 2.50 and Up. at Summers The heirs of Walter G. Lamb, represented by W. J. McAleer and D.

J. Moran, seek $10,000 damages from the Standard Steel Car company on account of an accident which resulted in Lamb's death. It is related in the complaint that the deceased was a craneman, earning from $3 to $5 a day and that he fell and was killed as a result of the breaking of a cleat on the ladder which lead to his loft. Heirs Want $10,000. Filed in Superior Court.

9917-David Feltman (Henry P. Shaaccount. Room Not z. al Suit on 7819-In the matter of the change of name of the Employes Life and Casualty Insurance Co. Petition.

Bomberger, Sawyer Curtis. Room No. 2. 9920-Manhattan Lumber Co. (J.

D. Kennedy) vs. Joe Nowackowski et al. Foreclosure of mechanic's Holiday Stationery at 40 Per Cent Discount. SUMMERS PHARMACY.

lien. Room No. 1. 9919-J. C.

Post et al (Marine Sheerer) vs. Emory A. Stone et al. Foreclosure of mortgage. Room No.

3. 9921-In the matter of the vacation of certain blocks in the original plat of the town of Shelby. Petition. Room No. 1.

9922-Joseph Mysliwy (J. D. Kennedy) VS. Adam Koschilnak. Foreclosure of mechanic's Room No.

2. 9923-In the matetr the petition of Bela Kelner for the adoption of Mary and. Annie Wudowich. Room No. 2.

If you smoke a La Vendor once you will always call for them. -Adv. Fast Color Lunch Sets. Table Cloth, Twelve Napkins, Twelve Doilies and Twelve Plates 50c. At Summers Pharmacy.

FELT JULIETS FOR THE HOUSE. WIFE, fur trimmed, flexible sole leather soles; colors brown, maroon, black and gray, a good $1.25 value 1.00 Ortt Towle-169 State St. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED The Odell Safety Razor Sharpening machine sharpens all kinds of safety razor blades and puts a keen edge on them, better than when new. All doubled edged blades, per dozen 35c All single edged blades, per dozen 25c Bring In Your Blades Today. F.

P. SMITH 179 East State Street Hammond Indiana Free Free With every purchase of $1.00 or over in our wholesale department, we will give you absolutely FREE a bottle of excellent Port Wine, an imported Calendar with a beautiful design and a Whiskey Glass. For the accommodation of our holiday trade we have added the largest stock of Imported and Domestic Wines and Liquors to be found in Lake County. OUR REPUTATION ESTABLISHED. Old.

diant As our reputation is established for carrying the best goods at lowest prices, we do not believe it necessary to quote any, as the public realizes this is the place for a square deal. SPECIAL BOTTLED BEER DELIVERED FREE TO 4. ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Corps No extra charge for jugs or bottles. PHONE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.


State St. Hammond, Ind..

The Times from Munster, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.